134 research outputs found

    Investigating the elements influencing the psychological issues of reform school students

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    Reformatory students are those whose deviant behaviors and habits prevent them from receiving education under normal educational conditions. These students frequently lead a careless, undisciplined lifestyle, being unwilling to work and learn eager to play and demanding. Therefore, when they are admitted to reformatories with severe study and lifestyle requirements, they have great psychological difficulty adjusting to their new environment. Students’ psychological issues in adapting to reformatory learning and living regimes are difficult and psychological deficits make it challenging for students to adapt to reformatory learning and living conditions. In Vietnam, 665 students from reformatory schools were polled to determine the causes of psychological issues. According to the findings, a variety of elements contribute to students’ psychological difficulties. Individual student conditions such as health, awareness, attitudes and actions as well as inappropriate habits, living without goals or aspirations, etc. are on the subjective side of the equation. On the objective side are the students’ conditions, family, education and psychological obstacles brought on by less-than-ideal circumstances which will make it more difficult for community students to adapt. Both the new school and society must pay more attention to reformatory students in order to establish the conditions necessary for successful integration into the new school and ultimate readmission into society for these students


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    Studying herbicide resistance in Vietnam is limited, and there are very few reports on the regrowth of weed after applying herbicides. A survey to investigate the cultivating habit and the barnyard grass regrowing in the direct-seeded rice fields after applying herbicides in Thua Thien Hue shows that the main labourers of rice cultivation are male with a low educational level to understand scientific and technical knowledge. The most common grass regrowing in direct-seeded rice fields after applying herbicides includes Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli), Grass-like fimbry (Fimbristylis miliacea), Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), and Sprangletop (Leptochloa chinensis). The yield decreases from 12.1 to 14.0% because of regrowing of barnyard grass. The herbicides commonly used in Thua Thien Hue are Sofic 300EC (Pretilachlor) and Sunrice 15WDG (Ethoxysulfuron), but their effectiveness has decreased in recent time owing to farmers’ inappropriate spraying skills and the decrease in the effectiveness of herbicides. A more thorough assessment of the factors that cause grass regrowing after spraying herbicides is required for better weed management.Nghiên cứu sự kháng thuốc trừ cỏ ở Việt Nam còn hạn chế và có rất ít báo cáo về sự phát sinh của cỏ dại sau khi sử dụng thuốc trừ cỏ. Kết quả điều tra về tập quán canh tác và tình hình cỏ lồng vực phát sinh trở lại trên ruộng lúa sau khi sử dụng thuốc trừ cỏ ở Thừa Thiên Huế cho thấy lực lượng lao động chính canh tác lúa là nam giới, trình độ dân trí không cao nên khả năng tiếp thu kiến thức khoa học – kỹ thuật hạn chế. Các loại cỏ gây hại phổ biến trên ruộng lúa gieo sạ là cỏ lồng vực (Echinochloa crus-galli), cỏ chác (Fimbristylis miliacea), cỏ chỉ (Cynodon dactylon), cỏ đuôi phụng (Leptochloa chinensis) là các loại cỏ xuất hiện trở lại sau khi đã sử dụng thuốc trừ cỏ. Cỏ lồng vực mọc trở lại có thể gây giảm năng suất cây lúa 12,1–14,0%. Các loại thuốc trừ cỏ được sử dụng phổ biến là Sofic 300EC (Pretilachlor) và Sunrice 15WDG (Ethoxysulfuron). Hiệu quả thuốc trừ cỏ lúa có xu hướng giảm trong thời gian gần đây do kỹ thuật sử dụng và sự giảm hiệu quả của các sản phẩm thuốc trừ cỏ. Chúng tôi kiến nghị cần đánh giá đầy đủ hơn về các yếu tố gây nên tình trạng cỏ dại mọc trở lại sau khi phun thuốc để có định hướng quản lý cỏ dại tốt hơn


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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degenerative condition of the brain of uncertain cause that mainly affects older people. Shaking is a distinctive feature of the disease, but slowness, poverty of movement and stiffness interfere with everyday life. A large number of known pathogenic mutations of genes related to PD have been identified. The DJ-1 gene, one of PARK genes, is considered as the primary cause of PD in different populations. The analysis of mutation frequency of the DJ-1 gene in Vietnamese PD patients is necessary to clarify the pathogenic associations of PD with the DJ-1 gene and to understand the pathogenesis and genetic mechanisms of PD. In this study, genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood of 30 PD patients (mean age 64.11 ± 7.31 years) and 20 controls and directed Sanger sequencing of one fragment of DJ-1 gene, containing the introns 4 and 5 as well as exon 5. The obtained results showed that there were 13 heterozygous or homozygous point mutations in introns 4 and 5. The late-onset sporadic PD (LOPD) patient carried a single homozygous mutation in intron 5 (IVS5+31GA), and others had a heterozygous mutation, all of unknown significance.  Moreover, both the Ala86Glu and Gly95Leu mutations in exon 5 were present in one LOPD patient suggesting possible change of functional protein. Analysis of these mutations were shown the nonsynonymous and uncertain significant mutation, therefore they may not be related to pathogenic mutations of PD. Further research is needed to study the contribution of the novel found mutation in other PARK genes to the pathogenesis of Vietnamese PD patients

