17 research outputs found

    Blog and Talk. Brug af blogs til at understøtte mundtlig deltagelse i tilstedevÌrelsesundervisningen

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    Med udgangspunkt i de pædagogiske begreber constructive alignment, collaborative learning, peer feedback og self assessment argumenterer jeg i denne artikel for, at blogs med fordel kan inddrages i tilstedeværelsesundervisningen til at understøtte mundtlige fremstillinger i gruppearbejdet på kurser, der bestås med mundtlig eksamen. Artiklen er skrevet på baggrund af en undervisningsmodel, der kombinerer gruppefremlægninger og blogs, og som jeg udviklede og implementerede i efteråret 2019 og foråret 2020, da jeg underviste i bachelorfaget ”Videnskabsteori 2” på Litteraturvidenskab ved SDU. Artiklen præsenterer de pædagogiske tanker, der lå bag udviklingen af modellen samt en detaljeret beskrivelse af implementeringsprocessen og de modifikationer, jeg foretog undervejs. Den er tænkt som en hjælp og instruktion til undervisere, der arbejder med at opkvalificere og strukturere mundtlig deltagelse i undervisningen, træne de studerende i mundtlig fremstilling og forberede dem til mundtlig eksamen.Based on the pedagogical concepts of constructive alignment, collaborative learning, peer feedback and self assessment, I argue in this article that blogs can be included in face to face teaching to support oral presentations in group work on courses that are completed by oral examination. The article is written on the basis of a teaching model that combines group presentations and blogs, and which I developed and implemented in the autumn of 2019 and the spring of 2020, when I taught the bachelor subject "Science Theory 2" at Comparative Literature at SDU. The article includes a description of the pedagogical thoughts that went into the development of the model, and a detailed description of the implementation process and modifications I made along the way. It is intended as a help and instruction for teachers who work with qualifying and structuring oral participation in their teaching and with training students in oral presentation in order to prepare them for oral examination

    H.C. Andersen i et idĂŠhistorisk perspektiv

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    H.C. Andersen levede og skrev i en tid præget af dramatiske samfundsmæssige udviklinger samt tanke- og mentalitetsmæssige forandringer i Danmark og Europa. I århundredet før hans tid havde Europa set den såkaldte Oplysningstid udfolde sig, hvilket ledte videre til den ”romantiske” periode, som Andersen arbejdede inden for. Denne periode udviklede sig ind i moderniteten, som kom til at dominere de vestlige samfund i det 20. århundrede. Alle disse idéhistoriske strømninger mødtes og blandedes i det danske samfund i Andersens livs- og virkeperiode 1805-1875

    Lykke i ulykkens tid

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    Taking its point of departure in two contemporary Danish poets, Victor Boy Lindholm and Theis Ørntoft, the article discusses affective poetic responses to the climate crisis. The concepts of ‘eco-mourning’ and ‘climate-melancholia’ are examined in order to deliberate the possibility for human happiness in late modernism. Poems by the writers are analysed with Sara Ahmed’s theories on happiness and perspectives from posthumanist theory (Cary Wolfe) and Timothy Morton’s notion of dark ecology. It is argued that the teleology, autonomy and futurism that, according to Ahmed, is inherent to the promise of happiness, is rendered impossible by the climate crisis and accordingly problematized stylistically in some works of climate poetry. This leads to a discussion of the poetry of Lindholm and Ørntoft in relation to Freud’s theory on mourning and melancholia, which ends by concluding that Lindholm’s poetry can be seen as representative of a mourning that reproduces dynamics of desire in a dialectical oscillation between optimism and pessimism. In contrast, Ørntoft’s poetry marks a melancholy dispensation of the structures that this desire works within. The conclusion is that in an age of climate crisis, mourning can be seen as a problematic speculation in future and continuation of the structures of happiness and desire that produced the crisis to begin with, whereas melancholia is a mental mode that brackets out such dialectical thinking and promises of future happiness

    Hans Christian Andersen in communities: an introduction

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    Editorial introduction to the collection of article

    At tĂŚnke og undervise med H.C. Andersen

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    Med denne essaysamling vil vi opfordre til, at man netop kigger efter og eksperimenterer med, hvordan H.C. Andersens eventyr kan bruges i eksistentielle refleksioner over, hvorfor vi tÌnker, som vi gør, og mener det, vi gør. Hvis man inddrager denne dimension i forstüelsen af H.C. Andersen, kalder vi det at undervise med H.C. Andersen

    MOOC design – Dissemination to the masses or facilitation of social learning and a deep approach to learning?

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    This article accounts for the design of the massive open online course (MOOC) Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy tales on FutureLearn and reports on the effectiveness of this design in terms of engaging learners in social learning and encouraging a deep approach to learning. A learning pathway was designed that provided learners with relevant knowledge, allowed them to practice their analysis skills and provided model responses. In the first run of the MOOC, a light facilitation approach was used to motivate and engage learners. In the second run, this was supplemented with live Q & A sessions and increased educator feedback. Course data show that that some learners use the space provided for social interaction and mutual support. A learning pathway that engages learners in discussion and progression from week to week facilitates a deep approach to learning. However, this requires more support from the educators and the course host

    Vi har intet at hovmode os over. Den anti-antropocentriske Andersen

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    Torsten Bøgh Thomsen: “We Have Nothing to be Arrogant About: Anti-anthropocentrism in Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairytales of Things”The article presents readings of some of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytales of things in relation to new materialist theory. The argument is that Andersen writes with an artistic sensitivity toward the material world that puts forth discussions about agency, autonomy, conditionality, mastery and instrumentalism in a poetological setting. Furthermore, the argument is that this material aesthetic comes about through a deliberate use of some of the more radical elements of Romantic philosophy that challenges the anthropocentric ideals of Universal and National Romanticism and softens the gap between Romanticism and Modernity in a way that seems congruent with late modern environmental thinking

    Bogstavelig talt

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