73 research outputs found

    Temporomandibular Dysfunction After Surgery of Mandibular Fractures Not Involving the Mandibular Condyle : A Prospective Follow-Up Study

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    Purpose: Facial trauma can lead to temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). The aim of this study was to clarify the occurrence and characteristics of TMD in patients surgically treated for mandibular fractures not involving the mandibular condyle. Materials and Methods: This prospective single-center follow-up study was composed of patients who underwent surgery for non-condylar mandibular fracture. Patients were evaluated at presentation and 6 months after surgery to assess the function of the masticatory system using the Helkimo index. Specifically, this index incorporates 2 complementary subindices: the subjective symptomatic (anamnestic) index (A(i)) and the objective clinical dysfunction index (D-i). The A(i) score was recorded at presentation and 6-month follow-up. The D-i score was recorded at 6-month follow-up. Results: Thirty-one patients completed the study. All patients were men (mean age, 26.2 yr; range, 18 to 47 yr). Four (12.9%) developed severe symptoms of dysfunction during the study period according to the A(i). Clinical findings (D-i) were observed in 25 patients (80.6%), but these were not associated with symptoms of dysfunction. Conclusions: TMD is common 6 months after surgery in patients with non-condylar mandibular fractures. Patients with such fractures should be evaluated for dysfunction during follow-ups and referred for further treatment if necessary. (C) 2019 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonsPeer reviewe

    Bilateral sagittal split surgery is not a predictable treatment for temporomandibular dysfunction in patients with retrognathia

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    Objective. A prospective study to clarify the impact of forward bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) on temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Study Design. We examined and interviewed patients with BSSO before and at 1 year after surgery to evaluate the changes in TMD symptoms. A well-known TMD index, which incorporated two complementary subindices-the objective functional Helkimo dysfunction index (Di) and the subjective symptomatic anamnestic index (Ai)-was used. Patients with a forward movement of the mandible and osteosynthesis with titanic miniplates were included. Results. Forty patients (26 females and 14 males, mean age of study population 36.9 years) retrognathia completed the study. There was no change in TMD symptoms in 24 patients (60%), as measured by the Di, and 26 (65%), as measured by the Ai. Twelve patients improved (30%), according to the Di scores and 10 (25%) according to the Ai scores. Four patients had more TMD symptoms at follow-up (10%), as measured by both Di and Ai. Conclusions. Surgery for orthognathia is a predictable treatment for improving aesthetics and occlusion but less predictable for alleviating TMD symptoms in patients with retrognathia. TMD symptoms should therefore be treated independently.Peer reviewe

    Ageing increases risk of lower eyelid malposition after primary orbital fracture reconstruction

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    Lower eyelid malposition (LEM) is a common sequela after orbital fracture reconstruction. This study aimed to analyse the development of LEM, specifically ectropion and entropion, following primary orbital fracture reconstruction, to identify predictive factors for LEM, and to assess the effect of the eyelid complication on patients' daily lives. The retrospective cohort comprised patients who had undergone orbital floor and/or medial wall fracture reconstruction for recent trauma. Demographics, fracture type and site, surgery and implant-related variables, follow-up time and number of visits, type and severity of LEM, subsequent surgical correction, and patient satisfaction, were analysed. The overall occurrence of LEM was 8%, with ectropion in 6% and entropion in 2% of patients. Older age, complex fractures, transcutaneous approaches, preoperative traumatic lower lid wounds, and implant material were associated with the development of LEM. Of all patients, 3% needed surgical correction of LEM. Six of the 13 patients (46%) who developed LEM required surgical correction. The transconjunctival approach and patient-specific implants should be preferred, especially in elderly patients and those with more complex fractures. LEM often requires subsequent surgical correction, and the treatment period is substantially prolonged, with multiple extra visits to the clinic.(c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    Craniofacial Fractures in Equine-Related Injuries : What Should a Maxillofacial Surgeon Expect?

