6 research outputs found

    Novel, Travel-Writing and Nation : Studies in Selma Lagerlöf and Hans Christian Andersen

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    The overarching focus of the portfolio of publications I have submitted for the PhD by Research Publications is the treatment of place - in particular the mapping and problematisation of nation space - in Selma Lagerlofs and Hans Christian Andersen's novel- and travel-writing. Through a consideration of selected texts it is argued that manifestations of mobility, modernity and hybridity contribute centrally to the articulation of place in the works of both writers. It is further argued that the majority of the texts themselves display hybrid features, challenging the boundary between 'fictional' novel-writing and 'factual' travel-writing and combining a commitment to the 'real' with a recurring interest in the imagined.In all, the submitted publications on Lagerlof and Andersen may be seen as contributions to the reassessment of two Scandinavian cultural figures of 'world literature' status, highlighting proto-modernist aspects of their oeuvre as well as some reductive patterns in their reception history

    Eyvind Johnson’s Hybrid North:Dynamics of place and time in travelogues and memory sketches 1943-1963

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    The article explores the depiction and understanding of the Swedish North in memory sketches and travelogues, published between 1943 and 1963, by the author Eyvind Johnson, who was born in 1900 in Svartbjörnsbyn in Sweden’s northernmost county, Norrbotten, and went on to win the Nobel Prize for literature in 1974. The overarching argument of the article is that a creative interplay between places, "traffic," time and memory in Johnson’s writing shapes a hybrid picture of the Swedish North as a dynamic, inclusive and multidimensional domain, making Johnson’s articulations of the North of heightened relevance today. While frequently preoccupied with the past, Johnson’s representations of the North are always also, explicitly or implicitly, grounded in a contemporary political, economic or environmental context, be it world-war preparedness, welfare development, cold-war crisis, or increased utilisation of natural resources. The article begins by focusing on memory sketches that belong to official antho-logies celebrating milestones in the history of administrative structures and demarcations in the North. In these contexts, Johnson operates as an ambassador for the North, while providing incisive, at times critical, perspectives on past and present in the region. Drawing on theories of travel writing as a hybrid and "freer" form of writing, the article goes on to discuss how Johnson in travelogues such as Winter Journey in Norrbotten (1955) and "Summer Diary from Norrbotten" (1963) journeys into contemporary landscapes and townscapes that, at the same time, contain the traces or contours of his personal past. In these texts, Johnson acts both as a child of the North and as a special reporter approaching from the South in order to familiarise external audiences with the region. The article concludes by demonstrating how Johnson in Winter Journey uses contexts and concepts of travel to explore the relationship more broadly between his literary activity and the northern experience. In its finishing argument, the article suggests that notions of hybrid creativity and "transport" of motifs, material and perspectives are key to Johnson’s literary practice and "programme" in relation to the Swedish North.Artikeln undersöker bilden av Norrland, som den framtrĂ€der i författaren Eyvind Johnsons minnesskisser och reseskildringar, utgivna mellan 1943 och 1963. Eyvind Johnson föddes Ă„r 1900 i Svartbjörnsbyn i Norrbotten och belönades med Nobelpriset i litteratur 1974. Artikelns övergripande tes, att ett kreativt samspel mellan orter, "trafik", tidsplaner och minnen i Johnsons skisser och skildringar skapar en hybrid bild av Norrland som en dyna-misk, inkluderande och multidimensionell sfĂ€r, ger Johnsons perspektiv pĂ„ Nordsverige ytterligare relevans idag. Samtidigt som Johnson ofta utforskar det förflutna, Ă€r hans Norrlandsbild ocksĂ„ alltid, explicit eller implicit, förankrad i ett samtida politiskt, ekonomiskt eller miljömĂ€ssigt sammanhang, det mĂ„ handla om beredskapen, vĂ€lfĂ€rdens utveckling, kalla kriget eller en ökad utvinning av naturens resurser. Artikeln befattar sig först med minnesskisser som ingĂ„r i officiella antologier tillkomna för att upp-mĂ€rksamma milstolpar i den nordligaste landsdelens administrativa hi-storia. I dessa sammanhang agerar Johnson som ambassadör för Norrland och anlĂ€gger ingĂ„ende, ibland kritiska, perspektiv pĂ„ regionens förr och nu. Med referenser till teorier om reselitteratur som hybrid och en "friare" form av litteratur diskuterar artikeln dĂ€refter hur Johnson i sina reserapporter, sĂ„som Vinterresa i Norrbotten (1955) och "Sommardagbok frĂ„n Norrbotten" (1963), beger sig in i samtida landskap och till orter som samtidigt bĂ€r spĂ„r av hans personliga förflutna. I dessa texter upptrĂ€der Johnson bĂ„de som ett barn av Norrland och en reporter utsĂ€nd frĂ„n södra Sverige med specialuppdraget att informera en extern publik om landsdelen i norr. I den avslutande delen diskuterar artikeln hur Johnson i Vinterresa i Norrbotten anvĂ€nder resesituationen och resans begrepp för att utforska förhĂ„llandet mellan konstnĂ€rskap och en norrlĂ€ndsk uppvĂ€xt. I konklusionen hĂ€vdas att begrepp som hybrid kreativitet och "transport" av motiv, material and perspektiv Ă€r centrala i Johnsons litterĂ€ra arbete och "program" i förhĂ„llande till Norrland

