4 research outputs found

    Insectivorous bat reproduction and human cave visitation in Cambodia: A perfect conservation storm? - Fig 2

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    <p><b>Reproduction of a) <i>Hipposideros larvatus</i> s.l. and b) <i>Taphozous melanopogon</i> at Chhngauk hill from February 2014 to January 2016 in relation to monthly rainfall (44 year means) in southern Cambodia.</b> The first row of figures below each graph represents the total number of parous, pregnant and lactating females caught each month and the second row represents the same for juveniles. The ‘pregnant’ category is confined to non-lactating pregnant bats, while the ‘lactation’ category includes all lactating bats, whether pregnant or not. Relative proportions for juveniles were derived by dividing the respective monthly total by the study total × 100. The figures are based upon captures of a) 178 bats and b) 131 bats, and data from the same month in each study year are combined for each species.</p

    Location of Chhngauk hill in southern Cambodia.

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    <p>Location of Chhngauk hill in southern Cambodia.</p

    Annual visitation to Vihear-Tuk Bonn cave (Chhngauk hill, southern Cambodia) from January 2007 to December 2013.

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    <p>Annual visitation to Vihear-Tuk Bonn cave (Chhngauk hill, southern Cambodia) from January 2007 to December 2013.</p