13 research outputs found

    Assessing phosphatidylethanol (PEth) levels reflecting different drinking habits in comparison to the alcohol use disorders identification test - C (AUDIT-C).

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    In addition to monitoring problematic or harmful alcohol consumption, drinking experiments indicated the potential of phosphatidylethanols (PEth) in abstinence monitoring. To date, no profound evaluation of thresholds for the differentiation of abstinence from moderate drinking and for detection of excessive consumption based on PEth homologues exists. Investigations with a large group of healthy volunteers (n=300) were performed to establish PEth reference values reflecting different drinking habits. Blood samples were analyzed for PEth 16:0/18:1 and 16:0/18:2 by online-SPE-LC-MS/MS method. Results were compared to AUDIT-C questionnaires, to the amounts of alcohol consumed during the two-weeks prior to blood sampling, and were statistically evaluated. PEth concentrations were significantly correlated with self-reported alcohol consumption (r>0.69) and with AUDIT-C scores (r>0.65). 4.0% of 300 volunteers reported abstinence (AUDIT-C score: 0), no PEth was detectable in their blood. PEth 16:0/18:1 concentrations below the limit of detection of 10.0ng/mL match with abstinence and light drinking habits (≤10g pure alcohol/day). However, some volunteers classified as "excessive alcohol consumers" had negative PEth results. In the group of volunteers classified as "moderate drinkers" (AUDIT-C score: 1-3 (women) and 1-4 (men)), 95% of the test persons had PEth 16:0/18:1 ranging from not detected to 112ng/mL, and PEth 16:0/18:2 ranging from not detected to 67.0ng/mL. Combination of self-reported alcohol consumption and AUDIT-C score showed that negative PEth results match with abstinence or light drinking. Moderate alcohol consumption resulted in PEth 16:0/18:1 from 0 to 112ng/mL and for PEth 16:0/18:2 ranged from 0 to 67.0ng/mL. Higher PEth concentrations indicated excessive alcohol consumption

    Was Ethanolmetabolite als Biomarker ĂĽber Alkoholkonsum aussagen

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    Alcohol and tobacco related disorders are the two leading and most expensive causes of illness in central Europe. In addition to self reports and questionnaires, biomarkers are of relevance in diagnosis and therapy of alcohol use disorders.Traditional biomarkers such as gamma glutamyl transpeptidase or mean corpuscualr volume are indirect biomarkers and are subject to influence of age, gender and non alcohol related diseases, among others.Direct ethanol metabolites such as ethyl glucuronide (EtG), ethyl sulphate (EtS) and phosphatidylethanol (PEth) are direct metabolites of ethanol, that are positive after intake of ethyl alcohol. They represent useful diagnostic tools for identifying alcohol use even more accurately than traditional biomarkers. Each of these drinking indicators remains positive in serum and urine for a characteristic time spectrum after the cessation of ethanol intake-EtG and EtS in urine up to 7 days, EtG in hair for months after ethanol has left the body. Applications include clinical routine use, emergency room settings, proof of abstinence in alcohol rehabilitation programs, driving under influence offenders, workplace testing, assessment of alcohol intake in the context of liver transplantation and fetal alcohol syndrome.Alkoholbezogene Störungen und Störungen durch Tabakkonsum sind in Mitteleuropa die zwei häufigsten und teuersten Krankheitsursachen. In Ergänzung zu Selbstangaben sind Biomarker von Bedeutung in Diagnose und Therapie alkoholbezogener Störungen. Traditionelle Biomarker wie Gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) und mittleres korpuskuläres Volumen (MCV) sind indirekte Zustandsmarker und werden durch Alter, Geschlecht und nicht-Alkoholbezogene Erkrankungen beeinflusst. Als direkte Stoffwechselprodukte von Alkohol zeichnen sich Ethanolmetabolite wie Ethylglukuronid (EtG), Ethylsulfat (EtS) und Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) durch hohe Sensitivität und Spezifität aus. Darüber hinaus decken sie ein komplementäres Zeitfenster des Konsumnachweises ab und werden seit einigen Jahren zunehmend routinemäßig eingesetzt. Ethanolmetabolite sind im Serum für Stunden, im Urin für bis zu sieben Tage, im Vollblut über zwei Wochen und in Haaren über Monate nachweisbar. Zu den Anwendungsbereichen gehören klinisch routinemäßige Anwendungen, der Einsatz in notfallmedizinischen Kontexten, Abstinenznachweis in Alkoholbehandlungsprogrammen, bei Fahreignungsuntersuchungen, Lebertransplantationen, betrieblicher Gesundheitsprävention sowie die Verwendung zur Abschätzung des Alkoholkonsums während der Schwangerschaft im Zusammenhang mit dem fetalen Alkoholsyndrom