    Eyvind Johnson’s Hybrid North : Dynamics of Place and Time in Travelogues and Memory Sketches 1943–1963

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    The article explores the depiction and understanding of the Swedish North in memory sketches and travelogues, published between 1943 and 1963, by the author Eyvind Johnson, who was born in 1900 in Svartbjörnsbyn in Sweden’s northernmost county, Norrbotten, and went on to win the Nobel Prize for literature in 1974. The overarching argument of the article is that a creative interplay between places, "traffic," time and memory in Johnson’s writing shapes a hybrid picture of the Swedish North as a dynamic, inclusive and multidimensional domain, making Johnson’s articulations of the North of heightened relevance today. While frequently preoccupied with the past, Johnson’s representations of the North are always also, explicitly or implicitly, grounded in a contemporary political, economic or environmental context, be it world-war preparedness, welfare development, cold-war crisis, or increased utilisation of natural resources. The article begins by focusing on memory sketches that belong to official antho-logies celebrating milestones in the history of administrative structures and demarcations in the North. In these contexts, Johnson operates as an ambassador for the North, while providing incisive, at times critical, perspectives on past and present in the region. Drawing on theories of travel writing as a hybrid and "freer" form of writing, the article goes on to discuss how Johnson in travelogues such as Winter Journey in Norrbotten (1955) and "Summer Diary from Norrbotten" (1963) journeys into contemporary landscapes and townscapes that, at the same time, contain the traces or contours of his personal past. In these texts, Johnson acts both as a child of the North and as a special reporter approaching from the South in order to familiarise external audiences with the region. The article concludes by demonstrating how Johnson in Winter Journey uses contexts and concepts of travel to explore the relationship more broadly between his literary activity and the northern experience. In its finishing argument, the article suggests that notions of hybrid creativity and "transport" of motifs, material and perspectives are key to Johnson’s literary practice and "programme" in relation to the Swedish North.Artikeln undersöker bilden av Norrland, som den framtrĂ€der i författaren Eyvind Johnsons minnesskisser och reseskildringar, utgivna mellan 1943 och 1963. Eyvind Johnson föddes Ă„r 1900 i Svartbjörnsbyn i Norrbotten och belönades med Nobelpriset i litteratur 1974. Artikelns övergripande tes, att ett kreativt samspel mellan orter, "trafik", tidsplaner och minnen i Johnsons skisser och skildringar skapar en hybrid bild av Norrland som en dyna-misk, inkluderande och multidimensionell sfĂ€r, ger Johnsons perspektiv pĂ„ Nordsverige ytterligare relevans idag. Samtidigt som Johnson ofta utforskar det förflutna, Ă€r hans Norrlandsbild ocksĂ„ alltid, explicit eller implicit, förankrad i ett samtida politiskt, ekonomiskt eller miljömĂ€ssigt sammanhang, det mĂ„ handla om beredskapen, vĂ€lfĂ€rdens utveckling, kalla kriget eller en ökad utvinning av naturens resurser. Artikeln befattar sig först med minnesskisser som ingĂ„r i officiella antologier tillkomna för att upp-mĂ€rksamma milstolpar i den nordligaste landsdelens administrativa hi-storia. I dessa sammanhang agerar Johnson som ambassadör för Norrland och anlĂ€gger ingĂ„ende, ibland kritiska, perspektiv pĂ„ regionens förr och nu. Med referenser till teorier om reselitteratur som hybrid och en "friare" form av litteratur diskuterar artikeln dĂ€refter hur Johnson i sina reserapporter, sĂ„som Vinterresa i Norrbotten (1955) och "Sommardagbok frĂ„n Norrbotten" (1963), beger sig in i samtida landskap och till orter som samtidigt bĂ€r spĂ„r av hans personliga förflutna. I dessa texter upptrĂ€der Johnson bĂ„de som ett barn av Norrland och en reporter utsĂ€nd frĂ„n södra Sverige med specialuppdraget att informera en extern publik om landsdelen i norr. I den avslutande delen diskuterar artikeln hur Johnson i Vinterresa i Norrbotten anvĂ€nder resesituationen och resans begrepp för att utforska förhĂ„llandet mellan konstnĂ€rskap och en norrlĂ€ndsk uppvĂ€xt. I konklusionen hĂ€vdas att begrepp som hybrid kreativitet och "transport" av motiv, material and perspektiv Ă€r centrala i Johnsons litterĂ€ra arbete och "program" i förhĂ„llande till Norrland