4,784 research outputs found

    Investigation of methods for the optimal selection of students into specialist science secondary schools

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    The mission of specialist science secondary schools (SSSS) is to increase the number of students with aspirations to participate in higher education courses and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM; Means et al., 2021). Although many SSSS use selective admission criteria (Erdogan & Stuessy, 2015), the efficacy of such entry assessment still requires exploration. This research is investigating the characteristics of students that may best benefit from the education provided through SSSS to in-turn inform the best design for the entry assessment. Our conceptual framework (shown below) was developed from social cognitive career theory, explaining factors influencing individuals' academic or career choices (Lent et al., 1994). Based on this theory, there are four student characteristics our work has chosen to focus on: critical thinking, creativity, science self-efficacy, and science identity. These four characteristics are being explored through a validated questionnaire constructed from four pre-existing and validated instruments (Lin & Tsai, 2013; Lockhart et al., 2022; Runco et al., 2001; Sosu, 2013). The questionnaire was distributed and data were collected from students (n = 87), alumni (n = 193), teachers (n = 23), and school administrators (n = 3) from one SSSS in Thailand from April to June 2023. Participants’ demographic information was collected to investigate any correlations between cohorts and their questionnaire responses. Additional qualitative data were obtained through both open-ended responses and interviews (teacher n = 14 and school administrator n = 1) to reveal further depth and help understand participants’ perspectives. This presentation will share the questionnaire findings from one school involving this study. These preliminary results provide practitioners and decision-makers with some initial insights about the student characteristics they should focus on for the selection of suitable students for SSSS. REFERENCESErdogan, N., & Stuessy, C. L. (2015). Modeling Successful STEM High Schools in the United States: An Ecology Framework. Online Submission, 3(1), 77-92.Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D., & Hackett, G. (1994). Toward a unifying social cognitive theory of career and academic interest, choice, and performance. Journal of vocational behavior, 45(1), 79-122.Lin, T. J., & Tsai, C. C. (2013). A Multi-dimensional instrument for evaluating Taiwanese high school students’ science learning self-efficacy in relation to their approaches to learning science. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 11, 1275-1301.Lockhart, M. E., Kwok, O. M., Yoon, M., & Wong, R. (2022). An important component to investigating STEM persistence: the development and validation of the science identity (SciID) scale. International Journal of STEM Education, 9(1), 1-17.Means, B., Wang, H., Wei, X., Young, V., & Iwatani, E. (2021). Impacts of attending an inclusive STEM high school: meta-analytic estimates from five studies. International Journal of STEM Education, 8(1), 1-19.Runco, M. A., Plucker, J. A., & Lim, W. (2001). Development and psychometric integrity of a measure of ideational behavior. Creativity Research Journal, 13(3-4), 393-400.Sosu, E. M. (2013). The development and psychometric validation of a Critical Thinking Disposition Scale. Thinking skills and creativity, 9, 107-119


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    The transition from high school to tertiary education can present many challenges for students. First year students must navigate new formal curricular, societal norms, physical environments, and support networks. An important factor for a successful transition from secondary to tertiary education is student preparedness. This transition period was thrown on its head due to the global challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic presented in 2020. The aim of this research was to identify and examine the perceptions of preparedness of first-year chemistry students, and if these perceptions were significantly impacted by COVID-19. Surveys were deployed to a first-year chemistry cohort at both the start and the end of semester, and follow up focus groups conducted after the conclusion of the semester. Results indicate that students’ perceptions of preparedness for studying chemistry increased over the course of the semester, however for studying at university in general the perception of preparedness decreased. The absence of in-person laboratory practicals was found to be a great concern for students, along with factors previously found to impact students’ perceptions. Reflections and findings of the students’ experiences will be presented from the first semester of 2020 delivered online through emergency remote teaching and learning

    Levels of Science Identity, Belonging and Experiences of Discrimination for Commencing Science Students at an Australian University

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    A key step in achieving gender equality in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce is recruiting more women into undergraduate STEM degrees. Some disciplines, such as biology, have been more successful at this than others. Yet, gender issues at university still exist in these science disciplines, which may be deterring women from remaining in this career pathway. This case study at an Australian university explored known risk factors for attrition by surveying 215 first-year undergraduate science students. It also investigated how these factors differ for students in the ‘gender-balanced’ and ‘gender-unbalanced’ science fields. Findings showed that female students in both the ‘gender-balanced’ and ‘gender-unbalanced’ science fields begin university with low levels of belonging, and encounter experiences of discrimination early on. These findings highlight potential risk factors for attrition for incoming Australian science undergraduates, and some potential challenges tertiary educators need to be aware of within their first-year classrooms

    Relativistic Winds from Compact Gamma-ray Sources: I. Radiative Acceleration in the Klein-Nishina Regime

