12 research outputs found

    Purification and Characterization of Human DNA Ligase IIIα Complexes After Expression in Insect Cells

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    With improvements in biophysical approaches, there is growing interest in characterizing large, flexible multi-protein complexes. The use of recombinant baculoviruses to express heterologous genes in cultured insect cells has advantages for the expression of human protein complexes because of the ease of co-expressing multiple proteins in insect cells and the presence of a conserved post-translational machinery that introduces many of the same modifications found in human cells. Here we describe the preparation of recombinant baculoviruses expressing DNA ligase IIIα, XRCC1, and TDP1, their subsequent co-expression in cultured insect cells, the purification of complexes containing DNA ligase IIIα from insect cell lysates, and their characterization by multi-angle light scattering linked to size exclusion chromatography and negative stain electron microscopy

    Conformational plasticity of the ClpAP AAA+ protease couples protein unfolding and proteolysis

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    The ClpAP complex is a conserved bacterial protease that unfolds and degrades proteins targeted for destruction. The ClpA double-ring hexamer powers substrate unfolding and translocation into the ClpP proteolytic chamber. Here, we determined high-resolution structures of wild-type Escherichia coli ClpAP undergoing active substrate unfolding and proteolysis. A spiral of pore loop-substrate contacts spans both ClpA AAA+ domains. Protomers at the spiral seam undergo nucleotide-specific rearrangements, supporting substrate translocation. IGL loops extend flexibly to bind the planar, heptameric ClpP surface with the empty, symmetry-mismatched IGL pocket maintained at the seam. Three different structures identify a binding-pocket switch by the IGL loop of the lowest positioned protomer, involving release and re-engagement with the clockwise pocket. This switch is coupled to a ClpA rotation and a network of conformational changes across the seam, suggesting that ClpA can rotate around the ClpP apical surface during processive steps of translocation and proteolysis