275 research outputs found


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    Labor and Human Capital,


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    Industrial Organization,

    An Assessment of Developing the Human Capital in Supply Chains Across Borders and Cultures in U.S. and Russia and CIS Government Programs (?)

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    This article outlines and assesses the training and education programs focusing on rural and regional human capital development in ?Supply and business Chains?. Today's rural managers and educators must be trained and educated to operate across national boundaries and differing economic, financial and social systems. The article focuses on the training and education in the U.S. Government?s Cochran Fellowship Program. It compares it to the European counter parts This program began in 1984 and vastly expanded in the early 1990?s as Russia and the CIS countries emerged from the communist command oriented ?supply and business chain? systems. Both the East and West have much to gain by improving the human capital in supply chain human management. This means that the human capital must be trained and educated in new technology, transportation systems, planning processes, and trade related issues from differing systems. Rural Mediation and other training and education technigues across cultures, educational backgrounds will also be highlighted. This article looks ahead to the human capital needs in European regional systems and what is needed to bring the current system up to worldwide standards.


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    The FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) will bring together 35 countries with five different languages and over 300 ethnic and cultural groups. As trade, cultural discourse, and other joint efforts develop between countries, private organizations, public entities and individuals, many disputes will arise. In a few countries, the rule of law can solve these disputes effectively. In most others, the rule of law cannot work because of political, social or even criminal events. As NAFTA showed, developing a successful and efficient dispute resolution mechanism is an important component of developing a successful working relationship of the agreement among all the parties and countries. Other Trade Agreements including NAFTA and WTO have found that the successful functioning of these agreements require all private and public parties to think carefully about resolving disputes ahead of time and setting up a number of alternative processes to be used by the parties. Only in Government-to-Government disputes is the system quite simple. Otherwise, there are several models which have been developed in the U.S. and other American countries which can assist in resolving agribusiness and food management conflict resolution in rural communities. Grass roots initiatives with international applications, disputes over land, grazing rights, homes, credit issues and financial resources can be a serious impediment to growth. In Arizona, U.S. and the Americas, this has caused large dollar value disputes, ill will, riots and even death. In both rural and agricultural based Arizona, U.S. and the Americas, this presentation highlights methodology and courses being developed to solve some of these conflicts.Agribusiness, International Relations/Trade,

    Identifying, measuring and management risks in Russian secondary stock markets

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    : This paper outlines the changes and challenges of Emerging Russian Stock Market and investment strategy of portfolio management for the period 1996-1998 . It also taste the West models of optimization of portfolio risks and investment decisions for Russia. The major purpose of this article was to enhance the understanding of the participants in securities markets and enhance the performance of its stock and Emerging securities. This article will review the trends in the markets and help focus on the corporate risks and management and a detailed and developed conception of the mechanism of the initial public offerings and public placement of securities the global stock markets such as the U.S., Western Europe and emerging markets. It also outlined the regulatory structure and investor?s risk management tools required by western investors. In light of the recent ?financial crisis? in Russia and other major markets such as Asia, these tools will be increasing important. During much of the past decade the Russian Securities market has been developing into a number of areas including federal securities (GKO-OFZ), sub-federal (oblast) and municipal issues, corporate securities, Ag Bonds, futures, forward contracts and currency instruments. This article is developing in all those areasm .These will be increasing important in light of the new banking environment and securities laws and regulations. In 1997 Russia has joined the league of the few emerging markets that have market capitalizations of over 100Billion.AsofJune30,1997thecapitalizationis100 Billion. As of June 30, 1997 the capitalization is 104 Billion and has a YTD of 134 %. The recent ?Asian induced? corrections in the markets have reduced this by 20-40% according to private estimates. Nevertheless, it remains one of the most vibrant emerging securities markets in the world. The training focused on a number of issues related to emerging market securities including privatization, auctions, IPO?s and new products in the securities markets.

    Heterotrophic bacterial production: Relationships to biological and abiological factors in estuarine environments

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    Section 1. Ecotoxicological effects of creosote contamination on benthic bacterial communities in the Elizabeth River, Virginia were investigated using both structural and functional microbial parameters. Results indicated that cell specific and total heterotrophic bacterial production parameters were depressed in a dose dependent manner with increasing sediment PAH concentrations. Toxicity effects upon production were modified by temporal trends associated with temperature as well as spatial sediment characteristics. of the parameters employed, the tritiated thymidine production assay was found to be the most sensitive for detection of ecotoxicological effects. Section 2. Bacterial abundance and production were examined during a destratification event in the lower James River, Virginia. Bacterial abundance, although significantly different between stations, did not change over the study. Bacterial production (&\sp3&H-Tdr incorporation) in surface waters was significantly less during the mixed period (187 &\mu&g C&\cdot&1&\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}\cdot& d&\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}&) compared to the most stratified state (324 &\mu&g C&\cdot&1&\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}\cdot& d&\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}&). Correlations between bacteria and chlorophyll were diminished during the mixed period. Total and flagellate specific grazing rates upon bacteria were reduced during the onset of destratification. Relationships between bacterial and nutrient parameters also indicated a strong influence of destratification. These results indicate that destratification changes trophic interactions within the microbial loop, which are not necessarily reflected in temporal patterns of bacterial abundance. Section 3. Bacterioplankton production, and ammonium assimilation and remineralization were examined between April and August 1988 in the lower York River, Va. Size fractionation enabled estimates of bacterial contribution (&&15 &\mu&m) towards ammonium cycling processes. Bacterial ammonium assimilation accounted for 19-95% of total dark ammonium assimilation, with station means of 46-48%. Station means of ammonium remineralization in the &\u3c&1.6 &\mu&m treatment was 92, 48, and 38% of unfractionated values from lower to the upper river stations respectively. Regression statistics indicated that assimilation was best predicted by bacterial production. Remineralization was less well predicted by all variables. These results indicate the importance of bacteria in ammonium cycling can be greatly disproportionate to their biomass and production

    Acreage Allotments.

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    What is happening to food prices?

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