93 research outputs found

    Plaidejat a una dama a c r freg 1: The Occitaniste Movementin France from the Third Republic to 1945

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    This paper focuses on the evolution and changes experienced by the Occitaniste movement in France from the French Revolution to 1945. A subsequent article will carry it forward to the present. Following a brief introduction to the Occitan language and its history prior to the Third Republic, the central role of Frédéric Mistral and the Félibrige movement in Provence sets the stage. The first period of the Third Republic was crucial to the history of Occitan and the Occitaniste movement. The relationship of Occitania to France and of Occitanisme to the state were shaped by the actions of the state especially in the realm of education, and in the reaction of the Félibrige and others to them. A fundamental division between eastern Occitania (Provençe) and western Occitania was reinforced at this time and was to have repercussions for the future history of the Occitaniste movement. The changes experienced both politically and socially during the early years of the twentieth century through the Second World War are then examined


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    MEP (société des missions etrangères de Paris)はフランスのカトリック教徒の伝道の社会でした。1850 年代にMEP は近代日本のカトリック教会を設立しました。当初は、多くの問題がありましたが、日本のカトリック教会は20 世紀の初めまでに大いに成長しました。昭和の最初の20 年は日本にとっては、過激な国家主義と戦争の時代でした。MEP のカトリック教会と宣教師はこれらの諸問題に対処しなければなりませんでした。国家神道と日本人のカトリック教徒の司教への対応は特に重要な問題でした。日本のカトリック教会は、バチカン市国の方針と、日本人の聖職者と、MEP の間で分割されました。この論文はこの時代に日本のカトリック教会とMEPによって採用された異なった戦略を検証します。カトリック教会がこの敵対的環境で平和に生き残るのは、ひじょうに困難なものでした。The MEP (société des missions-etrangères de Paris), a French Catholic missionary society, had founded the Catholic Church in modern Japan in the 1850s. Despite many challenges the Catholic Church in Japan had grown significantly by the beginning of the twentieth century. The first twenty years of the Showa period, however, were a time of extreme nationalism and war for Japan. The Catholic Church and particularly the missionaries of the MEP had to deal with these pressures and especially with the issues of State Shinto and the indigenization of the Japanese Catholic hierarchy. The MEP were caught between the policies of Vatican diplomacy, the aspirations of the indigenous Japanese Clergy, and their own (often divided) assessment of the situation. This article looks at the different strategies adopted by the Catholic Church in Japan and the MEP in this period, and at the high price they both had to pay to secure the peaceful survival of the Catholic Church in this often-hostile environment


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    フランスのカトリック宣教師社会 のME P (socié té d es missions etrangèr es de Paris)、カトリック教会が設立されたのは近代。日本では1850 年代。20 世紀めに数多くの課題が、起きた。にもかかわらず、日本のカトリック教会が大きく成長した。この成長は日本だせではなかった。制限されませんでした。MEP はまたマンチュリアにおいても活動した日本人はマンチュリアを支配して、マンチュクオ を作りました。マンチュクオは国際連盟により承認されませんでした。日本は本当に国際連盟マンチュクオの識が欲しかったです。バチカンによる識も重要でした。MEP はそしてバチカン、日本そしてマンチュクオを処理しなければなりませんでした。MEP はバチカンの外交政策、と日本の要求、そして、自らの状況を評価します。この記事にはこの時代におけるマンチュリアノMEP によってとられた。また、この困難な状況において、カトリック教会の存続つるために支払なければならなかた代償についても書かれている。The MEP (société des missions-etrangères de Paris), a French Catholic missionary society, had founded the Catholic Church in modern Japan in the 1850s. Despite many challenges the Catholic Church in Japan had grown significantly by the beginning of the twentieth century. This growth was not restricted to Japan. The MEP was also active in Manchuria. The apanese came to dominate Manchuria and created the state of Manchukuo there. Manchukuo was not recognized by the League of Nations. Japan really wanted recognition for Manchukuo. The recognition of the Vatican was important for them. The MEP had to deal with Japan and Manchukuo and with the Vatican. The MEP was caught between the policies of Vatican diplomacy, the aspirations of the Japanese, and their own assessments of the situation. This article looks at the different strategies adopted by the MEP in Manchuria in this period, and at the cost they had to pay to try to secure the urvival of the Catholic Church in this difficult situation

    Linear Progression for Increased External Loads during Strength Training

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    Improvements in muscular strength require an individual to train with progressively increased external loads over time. While it is well documented that the initial adaptations to strength training occur rapidly, previous researchers have not thoroughly examined the most effective means of inducing these changes. The purpose of this study was to examine the ability to add 2.27 kg to the barbell for 20 consecutive training sessions, and to compare these responses between the sexes. Thirty-four subjects ([mean ± SD age = 23 ± 3 years] men, n = 17; women, n = 17) participated in this study. The subjects were taught how to perform the barbell deadlift exercise, and received individual instruction and verbal feedback regarding their technique throughout the entire investigation. The subjects visited the laboratory twice per week for ten weeks. The external loads corresponded to the maximum weight that each subject could use to perform five sets of five repetitions with correct technique. If five sets of five repetitions were performed, 2.27 kg were added to the barbell for the following training session. The mean external load for each training session was recorded. The data were analyzed with bivariate regression and repeated measures analyses of variance (ANOVAs). The mean ± SD external loads used in this study increased from 66.2 ± 22.3 to 123.1 ± 21.8 kg for the men and 37.8 ± 7.0 to 70.7 ± 12.2 for the women. The results from the repeated measures ANOVAs indicated that men were able to add 2.27 kg to the barbell for 17 consecutive training sessions. For the women, however, the progress stalled at roughly week six. As a result, the coefficient of determination for the external load versus training session number relationship was r2 = .960 for the men and r2 = .881 for the women. These findings demonstrated that adding 2.27 kg to the barbell for each training session was an effective method for progressively increasing the external load over a ten week period. Many of the women had a difficult time with this gradual increase after week six, however, suggesting that smaller absolute changes with fractional plates (e.g., 0.91 kg) may be necessary