17 research outputs found

    Compositional and microhardness findings in tooth affected by X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets

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    This study aimed to evaluate the X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLHR)-related compositional and microhardness tooth aspects. One affected and one non-affected teeth by XLHR were sectioned transversely, and each section was separated for Micro-Raman spectroscopy, Knoop microhardness and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis (SEM-EDS). The outcomes of these analyses were assessed. Outcomes of Raman analysis of inorganic/organic components (~958/~1250+~1450 cm?1) and carbonate/phosphate (~1070/~958 cm?1) ratios showed areas of altered enamel and dentin (interglobular dentin, calcospherites, and mantle dentin) with an increase of inorganic content in the rickets tooth. Microhardness reduction was observed in the affected tooth, with a more evident drop in regions of mantle dentin, interglobular dentin, and calcospherites. SEM-EDS analysis showed demonstrated the absence of calcium and phosphorus in interglobular spaces. In conclusion, compositional and structural deficiencies were observed in deciduous tooth affected by XLHR. Also, it was observed the absence of hydroxyapatite in the interglobular dentin by using Raman spectroscopy analysis

    Mandibular incisive canal-related prevalence, morphometric parameters, and implant placement implications : a multicenter study of 847 CBCT scans

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    This study evaluated the epidemiological and morphological features of the mandibular incisive canal (MIC) using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in a significant sample of subjects in Brazil. This retrospective, multicenter study assessed 847 CBCT scans performed at four oral imaging centers. The sample comprised CBCT images acquired from dentate individuals who presented at least from tooth 35 to tooth 45 in the anterior mandible region. Data regarding patient sex and age, and MIC linear measurements (length and diameter in mm), anatomical distances (to the alveolar, buccal and lingual cortexes, inferior border of the mandible, and adjacent teeth apexes), and location were obtained. The MIC was more prevalent in women (76.3% [p<0.001]) between the fourth and sixth decades of life (p<0.001). It was present bilaterally (p<0.001) and exhibited a mean length of 7.7 mm (standard deviation [SD]=3.7 mm). Spearman correlation and logistic regression analysis revealed collinearity between age and linear measurements (p<0.05). The mean distances varied from the initial to the final portion of the MIC, respectively, in relation to the buccal cortex (mean=2.6 mm, SD=1.27; mean=3.96 mm; SD=1.43), to lingual cortex (mean=5.13 mm; SD=1.7; mean=4.61 mm, SD = 1.65), and to the inferior mandibular border (mean = 9.32 mm, SD=1.92; mean=8.76 mm, SD=2.07 mm). The difference in the proximity of the MIC to the apex of the inferior lateral incisor was statistically significant (p<0.05). Results of this study revealed a high prevalence of MIC with a bilateral pattern in women who were between the fourth and sixth decades of life. Both the distance between the MIC and the lingual cortex of the mandibular alveolar bone, and the diameter of the MIC, decreased as its trajectory assumed a more anterior position

    Oral health aspects in sporadic and familial primary hyperparathyroidism

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    Primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) is the third most common endocrinopathy, affecting 1-3% of postmenopausal women, with a total incidence of 21.6 cases per 100,000 people in the adult population. This study aimed to analyze the oral health and related a

    Preemptive analgesia-related gene and protein expression in third molar surgeries under non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug protocols : A PROSPERO-registered systematic review of clinical studies

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    This study aimed to review translational studies focusing on third molar removal surgeries through a systematic analytical approach. A PROSPERO-registered systematic review (CRD42017060455) was conducted following the PRISMA statement to summarize current knowledge on gene expression in third molar surgeries. A search was performed in PubMed?s Medline and Scopus databases, without date or language restrictions, using the logical expression {[(Third molar) OR (preemptive) OR (cyclooxygenase inhibitors) OR (acute inflammation) AND (gene expression)]}. All studies included in the analysis evaluated gene expression in a third molar extraction model, using the preemptive analgesia methodology in seven investigations. The sample analyzed was obtained from gingival tissue biopsy (n=4), blood (n=1), transudate (n=1) and gingival tissue biopsy/transudate (n=1). There were differences with respect to evaluated genes, drug protocol, sample studied, and method for evaluating gene expression. Third molar surgeries were found to be associated with different COX-related gene expression patterns. Although inflammatory events following the surgical procedure are associated with COX isoforms, data from preemptive analgesia studies are scarce, especially from studies correlating gene expression and clinical parameters. In the future, from a clinical perspective, identifying the molecular targets of a drug based on individual gene expression may be helpful to delineate specific third molar, surgery-related, preemptive analgesia protocols

    RT-qPCR study of COX-1 and -2 genes in oral surgical model comparing single-dose preemptive ibuprofen and etoricoxib : a randomized clinical trialy

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    Background: This study aimed to evaluate the gene expression of cyclooxygenases (COXs) in an oral model of preemptive analgesia. Material and Methods: Gingival tissue was collected during extraction of lower third molars from a randomized, triple-blind, split-mouth and placebo-controlled study. The eligible patients were randomly sorted to receive a single dose either of ibuprofen 400mg, or etoricoxib 120 mg or a placebo, one hour prior to surgery. The temporal course of RNAm was evaluated for COX-1 and -2 by means of a quantitative polymerase chain reaction in real time (RT-qPCR) at time zero and 30 minutes after the surgical procedure began, and it was correlated with clinical parameters (pain and maximum mouth opening). Results: There was a significant increase in COX-1 expression between T0 and T30 in ibuprofen (p=0.004) and eto-ricoxib (p=0.010) groups. As regards COX-2, there were increases from T0 to T30 in all groups (placebo, p=0.012; ibuprofen, p<0.001; etoricoxib, p<0.001). All groups showed a significant decrease in COX-2:COX-1 ratio from T0 to T30 (placebo, p=0.013; ibuprofen, p<0.001; etoricoxib, p=0.047). Experimental groups showed a significant correlation between COX-1 and COX-2 levels and clinical pain parameters. Conclusions: The present preemptive analgesia study concludes that COX-2 RNAm induction was directly linked to third molar-related tissue inflammation and that the relation between COX-1 and COX-2 levels were inversely proportional to the preemptively administered nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs COX-2 selectivity

    Salivary immunoglobulin levels and periodontal indices in Brazilian children with and without type 1 diabetes

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    Abstract This cross-sectional study evaluated the association between salivary immunoglobulins, plaque index, and gingival index in Brazilian children with and without type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1). The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist for the reporting of observational studies was followed. The DM1 group had 38 children, and an equal number of volunteers matched by sex and age were recruited as controls. Clinical examination was performed for plaque index and gingival index determination. Non-stimulated whole saliva was collected. Concentrations of IgA, IgG, and IgM were determined by ELISA test. Data were tested by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney, and Spearman tests and a multiple linear regression model (p<0.05) was performed. Gingival index was higher in the Control (DM1: 0.16±0.17; Control: 0.24±0.23, p=0.040). In DM1, there was a correlation between IgA and age (rho=0.371, p=0.024), IgM and IgG (rho=0.459, p=0.007), and IgM and gingival index (rho=0.394, p=0.014). In DM1, multiple linear regression showed that age (p=0.041; β=0.363), gingival index (p=0.041; β=0.398), and plaque index (p=0.008; β=-0.506) were good predictors of IgA levels in saliva. Thus, IgA was the only researched immunoglobulin that was directly associated with plaque and gingival indices in Brazilian children with DM1, but not in control subjects