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    We consider the radiative acceleration to relativistic bulk velocities of a cold, optically thin plasma which is exposed to an external source of gamma-rays. The flow is driven by radiative momentum input to the gas, the accelerating force being due to Compton scattering in the relativistic Klein-Nishina limit. The bulk Lorentz factor of the plasma, Gamma, derived as a function of distance from the radiating source, is compared with the corresponding result in the Thomson limit. Depending on the geometry and spectrum of the radiation field, we find that particles are accelerated to the asymptotic Lorentz factor at infinity much more rapidly in the relativistic regime; and the radiation drag is reduced as blueshifted, aberrated photons experience a decreased relativistic cross section and scatter preferentially in the forward direction. The random energy imparted to the plasma by gamma-rays can be converted into bulk motion if the hot particles execute many Larmor orbits before cooling. This `Compton afterburn' may be a supplementary source of momentum if energetic leptons are injected by pair creation, but can be neglected in the case of pure Klein-Nishina scattering. Compton drag by side-scattered radiation is shown to be more important in limiting the bulk Lorentz factor than the finite inertia of the accelerating medium. The processes discussed here may be relevant to a variety of astrophysical situations where luminous compact sources of hard X- and gamma-ray photons are observed, including active galactic nuclei, galactic black hole candidates, and gamma-ray bursts.Comment: LateX, 20 pages, 5 figures, revised version accepted for publication in the Ap


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    BACKGROUND The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework promotes inclusion by minimising barriers against, and maximising opportunities for learning. Implementing the three principles of the UDL framework (providing multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement) through its 31 checkpoints, provides strategies that allow diverse learners optimal participation in a meaningful and challenging learning environment. AIMS This paper will present an exploratory multiple-case design implementing UDL in first-year chemistry courses at two universities in Australia and one in the Philippines. DESIGN AND METHODS The UDL framework was integrated in the design and delivery of five chemistry topics, namely, periodic table and trends, chemical bonding, Lewis structures, molecular shapes, and polarity. Survey, focus groups, and interviews were conducted to gather students’ perceptions on the impact of UDL-based features in their learning. RESULTS Results from surveys, focus groups, and interviews reveal that, irrespective of their individual contexts, students from these three universities perceived positive impacts from the UDL-based features of their online chemistry learning environment. Students reported that their learning benefitted from provisions for enhanced visualisation of chemistry concepts, especially those that require chemical representations (i.e. bond formation, chemical structures, molecular geometry), improved accuracy, flexibility, self-evaluation of progress, and increased motivation. CONCLUSIONS These results suggest that applying the UDL framework in a first-year chemistry online environment can support and further enhance students’ learning irrespective of their individual contexts


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    BACKGROUND Learning analytics, which involves the measurement, collection analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts may provide understanding and optimisation of learning environments. Recently, there has been growing interest among various education sectors in utilising learners’ data from different sources to provide support for the achievement of their specific learning goals. The expansion of online learning has yielded a rise of big data which may be employed to guide educators in designing learning environments, that together with appropriate instructional materials and methods, are able to address challenges in bridging discipline content and pedagogy. AIMS This study explored the use of learning analytics to evaluate the learning design developed for selected topics in first-year chemistry: namely periodic table, Lewis structures, types of chemical bonds, molecular shape and polarity. DESIGN AND METHODS After two weeks of online delivery of these topics to 985 learners, the log data from Moodle were collected, de-identified, processed and analysed. The aim of the analysis was to gain an understanding of learners’ interaction with the resources and activities posted on the LMS, and their online engagement with their peers and teachers. RESULTS Results from learning analytics measurements suggest that the prepared learning design afforded students not only flexible, but also independent learning, as evidenced by the usage pattern of Moodle activities over a 24-hour time frame. The log data recorded a greater frequency of access to interactive resources i.e. simulation (1721 times) and hypertext (1903 times) than the narrative resources i.e. videos (1526 times), web-based book (1561 times). This result suggests that learners choose the type of resources they perceived were most beneficial for their learning. In addition to learning resources, learners were likewise given the opportunity to select their preferred formative self-assessment activities. Results showed that more students accessed the worksheets rather than the timed quizzes. CONCLUSIONS Based on the analysis of learners’ data on their interaction with the learning resources and engagement in learning activities in the LMS, various information may be obtained to evaluate the learning design of an online first-year chemistry program

    Electrodynamics of Magnetars III: Pair Creation Processes in an Ultrastrong Magnetic Field and Particle Heating in a Dynamic Magnetosphere

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    We consider the details of the QED processes that create electron-positron pairs in magnetic fields approaching and exceeding 10^{14} G. The formation of free and bound pairs is addressed, and the importance of positronium dissociation by thermal X-rays is noted. We calculate the collision cross section between an X-ray and a gamma ray, and point out a resonance in the cross section when the gamma ray is close to the threshold for pair conversion. We also discuss how the pair creation rate in the open-field circuit and the outer magnetosphere can be strongly enhanced by instabilities near the light cylinder. When the current has a strong fluctuating component, a cascade develops. We examine the details of particle heating, and show that a high rate of pair creation can be sustained close to the star, but only if the spin period is shorter than several seconds. The dissipation rate in this turbulent state can easily accommodate the observed radio output of the transient radio-emitting magnetars, and even their infrared emission. Finally, we outline how a very high rate of pair creation on the open magnetic field lines can help to stabilize a static twist in the closed magnetosphere and to regulate the loss of magnetic helicity by reconnection at the light cylinder.Comment: 25 pages, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Variable Spin-down in the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1900+14 and Correlations with Burst Activity

