95 research outputs found

    Irregular Migration:Mismatch between Conceptualizations and Lived Experiences

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    This article focuses on researching differences in relation to irregular migration and various methodological challenges and ethical considerations that arise when working in this type of research field. Due to the precarious character of the migration and the vulnerability of the migrants, a large degree of responsibility is placed on the researcher in order to refrain from harming the researched group(s) further. Yet, the need to access information about their life situations are of great importance to shed light on matters that otherwise would remain hidden and undisclosed. How do researchers recognize the implications of the methods used in researching irregular migration and other vulnerable people and sensitive subjects? How do we carry out research in this field without causing further harm to the subjects researched? What kind of differentiating categorization of migrants do researchers construct, produce and reproduce during the research process? This article addresses the above questions by looking at the construction and categorization of irregular migrants in both the research process and as the products of research conducted, using the biographical narrative method in order to obtain a deeper and more complex understanding of the social dynamics involved in the field of irregular migration

    Irregular Migration: Mismatch between Conceptualizations and Lived Experiences

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    This article focuses on researching differences in relation to irregular migration and various methodological challenges and ethical considerations that arise when working in this type of research field. Due to the precarious character of the migration and the vulnerability of the migrants, a large degree of responsibility is placed on the researcher in order to refrain from harming the researched group(s) further. Yet, the need to access information about their life situations are of great importance to shed light on matters that otherwise would remain hidden and undisclosed. How do researchers recognize the implications of the methods used in researching irregular migration and other vulnerable people and sensitive subjects? How do we carry out research in this field without causing further harm to the subjects researched? What kind of differentiating categorization of migrants do researchers construct, produce and reproduce during the research process? This article addresses the above questions by looking at the construction and categorization of irregular migrants in both the research process and as the products of research conducted, using the biographical narrative method in order to obtain a deeper and more complex understanding of the social dynamics involved in the field of irregular migration

    Integration of Refugees on the Danish Labor Market

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    The unprecedented inflow of refugees in the Nordic countries since 2014 has accentuated debates about the effectiveness of the Nordic models and their labor market integration programs. The ‘refugee crisis’ opened a window of opportunity in which some Nordic countries reformed their policy framework to promote faster and more effective labor market integration of refugees. Denmark is celebrated for its well-functioning flexicurity labor market, but has not been particularly successful in integrating nonwestern migrants and refugees in the labor market. We examine barriers on the supply-side, the demand-side, and in the matching process of the labor market to better understand the labor market performance of refugees. Subsequently, we analyze the new Danish labor market integration programs and discuss preliminary implementation results. Although it is too early to make any final judgments of the outcomes, there are indications of positive changes in implementation and results, while important integration issues remain unresolved

    Immigrant Entrepreneurship as Gendered Social Positions:a study on motivations and strategies in a biographical perspective

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    Integration of Refugees on the Danish Labor Market

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    The unprecedented inflow of refugees in the Nordic countries since 2014 has accentuated debates about the effectiveness of the Nordic models and their labor market integration programs. The ‘refugee crisis’ opened a window of opportunity in which some Nordic countries reformed their policy framework to promote faster and more effective labor market integration of refugees. Denmark is celebrated for its well-functioning flexicurity labor market, but has not been particularly successful in integrating nonwestern migrants and refugees in the labor market. We examine barriers on the supply-side, the demand-side, and in the matching process of the labor market to better understand the labor market performance of refugees. Subsequently, we analyze the new Danish labor market integration programs and discuss preliminary implementation results. Although it is too early to make any final judgments of the outcomes, there are indications of positive changes in implementation and results, while important integration issues remain unresolved

    Migrants’ Work Environment in the Danish Construction Sector: a Scoping Study

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    This study of existing research maps out what is known about the work environment of migrant workers employed in the construction sector in Denmark. Through the systematic approach offered by a scoping study and using two conceptual models identifying determinants of worker health and safety as analytical frameworks, we identify an overall paucity of research concerned specifically with the health and safety of migrants. A broader literature shows that migrants are vulnerable workers who are channeled into 3D jobs and face job insecurity. Migrants also face poor treatment and segregation. We conclude by identifying 10 gaps in the current literature, including a lack of valid evidence concerning accidents and risks

    Arbejdsmigration fra de nye EU-lande: En kilde til vækst eller en trussel mod de (u)faglærte danske arbejdstagere?

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    This article examines the consequences of low-skilled labour migration to Denmark from the new EU member countries in Eastern Europe. The article investigates the potentials, limitations and conflicts of interests that are connected with temporary employment of Eastern European migrant workers seen from the perspective of Danish labour market actors; politicians, labour market unions, one employer union, Danish employers, Danish and Eastern European employees and Danish unemployed workers. During the past four years more than 52,500 Eastern European EU citizens have relocated to Denmark. The migrant workers from the new EU countries can be characterized by a high degree of mobility flexibility and high motivations to get a job, poorer socioeconomic and working conditions in their home countries as well as being of another cultural background than their Danish colleagues. The tendency among employers, their organizations and some of the liberal political parties is that the cheap and flexible foreign labour is crucial for business’s ability to compete on the global market. Trade unions, on the other hand, are concerned about the developments on the labour market and the protection of workers’ rights, safety and equal treatment. Danish workers express on the one hand solidarity with their foreign colleagues and on the other concern about the situation of the many unemployed Danish workers. Finally, the escalated labour migration from Eastern European EU countries challenges the negotiation model, which is central to the structure of the Danish labour market.Igennem de seneste fire år har der opholdt sig minimum 52.500 østeuropæiske EU-borgere i Danmark, heraf cirka halvdelen fra Polen. Sammen med den gradvise udfasning af Østaftalen fra 2006/8 samt ophævelsen af fagforeningernes eksklusivaftaler i 2006 har denne udvikling skabt en ny situation på det danske arbejdsmarked. Migrantarbejderne fra de nye EU-lande er karakteriseret ved høj grad af fleksibilitet, mobilitet og villighed til at arbejde, dårligere socio- økonomiske forhold og arbejdsmæssige vilkår i deres hjemlande samt en anden kulturel bag- grund end deres danske kolleger. Denne artikel giver et indblik i nogle af konsekvenserne ved arbejdsmigration fra de nye EU-lande på det (u)faglærte danske arbejdsmarked belyst ud fra en analyse af henholdsvis et politisk, et fagforenings-, et brancheorganisations, et virksomheds- ejer-, et arbejdsleder- og et medarbejderperspektiv
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