1,651 research outputs found

    Interference and k-point sampling in the supercell approach to phase-coherent transport

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    We present a systematic study of interference and k-point sampling effects in the supercell approach to phase-coherent electron transport. We use a representative tight-binding model to show that interference between the repeated images is a small effect compared to the error introduced by using only the Gamma-point for a supercell containing (3,3) sites in the transverse plane. An insufficient k-point sampling can introduce strong but unphysical features in the transmission function which can be traced to the presence of van Hove singularities in the lead. We present a first-principles calculation of the transmission through a Pt contact which shows that the k-point sampling is also important for realistic systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for Phys. Rev. B (Brief Report

    Four-atom period in the conductance of monatomic Al wires

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    We present first principles calculations based on density functional theory for the conductance of monatomic Al wires between Al(111) electrodes. In contrast to the even-odd oscillations observed in other metallic wires, the conductance of the Al wires is found to oscillate with a period of 4 atoms as the length of the wire is varied. Although local charge neutrality can account for the observed period it leads to an incorrect phase. We explain the conductance behavior using a resonant transport model based on the electronic structure of the infinite wire.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Towards quantitative accuracy in first-principles transport calculations: The GW method applied to alkane/gold junctions

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    The calculation of electronic conductance of nano-scale junctions from first principles is a long standing problem in molecular electronics. Here we demonstrate excellent agreement with experiments for the transport properties of the gold/alkanediamine benchmark system when electron-electron interactions are described using the many-body GW approximation. The main difference from standard density functional theory (DFT) calculations is a significant reduction of the contact conductance, G_c, due an improved alignment of the molecular energy levels with the metal Fermi energy. The molecular orbitals involved in the tunneling process comprise states delocalized over the carbon backbone and states localized on the amine end groups. We find that dynamical screening effects renormalize the two types of states in qualitatively different ways when the molecule is inserted in the junction. Consequently, the GW transport results cannot be mimicked by DFT calculations employing a simple scissors operator.Comment: 7 page

    Forces and conductances in a single-molecule bipyridine junction

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    Inspired by recent measurements of forces and conductances of bipyridine nano-junctions, we have performed density functional theory calculations of structure and electron transport in a bipyridine molecule attached between gold electrodes for seven different contact geometries. The calculations show that both the bonding force and the conductance are sensitive to the surface structure, and that both properties are in good agreement with experiment for contact geometries characterized by intermediate coordination of the metal atoms corresponding to a stepped surface. The conductance is mediated by the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, which can be illustrated by a quantitative comparison with a one-level model. Implications for the interpretation of the experimentally determined force and conductance distributions are discussed

    Fully selfconsistent GW calculations for molecules

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    We calculate single-particle excitation energies for a series of 33 molecules using fully selfconsistent GW, one-shot G0_0W0_0, Hartree-Fock (HF), and hybrid density functional theory (DFT). All calculations are performed within the projector augmented wave (PAW) method using a basis set of Wannier functions augmented by numerical atomic orbitals. The GW self-energy is calculated on the real frequency axis including its full frequency dependence and off-diagonal matrix elements. The mean absolute error of the ionization potential (IP) with respect to experiment is found to be 4.4, 2.6, 0.8, 0.4, and 0.5 eV for DFT-PBE, DFT-PBE0, HF, G0_0W0_0[HF], and selfconsistent GW, respectively. This shows that although electronic screening is weak in molecular systems its inclusion at the GW level reduces the error in the IP by up to 50% relative to unscreened HF. In general GW overscreens the HF energies leading to underestimation of the IPs. The best IPs are obtained from one-shot G0_0W0_0 calculations based on HF since this reduces the overscreening. Finally, we find that the inclusion of core-valence exchange is important and can affect the excitation energies by as much as 1 eV.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Influence of O2 and N2 on the conductivity of carbon nanotube networks