    Progress in Monitoring alcohol consumption and alcohhol abuse by phosphatidylethanol

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    For early diagnosis and therapy of alcohol-related disorders, alcohol biomarkers are highly valuable. Concerning specificity, indirect markers can be influenced by nonethanol-related factors, whereas direct markers are only formed after ethanol consumption. Sensitivity of the direct markers depends on cutoffs of analytical methods, material for analysis and plays an important role for their utilization in different fields of application. Until recently, the biomarker phosphatidylethanol has been used to differentiate between social drinking and alcohol abuse. After method optimization, the detection limit could be lowered and phosphatidylethanol became sensitive enough to even detect the consumption of low amounts of alcohol. This perspective gives a summary of most common alcohol biomarkers and summarizes new developments for monitoring alcohol consumption habits

    Patient suicide: a survey of therapists' reactions

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    A substantial proportion of therapists will at some point in their professional life experience the loss of a patient to suicide. Our aims were to assess how therapists react to patient's suicide over time and which factors contribute to the reaction. One third of the therapists, mostly women, suffer from severe distress. The impact is not different for therapists in institutional settings and therapists in private practice. The item "overall distress" immediately after the suicide predicts emotional reactions and changes in behavior. Our data suggest that identifying the severely distressed subgroup could be done using a visual analogue scale for overall distress. As a consequence, more specific and intensified help could be provided to these individuals

    Cellular Photo Digital Breathalyzer for Monitoring Alcohol Use: A Pilot Study

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    Background: Monitoring alcohol use is important in numerous situations. Direct ethanol metabolites, such as ethyl glucuronide (EtG), have been shown to be useful tools in detecting alcohol use and documenting abstinence. For very frequent or continuous control of abstinence, they lack practicability. Therefore, devices measuring ethanol itself might be of interest. This pilot study aims at elucidating the usability and accuracy of the cellular photo digital breathalyzer (CPDB) compared to self-reports in a naturalistic setting. Method: 12 social drinkers were included. Subjects used a CPDB 4 times daily, kept diaries of alcohol use and submitted urine for EtG testing over a period of 5 weeks. Results: In total, the 12 subjects reported 84 drinking episodes. 1,609 breath tests were performed and 55 urine EtG tests were collected. Of 84 drinking episodes, CPDB detected 98.8%. The compliance rate for breath testing was 96%. Of the 55 EtG tests submitted, 1 (1.8%) was positive. Conclusions: The data suggest that the CPDB device holds promise in detecting high, moderate, and low alcohol intake. It seems to have advantages compared to biomarkers and other Monitoring devices. The preference for CPDB by the participants might explain the high compliance. Further studies including comparison with biomarkers and transdermal devices are needed

    Characterization of Sialic Acid Index of Plasma Apolipoprotein J and Phosphatidylethanol During Alcohol Detoxification-A Pilot Study.

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    Background: Apolipoprotein J (ApoJ) is a component of plasma high-density lipoproteins. Previous studies have shown progressive recovery of ApoJ sialic acid content with increased duration of alcohol abstinence. Therefore, the sialic acid index of plasma apolipoprotein J (SIJ) seems to be a promising alcohol biomarker. Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) is a direct ethanol metabolite and has recently attracted attention as a biomarker of prolonged intake of higher amounts of alcohol. The aim of the pilot study was to explore sensitivity, specificity, and normalization of SIJ and PEth in comparison with traditional and emerging biomarkers. Methods: Five male alcohol-dependent patients (International Classification of Diseases 10, F 10.25) were included (median: 40 years old; Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test value, 30; alcohol consumption in the previous 7 days, 1,680 g). SIJ, PEth, urinary ethyl glucuronide (UEtG), urinary ethyl sulfate (UEtS), and gamma glutamyl-transpeptidase (GGT) were determined at days 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 21, and 28. Results: At study entry, SIJ, PEth, UEtG, and UEtS were positive in all subjects, whereas GGT and mean corpuscular volume were positive in 3 of 5 (60%) of the subjects. Individual SIJ levels increased between day 1 and 28 between 13.7 and 44.3%, respectively. For SIJ and PEth, the ANOVA (p < 0.005) showed a significant trend with the average subject's SIJ and PEth changing 1.22 and 1.02, respectively, per week. Conclusions: Our preliminary data suggest that SIJ and PEth might hold potential as markers of heavy ethanol intake

