8,006 research outputs found

    Demystifying deliberate counterfeit purchase behaviour: Towards a unified conceptual framework

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to introduce a unified conceptual framework for deliberate counterfeit purchase behavior by combining its diverse economic, ethical and socio-psychological perspectives using cognitive dissonance theory. Specific hypotheses are put forth about the interrelationships among counterfeit proneness (CFP), ethical judgments, subjective norms, counterfeit product evaluation (CPE) and purchase intentions. Design/methodology/approach – A field-survey with 380 shoppers (who had ever purchased a counterfeit product) in Hong Kong across four frequently counterfeited product categories (backpack, luxury watch, software and movie DVD) with varying levels of involvement, usage context and purchase motivation. Findings – As hypothesized, CFP positively influences ethical judgments and subjective norms about buying a counterfeit product, which in turn positively affect CPE and CPI. All these effects are fairly stable across the four product categories, which suggests robustness of the proposed unified model. Research limitations/implications – Using Hong Kong as the research setting and a relatively younger sample of ethnic Chinese consumers helps ensure high internal validity but it may also restrict the generalizability of the findings. Future research with a more diverse sample of consumers would help replicate the results reported in this paper. The conceptual framework may also be extended by including variables such as consumer innovativeness, risk-taking and change-seeking as antecedents of counterfeit purchase behavior and usage. Practical implications – Findings show that consumers are influenced by a combination of individual and sociological factors when they decide whether to buy and use counterfeit products. Hence, marketers and authorities need a multi-pronged strategy to curb the growing demand and usage of counterfeit products, especially among ethnic Chinese consumers. These results may also help identify consumer segments more prone to counterfeit purchase behavior and to develop special communication to target them more effectively. Originality/value – Past studies mostly explore the “direct” and “independent” effects of consumer attitudes, ethical judgments and subjective norms on their counterfeit purchase behavior, ignoring their impact on each other and the roles of “CFP” and “product evaluation.” This paper addresses all these gaps with a unified conceptual framework that incorporates all these constructs using cognitive dissonance theory and provides useful insights about their direct and indirect effects on each other

    Cholangiographic Features in the Diagnosis and Management of Obstructive Icteric Type Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    In 11 years and 3 months, 2037 patients with HCC were seen and 48 patients (2.4%) were diagnosed to have obstructive icteric type HCC. Five patients were terminally ill and were not investigated further. Forty three patients were initially investigated by endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC) or percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram (PTC) and classified as having obstructive icteric type 1, 2, or 3 HCC based on the cholangiographic findings. The obstruction in type 1 HCC was due to intraluminal tumour casts and/or tumour fragments obstructing the hepatic ductal confluence or common bile duct, while intraluminal blood clots, from haemobilia, filling the biliary tree was the cause in type 2 HCC. The pathology in type 3 HCC was extraluminal obstruction by extensive tumour encasement of the intra–hepatic biliary ductal system and/or extrinsic compression of the hepatic and common bile ducts by tumour(s) and/or malignant lymph nodes. At the initial ERC/PTC, 10 patients (5 resected, 50%) had obstructive icteric type 1 and 23 patients (0 resected) had obstructive icteric type 3 HCC. Of the 10 patients initially classified according to cholangiography to have obstructive icteric type 2 HCC, subsequent investigations revealed that 6 patients had type 1 HCC (4 resectable, 67%) and 4 patients had type 3 HCC (0 resectable). The classification of the obstructive icteric type HCC into types 1, 2, and 3, based on the initial cholangiographic appearances has simplified and rationalized our management strategy for this condition

    Differential Effect of Saturated and Unsaturated Free Fatty Acids on the Generation of Monocyte Adhesion and Chemotactic Factors by Adipocytes: Dissociation of Adipocyte Hypertrophy From Inflammation

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    OBJECTIVE—Obesity is associated with monocyte-macroph-age accumulation in adipose tissue. Previously, we showed that glucose-stimulated production by adipocytes of serum amyloid A (SAA), monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, and hyaluro-nan (HA) facilitated monocyte accumulation. The current objec-tive was to determine how the other major nutrient, free fatty acids (FFAs), affects these molecules and monocyte recruitment by adipocytes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—Differentiated 3T3-L1, Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome adipocytes, and mouse embryonic fibroblasts were exposed to various FFAs (250 mol/l) in either 5 or 25 mmol/l (high) glucose for evaluation of SAA, MCP-1, and HA regulation in vitro. RESULTS—Saturated fatty acids (SFAs) such as laurate, myris-tate, and palmitate increased cellular triglyceride accumulation, SAA, and MCP-1 expression; generated reactive oxygen species (ROS); and increased nuclear factor (NF) B translocation in both 5 and 25 mmol/l glucose. Conversely, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) such as arachidonate, eicosapentaenate, and docosahexaenate (DHA) decreased these events. Gene expres-sion could be dissociated from triglyceride accumulation. Al-though excess glucose increased HA content, SFAs, oleate, and linoleate did not. Antioxidant treatment repressed glucose- and palmitate-stimulated ROS generation and NFB translocation and decreased SAA and MCP-1 expression and monocyte che-motaxis. Silencing toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) markedly reduced SAA and MCP-1 expression in response to palmitate but not glucose. DHA suppressed NFB translocation stimulated by both excess glucose and palmitate via a peroxisome prolifterator– activated receptor (PPAR) –dependent pathway. CONCLUSIONS—Excess glucose and SFAs regulate chemotac-tic factor expression by a mechanism that involves ROS genera-tion, NFB, and PPAR, and which is repressed by PUFAs. Certain SFAs, but not excess glucose, trigger chemotactic factor expression via a TLR4-dependent pathway. Diabetes 59:386