    Factors Influence on Promotion Mix in E-marketing: Case of Technology Services Enterprise in Vietnam

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    Purpose: The objective of this study is to clarify factors affecting the promotion mix in E-Marketing, with specific target audience being enterprises operating in the technology service industry in Vietnam.   Theoretical framework: Based on the promotion theory and social exchange theory, this study focuses on the factors that influence on the promotion decision in firms.   Design/Methodology/Approach: This study applies both qualitative and quantitative methods with data collected from a questionnaire survey.   Findings: There are 4 factors respectively Sales Promotion, Advertising, Public Relations and Personal Selling that affect the mixed promotion activities in E-Marketing of technology service enterprises in Vietnam.   Research, practical & social implications: This study propose solutions to improve the promotion activities in the e – marketing of firms in Vietnam.   Originality/Value: This study is one of the early studies that have focused in this field in Vietnam.Propósito: El objetivo de este estudio es aclarar los factores que afectan la combinación de promoción en E-Marketing, con un público objetivo específico que son las empresas que operan en la industria de servicios de tecnología en Vietnam. Marco teórico: Basado en la teoría de la promoción y la teoría del intercambio social, este estudio se centra en los factores que influyen en la decisión de promoción en las empresas. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: este estudio aplica métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos con datos recopilados de una encuesta de cuestionario. Hallazgos: Existen 4 factores, respectivamente, Promoción de Ventas, Publicidad, Relaciones Públicas y Ventas Personales que afectan las actividades mixtas de promoción en E-Marketing de las empresas de servicios de tecnología en Vietnam. Implicaciones de investigación, prácticas y sociales: este estudio propone soluciones para mejorar las actividades de promoción en el marketing electrónico de las empresas en Vietnam. Originalidad/valor: Este estudio es uno de los primeros que se han centrado en este campo en Vietnam.Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é esclarecer os fatores que afetam o mix de promoção no E-Marketing, tendo como público-alvo específico as empresas que operam no setor de serviços de tecnologia no Vietnã.. Referencial teórico: Com base na teoria da promoção e na teoria das trocas sociais, este estudo se concentra nos fatores que influenciam a decisão de promoção nas empresas.. Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: Este estudo aplica métodos qualitativos e quantitativos com dados coletados de uma pesquisa por questionário. Resultados: Existem 4 fatores, respectivamente, Promoção de Vendas, Publicidade, Relações Públicas e Vendas Pessoais que afetam as atividades de promoção mista em E-Marketing de empresas de serviços de tecnologia no Vietnã. Pesquisa, implicações práticas e sociais: Este estudo propõe soluções para melhorar as atividades de promoção no e – marketing de empresas no Vietnã. Originalidade/valor: Este estudo é um dos primeiros estudos que se concentraram neste campo no Vietnã. Palavras-chave:  Mix de promoção; E-Marketing; Serviços de tecnologia; Vietn