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    We have analyzed Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer Proportional Counter Array observations of the pulsed emission from SGR 1900+14 during September 1996, June - October 1998, and early 1999. Using these measurements and results reported elsewhere, we construct a period history of this source for 2.5 years. We find significant deviations from a steady spin-down trend during quiescence and the burst active interval. Burst and Transient Source Experiment observations of the burst emission are presented and correlations between the burst activity and spin-down rate of SGR 1900+14 are discussed. We find an 80 day interval during the summer of 1998 when the average spin-down rate is larger than the rate elsewhere by a factor ~ 2.3. This enhanced spin-down may be the result of a discontinuous spin-down event or ``braking glitch'' at the time of the giant flare on 27 August 1998. Furthermore, we find a large discrepancy between the pulsar period and average spin-down rate in X-rays as compared to radio observations for December 1998 and January 1999.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Online learning in chemistry: Design, development, accessibility, and evaluation

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    Online learning has played an integral role in delivering large-cohort chemistry courses in undergraduate degree programs. This study includes describing how a first-year chemistry course transitioned from traditional face-to-face teaching to blended learning using the Resource-Based Learning framework (Hannafin & Hill, 2007; Reyes et al., 2022a). Using this framework, different types of online learning resources were curated to deliver chemistry content. A variety of learning activities were also developed to enhance these resources guided by Laurillard’s Conversational Framework (Laurillard, 2002). Considering that accessibility is a critical aspect to improve students’ learning experience, the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework was integrated into the learning design of first-year chemistry (Rose & Meyer, 2002; Reyes et al., 2022b). The perceived utility of online learning resources enhanced with UDL-based features was evaluated through students’ responses to surveys, interviews, and focus groups. Furthermore, learning analytics using temporal, sequence, and process mining analytical techniques were employed on students’ trace data to evaluate course learning design and to understand students’ engagement with learning resources and activities included in the course. Results of this study show the importance of careful development and implementation of learning design of the online learning component of chemistry courses, to enhance the students’ learning experiences. REFERENCES Hannafin, M. J., & Hill, J. (2007). Resource-based learning. In M. Spector, M. D. Merrill, J. van Merrienboer, & M. P. Driscoll (Eds.), Handbook of research on educational communications and technology. Erlbaum. Laurillard, D. (2002). Rethinking university teaching: A conversational framework for the effective use of learning technologies (2nd ed.). RoutledgeFalmer. Reyes, C.T., Kyne, S. H., Lawrie, G. A., & Thompson, C. D. (2022a). Implementing blended first-year chemistry in a developing country using online resources. Online Learning, 26(1), 174–202. https://doi.org/10.24059/olj.v26i1.2508 Reyes, C.T., Lawrie, G. A., Thompson, C. D., & Kyne, S. H. (2022b). “Every little thing that could possibly be provided helps”: analysis of online first-year chemistry resources using the universal design for learning framework. Chemistry Education Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1039/d1rp00171j Rose D. H. & Meyer A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal Design for Learning. Alexandria, VA: ASCD

    The Abundances Of Neutron-Capture Species In The Very Metal-Poor Globular Cluster M15: A Uniform Analysis Of Red Giant Branch And Red Horizontal Branch Stars

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    The globular cluster M15 is unique in its display of star-to-star variations in the neutron-capture elements. Comprehensive abundance surveys have been previously conducted for handfuls of M15 red giant branch (RGB) and red horizontal branch (RHB) stars. No attempt has been made to perform a single, self-consistent analysis of these stars, which exhibit a wide range in atmospheric parameters. In the current effort, a new comparative abundance derivation is presented for three RGB and six RHB members of the cluster. The analysis employs an updated version of the line transfer code MOOG, which now appropriately treats coherent, isotropic scattering. The apparent discrepancy in the previously reported values for the metallicity of M15 RGB and RHB stars is addressed and a resolute disparity of Delta(RHB-RGB) approximate to 0.1 dex in the iron abundance was found. The anti-correlative behavior of the light neutron-capture elements (Sr, Y, Zr) is clearly demonstrated with both Ba and Eu, standard markers of the s- and r-process, respectively. No conclusive detection of Pb was made in the RGB targets. Consequently for the M15 cluster, this suggests that the main component of the s-process has made a negligible contribution to those elements normally dominated by this process in solar system material. Additionally for the M15 sample, a large Eu abundance spread is confirmed, which is comparable to that of the halo field at the same metallicity. These abundance results are considered in the discussion of the chemical inhomogeneity and nucleosynthetic history of M15.National Science Foundation AST 07-07447, AST 09-08978Astronom
