3 research outputs found

    Students Cognizance in Deploying Module Information Booklet (MIB)

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    It is a norm in the learning process for the students to have a different understanding on how the learning outcomes will apply to them upon completion of the module. Therefore, it is crucial for lecturers and students to have a clear direction on the objectives and learning outcomes of a particular module (Norton, 2009). The fiasco to understand the relationship between the knowledge acquired by the students and to emulate with the programme of study may result in failure to inculcate the desired graduate attributes. Angelides (et al, 2005), Campbell & Norton, (2007) and Norton, (2009) have studied to measure the usefulness of MIB. The purpose of this study is to analyse and understand the students’ cognizance in deploying the MIB as a learning tool. The study was conducted in Taylor\u27s University whereby the students are required to utilize the MIB to understand their latitude of learning. The study has exhibited positive impact towards the students’ learning process and time management. Although the students encountered some challenges in understanding the learning outcomes, however, the MIB, has expedited them in coping with the peregrination to complete the syllabus

    Rights received by the victims of tortious deviant behaviour

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the rights received by the victims of tortious deviant behavior in the workplace. It aims to explore the existing rights received by the victims of the tortious deviant behavior under the statutory measures. In this paper, we review the existing protection under the statute in three different jurisdictions surrounding the phenomenon of tortious deviant behavior at the workplace, paying particular attention to factors causes of such conduct. We will also provide an overview of the perplexing nature of such conduct and how countries like Australia and India extend protection under the law for affected victims. In Malaysia, there is no specific law which governs the provisions for conduct of tortious deviant behaviour in the workplace. This is a conceptual research paper which will address the statutory measures that have been employed in several private and public organisations. This study aims to analyse and determine whether the victims have received adequate protection and rights due to such conduct. Finally, due to inadequacy of empirical evidence and focus on assessment and treatment for victims are recognized in this paper, and several suggestions are made for future research and treatment avenues relating to the tortfeasors

    Does economic development and democracy translate to happiness? a global perspective

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    This paper explores the relatively intriguing area of research on the “economics of happiness”. The present study was designed to determine the effects of economic development and democratic freedom on happiness. A cross-sectional econometric analysis is employed to examine the impact of the economic variables of income and democracy on happiness across thirty eight countries in 2011. Democracy and economic development were found to contribute positively to happiness. The findings also indicate a bi-directional relationship between happiness and its dual determinants of income and democratic freedom. It was found that countries reporting higher levels of well-being tend to enjoy higher incomes and seem to choose democracy over other political overtures. Institutions of democracy were found to enhance economic development and this relationship is bi-directional. The study concludes with an examination of policy implications of the findings