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    Protocorms of 4-week-old Dendrobium anosmum Lindl. were used as initial material for in vitro propagation. The stock extract of Arthrospira sp. was prepared by grinding 1 g of fresh biomass in 100 mL of distilled water. The in vitro propagation results show that the cyanobacterial extract has the effect of enhancing shoot multiplication and rooting of Dendrobium anosmum. An MS basal medium supplemented with 6 g·L–1 agar, 30 g·L–1 saccharose, and 1.5 mg·L–1 BAP in combination with 20 mL·L–1 cyanobacteria extract was suitable for protocorm multiplication with a protocorm cluster diameters of 2.43 cm. An MS medium supplemented with 6 g·L–1 agar, 30 g·L–1 sucrose, and 1.0 mg·L–1 BAP combined with 20 mL·L–1 cyanobacterial extract was optimal for shoot multiplication. The number of shoots/explant reached 4.7 and a shoot height of 1.37 cm. An MS medium supplemented with 6 g·L–1 agar, 30 g·L–1 sucrose, and 1.5 mg·L–1 NAA in combination with 30 mL·L–1 cyanobacteria extract was the most suitable for rooting with 4.87 roots/bud; the root length was 0.74 cm, and the shoot height was 2.76 cm. These results would open up the application of cyanobacterial extract to reduce costs in plant tissue culture technology.Protocorm của cây lan Hoàng thảo Giả hạc (Dendrobium anosmum Lindl.) bốn tuần tuổi được sử dụng để làm vật liệu khởi đầu cho nhân giống in vitro. Dịch chiết gốc vi khuẩn lam Arthrospira sp. được tạo thành bằng cách nghiền 1 g sinh khối tươi trong 100 mL nước cất. Kết quả cho thấy dịch chiết vi khuẩn lam có tác dụng tăng cường sự nhân chồi và ra rễ của cây lan Hoàng thảo Giả hạc nuôi cấy in vitro. Môi trường MS cơ bản bổ sung 6 g·L–1 agar, 30 g·L–1 saccharose và 1,5 mg·L–1 BAP kết hợp với 20 mL·L–1 dịch chiết vi khuẩn lam thích hợp cho sự nhân protocorm và môi trường tối ưu cho nhân chồi. Đường kính cụm protocorm thu được là 2,43 cm. Môi trường MS cơ bản bổ sung 6 g·L–1 agar, 30 g·L–1 saccharose và 1,0 mg·L–1 BAP kết hợp với 20 mL·L–1 dịch chiết vi khuẩn lam là môi trường tối ưu cho nhân chồi, số chồi/mẫu đạt 4,7; chồi cao 1,37 cm. Môi trường MS cơ bản bổ sung 6 g·L–1 agar, 30 g·L–1 saccharose và 1,5 mg·L–1 NAA kết hợp với 30 mL·L–1 dịch chiết vi khuẩn lam thích hợp nhất cho tạo rễ từ chồi in vitro với 4,87 rễ/chồi; chiều dài rễ là 0,74 cm và chiều cao chồi là 2,76 cm. Kết quả này sẽ mở ra triển vọng ứng dụng dịch chiết vi khuẩn lam giúp giảm chi phí trong công nghệ nuôi cấy mô tế bào thực vật

    Development of Spray Pyrolysis System for Deposition of Nano-structure Materials

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    In this paper, we report the development of the spray pyrolysis technique for preparing different nano-structure materials toward the application in thin film solar cells. The spray pyrolysis system can heat up the substrate to 6000C with less than 0.01% full scale. The ramping rate can be set to 100C per minute. The effective coating area can be up to 100 x 100 mm2. Using this technique, the thickness and roughness of the films can be controlled. The obtained morphology, the microstructure of the thin-films, given by scanning electron microscope, X ray diffraction…showed that the system is suitable for deposition of different layers of the dye sensitized solar cell


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    In this work, we report the synthesis of the hierarchical structure of a CdS/ZnO/Pt/WO3 electrode for photoeletrochemical water splitting application. The photoanode was synthesized via the hydrothermal and atomic layer deposition methods. The morphological and structural properties of CdS/ZnO/Pt/WO3 nanoplates were carefully investigated by using SEM, TEM, and XRD techniques. The CdS/ZnO/Pt/WO3-based photoelectrode has a photocurrent density of 8,5 mA·cm-2 and a photoconversion efficiency of 7.9% at a supplied potential of –0,85 V in a 0.5 M Na2S solution. This photocurrent density is twice higher than that of the CdS/ZnO/FTO electrode. Due to built-in potential and efficiently collecting the photo-carriers generated from the ZnO/CdS heterojunction under illumination, the CdS/ZnO/Pt/WO3 electrode exhibits enhanced performance of the photoelectrochemical cell. This is a promising approach to the synthesis of heterojunction layers of semiconductor together with nanostructures for fabricating photoelectrodes of the photoelectrochemical cell to enhance hydrogen production efficiency.Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi nghiên cứu chế tạo điện cực có cấu trúc 3D phân lớp dị thể (cây – cành – nhánh) CdS/ZnO/Pt/WO3 ứng dụng cho tách nước quang điện hóa. Điện cực được tổng hợp bằng phương pháp thủy nhiệt và lắng đọng lớp nguyên tử. Hình thái học, cấu trúc tinh thể, và thành phần nguyên tố của điện cực này được nghiên cứu bằng kính hiển vi điện tử quét (FE–SEM), kính hiển vị điện tử truyền qua (HR–TEM) và nhiễu xạ tia X (XRD). Nghiên cứu tính chất quang điện hóa của cấu trúc CdS/ZnO/Pt/WO3, chúng tôi thu được mật độ dòng quang điện là 8,5 mA·cm-2 và hiệu suất chuyển đổi năng lượng ánh sáng mặt trời thành năng lượng hydro 7,9 %% tại thế cung cấp –0,85 V trong dung dịch chất điện ly Na2S với nồng độ 0,5 mol/L. Cấu trúc 3D phân lớp này có mật độ dòng quang điện của điện cực cao hơn gấp hai lần so với các cấu trúc CdS/ZnO trên điện cực thủy tinh phủ oxit thiếc pha tạp bằng flo. Đây là một hướng tiếp cận rất hứa hẹn tổng hợp các cấu trúc nano phân lớp dị thể nhằm nâng cao hiệu quả sản xuất hydro

