41 research outputs found

    In the mood for a commercial break? A model of consumer response to television commercials during sensitive news

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    Marketers decided to pull over $100 million worth of commercials from network, cable, local and syndicated TV outlets on the United States market in the first 48 hours of the 2003 Iraq war. Given this loss to advertisers and media, we looked at how consumers respond to commercials during wartime. Would they change their attitude towards products that are advertised during war coverage? Would they consider advertising during such coverage inappropriate? Consistent with previous mood theory study findings, the results suggest a positive relationship between the mood generated by the interest in the program content and support for advertisements during the program. We also found that factors influencing the mood induced by war coverage were support for the President’s decisions and for the war. These findings open the door to a completely new line of research on attitudes towards media contents. Future research could explore the relationship between political ideology of viewers and their mood when watching sensitive news content.advertising context, attitude toward commercials, interest in program content, mood theory, news.

    Measuring immersion in real time: use of CRDI tool

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    International audienceImmersion became one of the stakes of experiential marketing to improve customer satisfaction in the consumption experience. Its study was mainly made of post-exposure measures both qualitatively and quantitatively. We propose to study the concept of immersion in real time, through the CRDI tool (Continuous Response Digital Interface), to capture the different variations of emotions felt by consumer during the exposure phase. The objective of this study is to present the CRDI tool and its possible application in the field of management science

    On the use of adjustable distraction as a measure to determine sustained attention during movie clips

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    Modality-Specific Effects of Perceptual Load in Multimedia Processing

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    Digital media are sensory-rich, multimodal, and often highly interactive. An extensive collection of theories and models within the field of media psychology assume the multimodal nature of media stimuli, yet there is current ambiguity as to the independent contributions of visual and auditory content to message complexity and to resource availability in the human processing system. In this article, we argue that explicating the concepts of perceptual and cognitive load can create progress toward a deeper understanding of modality-specific effects in media processing. In addition, we report findings from an experiment showing that perceptual load leads to modality-specific reductions in resource availability, whereas cognitive load leads to a modality-general reduction in resource availability. We conclude with a brief discussion regarding the critical importance of separating modality-specific forms of load in an increasingly multisensory media environment

    Modality-Specific Effects of Perceptual Load in Multimedia Processing

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    Digital media are sensory-rich, multimodal, and often highly interactive. An extensive collection of theories and models within the field of media psychology assume the multimodal nature of media stimuli, yet there is current ambiguity as to the independent contributions of visual and auditory content to message complexity and to resource availability in the human processing system. In this article, we argue that explicating the concepts of perceptual and cognitive load can create progress toward a deeper understanding of modality-specific effects in media processing. In addition, we report findings from an experiment showing that perceptual load leads to modality-specific reductions in resource availability, whereas cognitive load leads to a modality-general reduction in resource availability. We conclude with a brief discussion regarding the critical importance of separating modality-specific forms of load in an increasingly multisensory media environment

    La salute dei migranti

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    Da un’analisi della letteratura sulle condizioni sociali e sanitarie dell’immigrato, si possono determinare alcune aree critiche che necessitano di particolare attenzione soprattutto in termini di programmazione e di pianificazione di politica e di comunicazione socio-sanitaria. Possiamo suddividere queste aree in tre ambiti sommariamente delimitati da alcune condizioni patologiche, fisiologiche e sociali. - condizioni patologiche: malattie infettive (tb, mst, ...), malattie dermatologiche, disagio/malattie psichiatriche, traumi e incidenti, NCD; - condizioni fisiologiche: maternità, infanzia, vecchiaia; - condizioni sociali: prostituzione e tratta, abuso, detenzione; - aggravanti: disagio sociale, immigrazione “forzata” o “non selezionata”, irregolarità giuridica, mancanza/difficoltà accesso ordinario strutture sanitarie. I cittadini stranieri sono un collettivo “selezionato” sia rispetto al Paese di origine, sia rispetto agli italiani: sono mediamente giovani e in buona salute e anche eliminando il vantaggio derivante dalla struttura per età più giovane, gli indicatori di salute percepita confermano migliori condizioni di salute rispetto agli italiani. Il sistema sanitario deve preservare questo patrimonio di salute ed evitare che il processo di integrazione della popolazione straniera si accompagni al peggioramento delle condizioni di salute

    Audience of TV Newscasts and its Main Characteristics

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    The article is devoted to the research of audience of Kazakhstan channels. Television Audience Measurement is the specialized branch of media research, dedicated to quantifying (size) and qualifying (characteristics) this detailed television audience information. «31 channel» and «KTK» channel were selected for the study. This study attempts to give a wide description of audiences’ characteristics which are distinguished by many sociological, psychological, economical and demographical features. Audience research can be used as a means of maximizing the effectiveness of public campaign, and of improving and enhancing education and information for effective democracy and good government. Audience research is a means of providing essential information to aid the creative process of programme making. It can be used as a means of maximizing the efficient and cost-effective se of limited resources. And it can be used to test if the objectives of any educational or informational campaign have been successful. 10 years of experience working in television industry as a journalist and TV producer gives me the great opportunity to study this problem from the inside. Unfortunately, news editors of studied channels do not pay enough attention to the information about TV audience, because they have focused only on the content of TV products. We are sure, that the results of this research contribute to more effective interaction between channels and their audience and Keywords: audience, television, channel, newscast, broadcast, rating, news, viewer

    Transformative art: art as means for long-term neurocognitive change

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    Every artwork leads to a unique experience by the observer or participant, may it be sensory, emotional, cognitive, interactive, or spiritual experience. At the neurobiological level, such experiences are manifested as activation of the corresponding neural networks. Neuroscience has demonstrated that experience, in particular repeated experience, can cause a long-term change in the involved brain circuits (experience-dependent plasticity). This review will discuss the molding and transformative aspect of arts, examining how repeated and on-going experience of arts may alter cognitive, emotional, and behavioral patterns as well as their underlying neural circuits. The application of this approach to cognitive training and neuropsychological rehabilitation methods will be addressed as well. In addition, it will be suggested that this approach to art, as a long-term transformative medium, may lead to a novel viewpoint on art and a different approach to its creation. Artists can design artworks that aspire to form, in addition to one-shot influencing experience, on-going experiences which gradually create a lasting change, possibly improving audiences' neuropsychological functions