4,641 research outputs found

    Experiment-friendly kinetic analysis of single molecule data in and out of equilibrium

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    We present a simple and robust technique to extract kinetic rate models and thermodynamic quantities from single molecule time traces. SMACKS (Single Molecule Analysis of Complex Kinetic Sequences) is a maximum likelihood approach that works equally well for long trajectories as for a set of short ones. It resolves all statistically relevant rates and also their uncertainties. This is achieved by optimizing one global kinetic model based on the complete dataset, while allowing for experimental variations between individual trajectories. In particular, neither a priori models nor equilibrium have to be assumed. The power of SMACKS is demonstrated on the kinetics of the multi-domain protein Hsp90 measured by smFRET (single molecule F\"orster resonance energy transfer). Experiments in and out of equilibrium are analyzed and compared to simulations, shedding new light on the role of Hsp90's ATPase function. SMACKS pushes the boundaries of single molecule kinetics far beyond current methods.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Dependency and false discovery rate: Asymptotics

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    Some effort has been undertaken over the last decade to provide conditions for the control of the false discovery rate by the linear step-up procedure (LSU) for testing nn hypotheses when test statistics are dependent. In this paper we investigate the expected error rate (EER) and the false discovery rate (FDR) in some extreme parameter configurations when nn tends to infinity for test statistics being exchangeable under null hypotheses. All results are derived in terms of pp-values. In a general setup we present a series of results concerning the interrelation of Simes' rejection curve and the (limiting) empirical distribution function of the pp-values. Main objects under investigation are largest (limiting) crossing points between these functions, which play a key role in deriving explicit formulas for EER and FDR. As specific examples we investigate equi-correlated normal and tt-variables in more detail and compute the limiting EER and FDR theoretically and numerically. A surprising limit behavior occurs if these models tend to independence.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053607000000046 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    On the false discovery rate and an asymptotically optimal rejection curve

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    In this paper we introduce and investigate a new rejection curve for asymptotic control of the false discovery rate (FDR) in multiple hypotheses testing problems. We first give a heuristic motivation for this new curve and propose some procedures related to it. Then we introduce a set of possible assumptions and give a unifying short proof of FDR control for procedures based on Simes' critical values, whereby certain types of dependency are allowed. This methodology of proof is then applied to other fixed rejection curves including the proposed new curve. Among others, we investigate the problem of finding least favorable parameter configurations such that the FDR becomes largest. We then derive a series of results concerning asymptotic FDR control for procedures based on the new curve and discuss several example procedures in more detail. A main result will be an asymptotic optimality statement for various procedures based on the new curve in the class of fixed rejection curves. Finally, we briefly discuss strict FDR control for a finite number of hypotheses.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOS569 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Intended and unintended consequences of mandatory IFRS adoption: A review of extant evidence and suggestions for future research

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    This paper discusses empirical evidence on the economic consequences of mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the European Union (EU) and provides suggestions on how future research can add to our understanding of these effects. Based on the explicitly stated objectives of the EU‟s so-called „IAS Regulation‟, we distinguish between intended and unintended consequences of mandatory IFRS adoption. Empirical research on the intended consequences generally fails to document an increase in the comparability or transparency of financial statements. In contrast, there is rich and almost unanimous evidence of positive effects on capital markets and at the macroeconomic level. We argue that certain research design issues are likely to contribute to this apparent mismatch in findings and we suggest areas for future research to address it. The literature investigating unintended consequences of mandatory IFRS adoption is still in its infancy. However, extant empirical evidence and insights from non-IFRS settings suggest that mandatory IFRS adoption has the potential to materially affect contractual outcomes. We conclude that both the intended and the unintended consequences deserve further scrutiny to assess the costs and benefits of mandatory IFRS adoption, which may help provide a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the IAS Regulation. We provide specific guidance for future research in this field.International accounting, IFRS adoption, economic consequences, contracting, regulation, review

    MPS degeneration formula for quiver moduli and refined GW/Kronecker correspondence

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    Motivated by string-theoretic arguments Manschot, Pioline and Sen discovered a new remarkable formula for the Poincare polynomial of a smooth compact moduli space of stable quiver representations which effectively reduces to the abelian case (i.e. thin dimension vectors). We first prove a motivic generalization of this formula, valid for arbitrary quivers, dimension vectors and stabilities. In the case of complete bipartite quivers we use the refined GW/Kronecker correspondence between Euler characteristics of quiver moduli and Gromov-Witten invariants to identify the MPS formula for Euler characteristics with a standard degeneration formula in Gromov-Witten theory. Finally we combine the MPS formula with localization techniques, obtaining a new formula for quiver Euler characteristics as a sum over trees, and constructing many examples of explicit correspondences between quiver representations and tropical curves.Comment: 31 page

    At the Mercy of the Prisoner Next Door. Using an Experimental Measure of Selfishness as a Criminological Tool

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    Do criminals maximise money? Are criminals more or less selfish than the average subject? Can prisons apply measures that reduce the degree of selfishness of their inmates? Using a tried and tested tool from experimental economics, we cast new light on these old criminological questions. In a standard dictator game, prisoners give a substantial amount, which calls for more refined versions of utility in rational choice theories of crime. Prisoners do not give less than average subjects, not even than subjects from other closely knit communities. This speaks against the idea that people commit crimes because they are excessively selfish. Finally those who receive better marks at prison school give more, as do those who improve their marks over time. This suggests that this correctional intervention also reduces selfishness.experiment, Crime, Prison, Dictator Game, Hurdle Model

    Kehrtwende in der Arbeitszeitpolitik

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    Nach 25 Jahren ArbeitszeitverkĂŒrzung wird in jĂŒngster Zeit eine ArbeitszeitverlĂ€ngerung als Mittel zur BeschĂ€ftigungsausweitung oder Arbeitsplatzsicherung diskutiert. Aufgrund einer effektiven Stundenlohnsenkung soll die Arbeitsnachfrage erhöht und ĂŒber mögliche Preissenkungen die in- und auslĂ€ndische GĂŒternachfrage angeregt werden. Ist mit einer merklichen Verbesserung der Arbeitsmarktlage zu rechnen? --
