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    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Assembling metagenomes, one community at a time

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    Attributes of de novo assemblers used in this study. Included in this table are the versions of each assembler used in this study, along with the release date of each version. We provide a link to each assemblers’ website accompanied by its reference and number of citations. We gauge ease of use by providing the programming language and MPI compatibility of each tool as well as assessing the completeness of each tools’ available documentation. Table S2. Characteristics of the metagenomic datasets used in this study. Three metagenomes from three distinct environments (Soil, Aquatic and Human gut) were selected, and we provide accession numbers, sequencing platforms used and basic sequence characteristics (pre- and post-filtering) of each metagenome. Table S3. Assembly statistics for the assembled aquatic metagenomes. Table S4. Assembly statistics for the assembled soil metagenomes. Table S5. Assembly statistics for the assembled human gut metagenomes. Table S6. Assembly statistics for the synthetic metagenomes. Figure S1. Nonpareil estimates of sequence coverage (redundancy) for the 3 synthetic metagenomes studied. Figure S2. Computational requirements for the Tara Ocean metagenome. A) Total assembly span proportional to wall time required. B) Total assembly span in relation to peak memory usage. Figure S3. Correlation between assembly span and mapping rate. The exponential trendline indicates a very strong positive correlation between the amount of data utilized and the size of the generated assembly (R2 = 0.83). (DOCX 357 kb