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    Patients with equine-related injuries (ERI) have high rates of hospitalization and often require surgical treatment. This study aimed to clarify the injury profiles of patients sustaining ERI-related craniofacial fractures and their relationship with other severe head and neck injuries. This retrospective study included all patients with craniofacial fractures admitted to a tertiary trauma center during 2013 to 2018. Out of 3256 patients, a total of 39 patients were included in the study (1.2%). Demographic and clinically relevant variables were reported and statistically evaluated. Males represented only 7.7% of the study population. Isolated facial fractures were over-represented in this study population at 84.6% whereas only 7.7% of patients sustained isolated cranial fractures and 7.7% of patients sustained combined craniofacial fractures, respectively. Surgical intervention for craniofacial fractures was required in 48.7% of patients. In total, 17.9% of patients sustained severe head and neck injuries. Periods of unconsciousness and/or post-traumatic amnesia were seen in 41% of patients. Helmet use could only be confirmed in 17.9% of patients. As trauma mechanisms behind ERI are often multifactorial and patients are at a high risk of sustaining associated injuries, attentive examination, and exclusion of serious life-threatening injuries through a multi-disciplinary approach is imperative for this specific patient population.Peer reviewe

    Dental injuries in paediatric mandibular fracture patients

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    Purpose Dental injuries (DIs) are associated with facial fractures, particularly mandibular fractures. As paediatric mandibular fractures have special features, we sought to clarify the occurrence and types of DIs among this patient group. We assessed how age, injury type, and fracture location affects the occurrence of DIs and thereby defined which patients are most susceptible. Methods This retrospective study included patients < 18 years with a recent mandibular fracture. Predictor variables were gender, age group, mechanism of injury, type of mandibular fracture, and other associated facial fracture(s). Types and locations of DIs and tooth loss due to injury were also reported. Results DIs were detected in 34.7% (n = 41) out of 118 patients. Patients with tooth injury had on average 3.5 injured teeth. A total of 16.2% of injured teeth were lost, typically at the time of the injury. Loss of at least one tooth was seen in approximately 10% of patients. Avulsion was the most common cause of tooth loss (52.2%). Non-complicated crown fracture (50.7%) was the most common DI type. Statistically significant associations between studied variables and DIs were not detected. Conclusion DIs are common and often multiple in paediatric mandibular fracture patients regardless of background factors. DIs often lead to tooth loss. Prompt replantation of an avulsed tooth, early detection of DIs, and prevention of tooth loss whenever possible are important to avoid permanent tooth defects.Peer reviewe

    Health-related quality of life in patients surgically treated for orbital blow-out fracture : a prospective study

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate patients' health-related quality of life (HRQoL) before and after surgical treatment of orbital blow-out fracture. Methods This prospective study comprises of all adult patients undergoing a surgical reconstruction of an orbital blow-out fracture in 2006-2010. Their HRQoL was evaluated for 6 months postoperatively with the aid of the standardized 15D instrument and was compared with that of an age- and gender-standardized sample of the general Finnish population. A complementary questionnaire for more detailed information was also administered. Results Twenty-six patients completed the study. Mean 15D score among the patients preoperatively (0.898) was statistically significantly and clinically importantly worse than the score of the control population (0.936). Six months postoperatively, the mean 15D score was 0.920, with no significant difference compared with the control population and the significant differences on the different dimensions had disappeared. The most common complaint at 6 months postoperatively was diplopia in daily life (19%). Disturbances in facial sensation (27%) and defects in facial appearance (15%) were the most unpleasant subjective outcomes. Conclusion The HRQoL is significantly decreased after orbital blow-out fracture compared with the general population but will recover completely in 6 months. Thus, the negative impact of orbital blow-out fracture on HRQoL is only transient. Disturbances in facial sensation, defects in facial appearance, and diplopia are the most common subjective complaints after the injury and its surgical treatment. However, these do not appear to affect the overall quality of life in the long term.Peer reviewe

    Behavior of C-reactive protein in association with surgery of facial fracture and the influence of dexamethasone

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    To clarify pre- and postoperative C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in patients with facial fractures and to investigate the influence of perioperatively administered dexamethasone on postoperative CRP levels. Facial fracture patients were randomized to receive perioperatively a total dose of 30 mg of dexamethasone (OradexonA (R)), whereas patients in the control group received no glucocorticoid. The analysis included patients who had CRP measured pre- and postoperatively. A total of 73 adult patients with facial fractures were included in the final analysis. Mean CRP level was elevated preoperatively and the level increased further after surgery. However, postoperative CRP rise was significantly impeded by dexamethasone (p <0.001), regardless of gender, age, treatment delay, site of fracture, surgical approach, and duration of surgery. CRP rise halved on the 1st postoperative day when dexamethasone was used. In addition, dexamethasone resulted in a CRP decrease on the 2nd postoperative day, whereas the CRP rise continued in the control group. CRP rise is a normal body response after facial fracture and surgery that can be markedly reduced with dexamethasone. CRP changes should be considered with caution if perioperative dexamethasone is used.Peer reviewe

    Effect of Perioperative Systemic Dexamethasone on Pain, Edema, and Trismus in Mandibular Fracture Surgery : A Randomized Trial