    Phosphatidylethanol: normalization during detoxification, gender aspects and correlation with other biomarkers and self-reports

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    Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) is a direct ethanol metabolite, and has recently attracted attention as biomarker of ethanol intake. The aims of the current study are: (1) to characterize the normalization time of PEth in larger samples than previously conducted; (2) to elucidate potential gender differences; and (3) to report the correlation of PEth with other biomarkers and self-reported alcohol consumption. Fifty-seven alcohol-dependent patients (ICD 10 F 10.25; 9 females, 48 males) entering medical detoxification at three study sites were enrolled. The study sample was comprised of 48 males and 9 females, with mean age 43.5. Mean gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) was 209.61 U/l, average mean corpuscular volume (MCV) was 97.35 fl, mean carbohydrate deficient transferrin (%CDT) was 8.68, and mean total ethanol intake in the last 7 days was 1653 g. PEth was measured in heparinized whole blood with a high-pressure liquid chromatography method, while GGT, MCV and %CDT were measured using routine methods. PEth levels at day 1 of detoxification ranged between 0.63 and 26.95 mu mol/l (6.22 mean, 4.70 median, SD 4.97). There were no false negatives at day 1. Sensitivities for the other biomarkers were 40.4% for MCV, 73.1% for GGT and 69.2% for %CDT, respectively. No gender differences were found for PEth levels at any time point. Our data suggest that PEth is (1) a suitable intermediate term marker of ethanol intake in both sexes; and (2) sensitivity is extraordinary high in alcohol dependent patients. The results add further evidence to the data that suggest that PEth has potential as a candidate for a sensitive and specific biomarker, which reflects longer-lasting intake of higher amounts of alcohol and seemingly has the above mentioned certain advantages over traditional biomarkers

    Comparative Analysis of Potential Risk Factors for at-Risk Gambling, Problem Gambling and Gambling Disorder among Current Gamblers—Results of the Austrian Representative Survey 2015

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    Background: The risk of developing a problem gambling behavior is distributed unequally among the population. For example, individuals who report stressful life events, show impairments of mental health or belong to a socio-economically deprived group are affected more frequently by gambling problems. The aim of our study is to investigate whether these risk factors are equally relevant for all gambling groups (social = 0 DSM-5 criteria, at risk = 1 DSM-5 criterion, problem = 2–3 DSM-5 criteria, disordered = 4–9 DSM-5 criteria).Methods: Of a total of 10,000 participants in the representative gambling survey in Austria in 2015, 4,082 individuals reported gambling during the last 12 months and were allocated to the four gambling groups according to DSM-5. With social gamblers as the reference group, relevant risk factors for the other three groups were identified by means of bi- and multivariate multinomial logistic regression.Results: Significant risk factors for gambling disorder are at-risk alcohol use (OR = 4.9), poor mental health (OR = 5.9), young age (≤26 years, OR = 2.1), a low level of formal education (OR = 2.4), having grown up with a single parent (OR = 2.5), parents with addiction problems (OR = 2.3) and belonging to the working class (OR = 2.9). Risk factors for problem gambling are parents with addiction problems (OR = 3.8), poor mental health (OR = 2.6) and a young age (OR = 2.2). With regard to at-risk gambling, only growing up with a single parent was relevant (OR = 2.4).Conclusion: Overall, the results of this study suggest, that the number and the influence of the included risk factors differ between gambling problem groups. Apparently, the development of severe gambling problems is to a lesser extent facilitated by specific risk factors than by their cumulative presence. Therefore, future prevention and treatment measures should place a particular focus on individuals who have experienced growing up in a difficult family situation, have poor mental health, suffer from substance-related problems or have a low level of formal education

    Optimizing heroin-assisted treatment (HAT) : assessment of the contribution of direct ethanol metabolites in identifying hazardous and harmful alcohol use

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    Heavy alcohol consumption may accelerate the progression of hepatitis C-related liver disease and/or limit efforts at antiviral treatment in opioid-dependent patients receiving heroin-assisted treatment (HAT). Our study aims to assess alcohol intake among HAT patients by self-reports compared to direct ethanol metabolites