10 research outputs found

    Kristne kirker under COVID-19: globale nedslag

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    Kristne kirker under COVID-19 over hele verde

    Fra katolsk kontinent til kontinental mission. Den katolsk-karismatiske vækkelses kirkelige betydning i Latinamerika

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    Denne artikel tager udgangspunkt i den katolske kirkes forandrede rolle i Latinamerika i dag. Fra at være blevet kaldt “det katolske kontinent” er Latinamerika i dag blevet bemærkelsesværdigt religiøst pluralistisk. Omkring 15% af befolkningen tilhører i dag evangelikal-pentekostale kirkesamfund og et stigende antal har slet intet kirketilhørsforhold. Ved deres sidste generalkonference omdefinerede de latinamerikanske biskopper (CELAM) sig derfor fra at være en folkekirke til at være en kirke i permanent mission og lancerede en “kontinental mission”, der skal række ud efter frafaldne og ikke-praktiserende katolikker. Biskoppernes sprogbrug og pastorale prioriteter er i høj grad præget af den karismatiske fornyelsesbevægelse (CCR). CCR er den største lægmandsbevægelse og omfatter omkring hver femte katolik. Artiklen diskuterer til slut den teologiske og kirkelige betydning af den karismatiske indflydelse på den katolske kirke i Latinamerika

    “Økumenisk Teologi” anno 2013

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    In the midst of what has been termed an “ecumenical winter” the publication of a new textbook in Danish on the topic of ecumenical theology is noteworthy. This article first and foremost gives a comprehensive introduction to Peder Nørgaard-Højen’s Økumenisk Teologi – en introduktion [“Ecumenical Theology – an Introduction”]. In his book, Nørgaard-Højen prioritizes an analysis of the multilateral ecumenical dialogues in the Faith and Order-movement as well as the bilateral dialogues between the established confessional families. Thisarticle discusses the strengths and weaknesses of this approach in thelight of the development of world Christianity anno 2013

    Diakoni som teologisk fagområde, videnskab og nyt universitetsfag i Danmark

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    Since 2014, the Department of Theology at Aarhus University has offered a 2-year, interdisciplinary MA-program in Diaconia (Christian Social Practice). Thereby, diaconia has officially become an academic subject in a Danish university. The author uses this occasion to provide a general introduction to diaconia and its role in church and theology, to the science of diaconia, and to the character of the new MA-program. The article centers on the apparent paradox that while diaconia is becoming an increasingly important theological concept, especially in ecclesiology, the diaconal field of practice is characterized by interdisciplinarity and secularization. The author argues that the science of diaconia should reflect that situation and make it the starting point for a continuing constructive analysis of the role and identity of diaconia in an increasingly pluralist context

    Vievandstørke og global stream

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    Den katolske kirke i Danmark under COVID-19-krise

    Globale reaktioner på COVID-19 – religion og trossamfund i en krisetid

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    Globale reaktioner på COVID-19 – religion og trossamfund i en kriseti

    Challenged by Pluralism: Churchly Expansion into Magic and Prophetism – The new Roles of the Catholic Church in Latin America

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    Basado en los tipos ideales de la religión de Weber y en la noción del campo religioso de Bourdieu, este artículo explora como la Iglesia Católica reacciona ante la situación de un pluralismo religioso creciente, abarcando prácticas mágicas y proféticas. En el pasado cuando poseía el monopolio en el campo de la religión institucionalizado, el Catolicismo representaba un ejemplo perfecto de una ‘religión sacerdotal’. Hoy en día ha surgido un campo religioso pluralista. Tanto ‘profetas’ evangélicos como ‘magos/chamanes’ pre-colombinos y afro-americanos imbuidos por una nueva autoconfianza, han desafiado abiertamente el monopolio sacerdotal del Catolicismo. Empleando el ejemplo de la Renovación Carismática Católica, el movimiento laico más grande, este artículo examina como la Iglesia Católica ha entrado efectivamente en la competencia religiosa dentro del campo de ‘los profetas’ y ‘los magos’ y como este proceso está cambiando la identidad sacerdotal de la Iglesia en las sociedades latinoamericanas. English: Building on Weber’s ideal religious types and Bourdieu’s notion of the religious field, this article explores how the Catholic Church in Latin America reacts to the situation of increased religious pluralism and competition by embracing magical and prophetic practices. In the past when Roman Catholicism enjoyed monopoly over institutionalized religion, it represented a perfect example of ‘priestly religion’. Today a pluralistic religious field has emerged. Both Evangelical ‘prophets’ and self-confident pre-Columbian and Afro-American ‘magicians’ have openly challenged the priestly monopoly of Catholicism. By using the example of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, the largest lay movement in the Latin American Church, this article examines how the Catholic Church has effectively entered the religious competition within the fields of ‘prophets’ and ‘magicians’, and how this is currently challenging the priestly identity of the Church in Latin America societies

    Catholicism in Latin America

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    The Catholic Church in Latin America is—not for the first time in history—undergoing a series of political, social, and geopolitical transformations. The election of the Argentinian Pope Francis has raised hopes for a renaissance of Catholicism on the continent. At the grassroot level, Catholicism continues to exercise a crucial influence on culture and society, even if challenged by the astonishing rise of Pentecostalism and a plethora of emerging charismatic movements within and outside the church. This special issue invites for contributions that zoom in on the complexities of Catholicism as lived religion in a Latin American and transnational setting. We are particularly interested in contributions that link case studies of locally lived religion with classical or emerging theoretical debates within the sociology and anthropology of religion