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    We have performed experiments on single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) networks and compared with density-functional theory (DFT) calculations to identify the microscopic origin of the observed sensitivity of the network conductivity to physisorbed O2 and N2. Previous DFT calculations of the transmission function for isolated pristine SWNTs have found physisorbed molecules have little influence on their conductivity. However, by calculating the four-terminal transmission function of crossed SWNT junctions, we show that physisorbed O2 and N2 do affect the junction's conductance. This may be understood as an increase in tunneling probability due to hopping via molecular orbitals. We find the effect is substantially larger for O2 than for N2, and for semiconducting rather than metallic SWNTs junctions, in agreement with experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Impact of Exchange-Correlation Effects on the IV Characteristics of a Molecular Junction

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    The role of exchange-correlation effects in non-equilibrium quantum transport through molecular junctions is assessed by analyzing the IV curve of a generic two-level model using self-consistent many-body perturbation theory (second Born and GW approximations) on the Keldysh contour. For weak molecule-lead coupling we identify a mechanism which can lead to anomalously strong peaks in the dI/dV due to a bias-induced interplay between the position of the HOMO and LUMO levels. The effect is suppressed by self-interaction errors and is therefore unlikely to be observed in standard transport calculations based on density functional theory. Inclusion of dynamic correlations lead to substantial renormalization of the energy levels. In particular, we find a strong enhancement of quasi-particle (QP) scattering at finite bias which reduces the QP lifetimes significantly with a large impact on the IV curve.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett. (accepted

    Image-charge induced localization of molecular orbitals at metal-molecule interfaces: Self-consistent GW calculations

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    Quasiparticle (QP) wave functions, also known as Dyson orbitals, extend the concept of single-particle states to interacting electron systems. Here we employ many-body perturbation theory in the GW approximation to calculate the QP wave functions for a semi-empirical model describing a π\pi-conjugated molecular wire in contact with a metal surface. We find that image charge effects pull the frontier molecular orbitals toward the metal surface while orbitals with higher or lower energy are pushed away. This affects both the size of the energetic image charge shifts and the coupling of the individual orbitals to the metal substrate. Full diagonalization of the QP equation and, to some extent, self-consistency in the GW self-energy, is important to describe the effect which is not captured by standard density functional theory or Hartree-Fock. These results should be important for the understanding and theoretical modeling of electron transport across metal-molecule interfaces.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Multiterminal single-molecule--graphene-nanoribbon thermoelectric devices with gate-voltage tunable figure of merit ZT

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    We study thermoelectric devices where a single 18-annulene molecule is connected to metallic zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNR) via highly transparent contacts that allow for injection of evanescent wave functions from ZGNRs into the molecular ring. Their overlap generates a peak in the electronic transmission, while ZGNRs additionally suppress hole-like contributions to the thermopower. Thus optimized thermopower, together with suppression of phonon transport through ZGNR-molecule-ZGNR structure, yield the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT ~ 0.5 at room temperature and 0.5 < ZT < 2.5 below liquid nitrogen temperature. Using the nonequilibrium Green function formalism combined with density functional theory, recently extended to multiterminal devices, we show how the transmission resonance can also be manipulated by the voltage applied to a third ZGNR electrode, acting as the top gate covering molecular ring, to tune the value of ZT.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, PDFLaTe

    Magnetoresistance and negative differential resistance in Ni/Graphene/Ni vertical heterostructures driven by finite bias voltage: A first-principles study

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    Using the nonequilibrium Green function formalism combined with density functional theory, we study finite-bias quantum transport in Ni/Gr_n/Ni vertical heterostructures where nn graphene layers are sandwiched between two semi-infinite Ni(111) electrodes. We find that recently predicted "pessimistic" magnetoresistance of 100% for n≥5n \ge 5 junctions at zero bias voltage Vb→0V_b \rightarrow 0, persists up to Vb≃0.4V_b \simeq 0.4 V, which makes such devices promising for spin-torque-based device applications. In addition, for parallel orientations of the Ni magnetizations, the n=5n=5 junction exhibits a pronounced negative differential resistance as the bias voltage is increased from Vb=0V_b=0 V to Vb≃0.5V_b \simeq 0.5 V. We confirm that both of these nonequilibrium effects hold for different types of bonding of Gr on the Ni(111) surface while maintaining Bernal stacking between individual Gr layers.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, PDFLaTeX; Figure labels correcte
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