    Short Tandem Repeats Used in Preimplantation Genetic Testing of Î’-Thalassemia: Genetic Polymorphisms For 15 Linked Loci in the Vietnamese Population

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    BACKGROUND: β-thalassemia is one of the most common monogenic diseases worldwide. Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) of β-thalassemia is performed to avoid affected pregnancies has become increasingly popular worldwide. In which, the indirect analysis using short tandem repeat (STRs) linking with HBB gene to detect different β-globin (HBB) gene mutation is a simple, accurate, economical and also provides additional control of contamination and allele-drop-out ADO. AIM: This study established microsatellite markers for PGT of Vietnamese β-thalassemia patient. METHODS: Fifteen (15) STRs gathered from 5 populations were identified by in silico tools within 1 Mb flanking the HBB gene. The multiplex PCR reaction was optimized and performed on 106 DNA samples from at-risk families. RESULTS: After estimating, PIC values were ≥ 0.7 for all markers, with expected heterozygosity and observed heterozygosity values ranged from 0.81 to 0.92 and 0.53 to 0.86, respectively. One hundred percent of individuals had at least seven heterozygous markers and were found to be heterozygous for at least two markers on either side of the HBB gene. The STRs panel was successfully performed on one at-risk family. CONCLUSION: In general, a pentadecaplex marker (all < 1 Mb from the HBB gene) assay was constituted for β-thalassemia PGT on Vietnamese population

    Optimising diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis infection in community and primary care settings in two urban provinces of Viet Nam: a cohort study

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    Objectives: To end tuberculosis (TB), the vast reservoir of 1.7–2.3 billion TB infections (TBIs) must be addressed, but achieving global TB preventive therapy (TPT) targets seems unlikely. This study assessed the feasibility of using interferon-γ release assays (IGRAs) at lower healthcare levels and the comparative performance of 3-month and 9-month daily TPT regimens (3HR/9H). Design, setting, participants and intervention: This cohort study was implemented in two provinces of Viet Nam from May 2019 to September 2020. Participants included household contacts (HHCs), vulnerable community members and healthcare workers (HCWs) recruited at community-based TB screening events or HHC investigations at primary care centres, who were followed up throughout TPT. Primary and secondary outcomes: We constructed TBI care cascades describing indeterminate and positivity rates to assess feasibility, and initiation and completion rates to assess performance. We fitted mixed-effects logistic and stratified Cox models to identify factors associated with IGRA positivity and loss to follow-up (LTFU). Results: Among 5837 participants, the indeterminate rate was 0.8%, and 30.7% were IGRA positive. TPT initiation and completion rates were 63.3% (3HR=61.2% vs 9H=63.6%; p=0.147) and 80.6% (3HR=85.7% vs 9H=80.0%; p=0.522), respectively. Being male (adjusted OR=1.51; 95% CI: 1.28 to 1.78; p<0.001), aged 45–59 years (1.30; 1.05 to 1.60; p=0.018) and exhibiting TB-related abnormalities on X-ray (2.23; 1.38 to 3.61; p=0.001) were associated with positive IGRA results. Risk of IGRA positivity was lower in periurban districts (0.55; 0.36 to 0.85; p=0.007), aged <15 years (0.18; 0.13 to 0.26; p<0.001), aged 15–29 years (0.56; 0.42 to 0.75; p<0.001) and HCWs (0.34; 0.24 to 0.48; p<0.001). The 3HR regimen (adjusted HR=3.83; 1.49 to 9.84; p=0.005) and HCWs (1.38; 1.25 to 1.53; p<0.001) showed higher hazards of LTFU. Conclusion: Providing IGRAs at lower healthcare levels is feasible and along with shorter regimens may expand access and uptake towards meeting TPT targets, but scale-up may require complementary advocacy and education for beneficiaries and providers