    SIRT1-dependent myoprotective effects of resveratrol on muscle injury induced by compression

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    © 2015 Sin, Yung, Yip, Chan, Wong, Tam and Siu. Our current understanding on the molecular mechanisms by which sustained compression induces skeletal muscle injury is very limited. This study aimed to test the hypothesis that activation of SIRT1 by the natural antioxidant resveratrol could deactivate apoptotic and catabolic signaling in skeletal muscle exposed to moderate compression. Two cycles of 6-h constant pressure at 100 mmHg was applied to the tibialis region of right, but not left hindlimbs of Sprague Dawley rats pre-treated with DMSO (vehicle control) or resveratrol with/without sirtinol. Skeletal muscle tissues lying underneath and spatially corresponding to the compressed sites were collected for analyses. Resveratrol prevented the compression-induced manifestations of pathohistological damages including elevations of the number of interstitial nuclei and area of interstitial space and ameliorated oxidative damages measured as 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4HNE) and nitrotyrosine in skeletal muscle. In parallel, resveratrol augmented the expression level and activity of SIRT1 and phosphorylation levels of Foxo3a and Akt while suppressed the increases in protein abundances of p53, Bax, MAFbx, and ubiquitin, enzymatic activities of caspase 3 and 20S proteasome, and apoptotic DNA fragmentation in the compressed muscle. These favorable myoprotective effects of resveratrol were diminished upon pharmacological blockade of SIRT1 by using sirtinol. These novel data support the hypothesis that the anti-apoptotic and anti-catabolic effects of resveratrol on compression injury in skeletal muscle required the action of SIRT1.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Structure and physical properties of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor Mo3 Al2 C

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    We have synthesized polycrystalline samples of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor Mo3 Al2 C by arc and RF melting, measured its transport, magnetic and thermodynamic properties, and computed its band structure. Experimental results indicate a bulk superconducting transition at Tc ∼9.2 K while the density of states at the Fermi surface is found to be dominated by Mod orbitals. Using the measured values for the lower critical field Hc1, upper critical field Hc2, and the specific heat C, we estimated the thermodynamic critical field Hc(0), coherence length ξ (0), penetration depth λ (0), and the Ginzburg-Landau parameter κ (0). The specific-heat jump at Tc, ΔC/γ Tc =2.14, suggests that Mo3 Al 2 C is moderately to strongly coupled, consistent with the fast opening of the gap, as evidenced by the rapid release of entropy below Tc from our electronic specific-heat measurements. Above 2 K the electronic specific heat exhibits the power-law behavior, suggesting that synthesis of single crystals and measurements at lower temperature are needed to establish whether the gap is anisotropic. The estimated value of the upper critical field H c2 (0) is close to the calculated Pauli limit, therefore further studies are needed to determine whether the absence of an inversion center results in a significant admixture of the triplet component of the order parameter. © 2010 The American Physical Society

    Bench to Bed Evidences for Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Interactions Involving Oseltamivir and Chinese Medicine

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    Oseltamivir (OA), an ethyl ester prodrug of oseltamivir carboxylate (OC), is clinically used as a potent and selective inhibitor of neuraminidase. Chinese medicines have been advocated to combine with conventional drug for avian influenza. The current study aims to investigate the potential pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions of a Chinese medicine formula, namely, Yin Qiao San and Sang Ju Yin (CMF1), commonly used for anti-influenza in combination with OA in both rat and human, and to reveal the underlined mechanisms. It was found that although Cmax, AUC and urinary recovery of OC, as well as metabolic ratio (AUCOC/AUCOA), were significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner following combination use of CMF1 and OA in rat studies (P<0.01), such coadministration in 14 healthy volunteers only resulted in a trend of minor decrease in the related parameters. Further mechanistic studies found that although CMF1 could reduce absorption and metabolism of OA, it appears to enhance viral inhibition of OA (P<0.01). In summary, although there was potential interaction between OA and CMF1 found in rat studies, its clinical impact was expected to be minimal. The coadministration of OA and CMF1 at the clinical recommended dosages is, therefore, considered to be safe