547 research outputs found

    Deterministic nano-assembly of a coupled quantum emitter - photonic crystal cavity system

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    The interaction of a single quantum emitter with its environment is a central theme in quantum optics. When placed in highly confined optical fields, such as those created in optical cavities or plasmonic structures, the optical properties of the emitter can change drastically. In particular, photonic crystal (PC) cavities show high quality factors combined with an extremely small mode volume. Efficiently coupling a single quantum emitter to a PC cavity is challenging because of the required positioning accuracy. Here, we demonstrate deterministic coupling of single Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers to high-quality gallium phosphide PC cavities, by deterministically positioning their 50 nm-sized host nanocrystals into the cavity mode maximum with few-nanometer accuracy. The coupling results in a 25-fold enhancement of NV center emission at the cavity wavelength. With this technique, the NV center photoluminescence spectrum can be reshaped allowing for efficient generation of coherent photons, providing new opportunities for quantum science.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Atomic configurations of dislocation core and twin boundaries in 3C-SiC studied by high-resolution electron microscopy

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    The defects in 3C-SiC film grown on (001) plane of Si substrate were studied using a 200 kV high-resolution electron microscope with point resolution of 0.2 nm. A posterior image processing technique, the image deconvolution, was utilized in combination with the image contrast analysis to distinguish atoms of Si from C distant from each other by 0.109 nm in the [110] projected image. The principle of the image processing technique utilized and the related image contrast theory is briefly presented. The procedures of transforming an experimental image that does not reflect the crystal structure intuitively into the structure map and of identifying Si and C atoms from the map are described. The atomic configurations for a 30 degrees partial dislocation and a microtwin have been derived at atomic level. It has been determined that the 30 degrees partial dislocation terminates in C atom and the segment of microtwin is sandwiched between two 180 degrees rotation twins. The corresponding stacking sequences are derived and atomic models are constructed according to the restored structure maps for both the 30 degrees partial dislocation and microtwin. Images were simulated based on the two models to affirm the above-mentioned results

    Mitochondrial dysfunction in sepsis is associated with diminished intramitochondrial TFAM despite its increased cellular expression

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    Sepsis is characterized by a dysregulated immune response, metabolic derangements and bioenergetic failure. These alterations are closely associated with a profound and persisting mitochondrial dysfunction. This however occurs despite increased expression of the nuclear-encoded transcription factor A (TFAM) that normally supports mitochondrial biogenesis and functional recovery. Since this paradox may relate to an altered intracellular distribution of TFAM in sepsis, we tested the hypothesis that enhanced extramitochondrial TFAM expression does not translate into increased intramitochondrial TFAM abundance. Accordingly, we prospectively analyzed PBMCs both from septic patients (n = 10) and lipopolysaccharide stimulated PBMCs from healthy volunteers (n = 20). Extramitochondrial TFAM protein expression in sepsis patients was 1.8-fold greater compared to controls (p = 0.001), whereas intramitochondrial TFAM abundance was approximate 80% less (p < 0.001). This was accompanied by lower mitochondrial DNA copy numbers (p < 0.001), mtND1 expression (p < 0.001) and cellular ATP content (p < 0.001) in sepsis patients. These findings were mirrored in lipopolysaccharide stimulated PBMCs taken from healthy volunteers. Furthermore, TFAM-TFB2M protein interaction within the human mitochondrial core transcription initiation complex, was 74% lower in septic patients (p < 0.001). In conclusion, our findings, which demonstrate a diminished mitochondrial TFAM abundance in sepsis and endotoxemia, may help to explain the paradox of lacking bioenergetic recovery despite enhanced TFAM expression

    Diagnostic accuracy of Doppler ultrasound technique of the penile arteries in correlation to selective arteriography

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    In 63% of 265 patients with erectile dysfunction a relevant arterial inflow disturbance was found by Doppler ultrasound examination. Correlation between Doppler and arteriography in 58 patients showed an accuracy of 95% in detecting penile arteries and an accuracy of 91% in discovering a pathological arterial pattern (arterial anomaly or arteriosclerotic obstruction). In 15 patients the arterial inflow was measured additionally by Doppler ultrasound technique after intracavernosal injection of vasoactive drugs (IIVD) (7.5 mg papaverine and 0.25 mg phentolamine). This technique proved to be more reliable than in the flaccid state and markedly facilitated localization and assessment of pathological changes of the cavernosal arteries

    Single and coupled L3 photonic crystal cavities for cavity-QED experiments

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    Here we discuss the experimental characterization of the spatial far-field profiles for the confined modes in a photonic crystal cavity of the L3 type, finding a good agreement with FDTD simulations. We then link the far-field profiles to relevant features of the cavity mode near-fields, using a simple Fabry-Perot resonator model. Finally, we describe a technique for independent all-electrical control of the wavelength of quantum dots in separated L3 cavities, coupled by a waveguide, by electrical isolation via proton implantation

    Histamine and the stomach: chemical histamine assays

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    Histamine assays in gastroduodenal tissues and body fluids are not an absolute objective of scientific interest but are related to the role of histamine in health and disease. Hence, the reliability of histamine assays has to be assessed in relation to this aim. Sensitivity and specificity of the chemical histamine assays are similar in tissues and body fluids. The modern developments in a fluorometric-fluoroenzymatic assay guarantee the highest sensitivity and specificity, especially by tests that monitor specificity in each single run of histamine determinations. Precision and accuracy of histamine measurement were especially investigated for the fluorometric assay. They included tests on the coefficient of variation over the whole concentration range, long-term precision with double-sample standard control charts, comparison of several methods for histamine assay including bioassay, and long-term accuracy with the use of Cusum charts. Finally, appropriate sample preparation, sample-taking, relevant body fluids and tissues, and the right time for sample-taking were evaluated in extended methodologic studies. Histamine assays are not just methods for a normal routine laboratory. Extended knowledge about histamine release and metabolism will be necessary to analyse data in this particular field with reasonable validity
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