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    The authors' aim was to evaluate the effect of perioperative systemic dexamethasone (DXM) administration on postoperative pain, edema, and trismus in mandibular fracture patients. The authors conducted a prospective randomized study of 45 patients with one or 2 noncomminuted fractures of the dentate part of the mandible. All patients underwent surgery for intraoral miniplate fixation. Patients in the study group were given a total of 30 mg DXM, while patients in the control group received neither DXM nor placebo. Only paracetamol and opioids were served as analgesics. Pain severity was assessed using the visual analog scale. The effect in facial swelling was measured in centimeters and analyzed as percentage change. Trismus was evaluated as the difference in maximal mouth opening by measuring interincisal distance in millimeters. The Mann-Whitney U test was applied to determine the statistical significance of differences between the groups. Thirty-four patients were included in the statistical analysis. The visual analog scale score was significantly lower in the study group than in the control group at 18 hours postoperatively (P = 0.033). Significant differences in edema or trismus were not found postoperatively between the DXM and control groups. In conclusion, perioperative DXM decreases postoperative pain in mandibular fracture patients when nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not used, but it does not seem to be effective in reducing edema or trismus.Peer reviewe

    Mandibular fractures in aged patients - Challenges in diagnosis

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    Background/Aims Delayed treatment of a mandibular fracture can lead to complications. Therefore, early diagnosis is important. The aim of this study was to clarify the specific features of mandibular fractures in aged patients and the effect of age on possible missed diagnoses. Material and Methods Patients aged over 60 years with a recent mandibular fracture were included in the study. The outcome variable was a missed mandibular fracture during the patient's first assessment in the primary health care facility. Predictor variables were age group, categorized as older adults (aged >= 60 and 80 years), patient's age as a continuous variable and age sub-group divided into decades. Additional predictor variables were the patient's memory disease and injury associated with intracranial injury. Explanatory variables were gender, injury mechanism, type of mandibular facture, combined other facial fracture, edentulous mandible/maxilla/both, surgical treatment of the mandibular fracture, and scene of injury. Results Mandibular fractures were missed in 20.0% of the 135 patients during their first healthcare assessment. Significant associations between missed fractures and age group, gender, fracture type, or injury mechanism were not found. By contrast, memory disorder (p = .02) and site of injury (p = .02) were significantly associated with missed fractures. Fractures were missed more frequently in patients who were in hospital or in a nursing home at the time of injury. Conclusions There is an increased risk of undiagnosed mandibular fractures in the aged population. Small injury force accidents may cause fractures in old and fragile individuals. Careful examination is necessary, especially in patients with memory disorder.Peer reviewe

    MMP-7, -8, -9, E-cadherin, and beta-catenin expression in 34 ameloblastoma cases

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    Objectives Ameloblastoma is a benign, locally aggressive odontogenic tumor with high recurrence rates. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) mediate extracellular integrity in normal and pathological conditions, and exert multiple functions coordinating inflammation and tumor progression. E-cadherin and beta-catenin are adherence junction molecules in cell-to-cell connections. We investigated the involvement of MMP-7, -8, -9, E-cadherin, and beta-catenin in ameloblastoma and the surrounding extracellular matrix. Material and methods Our material consisted of 30-34 tissue samples from ameloblastoma patients of Helsinki University Hospital. We used immunohistochemistry to detect the expression of the biomarkers. Two oral pathologists independently scored the immunoexpression intensities and statistical calculations were made based on the results. Results E-cadherin expression was weaker in the maxillary than in mandibular ameloblastomas. Beta-catenin was expressed in the ameloblastoma cell membranes. We detected MMP-8 and -9 expression in polymorphonuclear neutrophils in the extracellular area and these MMPs correlated positively with each other. Osteoclasts lining bone margins and multinuclear giant cells expressed MMP-9. Neither MMP-8 nor MMP-9 immunoexpression could be detected in ameloblastoma cells. MMP-7 expression was seen in some apoptotic cells. Conclusion The fact that E-cadherin immunoexpression was weaker in maxillary compared to mandibular ameloblastomas might associate to earlier recurrences. It promotes the idea of mandibular and maxillary ameloblastoma exerting differences in their biologies. We detected MMP-8 and -9 in polymorphonuclear neutrophils which relates to these MMPs participating in extracellular remodeling through a mild inflammatory process. Bone degradation around ameloblastoma may be due to MMP-9 in osteoclasts but this phenomenon might be an independent process and needs further investigations.Peer reviewe
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