29,846 research outputs found

    The Magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Three Dimensions

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    We study the magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability in three dimensions, with focus on the nonlinear structure and evolution that results from different initial field configurations. We study strong fields in the sense that the critical wavelength l_c at which perturbations along the field are stable is a large fraction of the size of the computational domain. We consider magnetic fields which are initially parallel to the interface, but have a variety of configurations, including uniform everywhere, uniform in the light fluid only, and fields which change direction at the interface. Strong magnetic fields do not suppress instability, in fact by inhibiting secondary shear instabilities, they reduce mixing between the heavy and light fluid, and cause the rate of growth of bubbles and fingers to increase in comparison to hydrodynamics. Fields parallel to, but whose direction changes at, the interface produce long, isolated fingers separated by the critical wavelength l_c, which may be relevant to the morphology of the optical filaments in the Crab nebula.Comment: 14 pages, 9 pages, accepted by Ap

    Open-Retrieval Conversational Question Answering

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    Conversational search is one of the ultimate goals of information retrieval. Recent research approaches conversational search by simplified settings of response ranking and conversational question answering, where an answer is either selected from a given candidate set or extracted from a given passage. These simplifications neglect the fundamental role of retrieval in conversational search. To address this limitation, we introduce an open-retrieval conversational question answering (ORConvQA) setting, where we learn to retrieve evidence from a large collection before extracting answers, as a further step towards building functional conversational search systems. We create a dataset, OR-QuAC, to facilitate research on ORConvQA. We build an end-to-end system for ORConvQA, featuring a retriever, a reranker, and a reader that are all based on Transformers. Our extensive experiments on OR-QuAC demonstrate that a learnable retriever is crucial for ORConvQA. We further show that our system can make a substantial improvement when we enable history modeling in all system components. Moreover, we show that the reranker component contributes to the model performance by providing a regularization effect. Finally, further in-depth analyses are performed to provide new insights into ORConvQA.Comment: Accepted to SIGIR'2

    Revision of Solar Spicule Classification

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    Solar spicules are the fundamental magnetic structures in the chromosphere and considered to play a key role in channelling the chromosphere and corona. Recently, it was suggested by De Pontieu et al. that there were two types of spicules with very different dynamic properties, which were detected by space- time plot technique in the Ca ii H line (3968 A) wavelength from Hinode/SOT observations. 'Type I' spicule, with a 3-7 minute lifetime, undergoes a cycle of upward and downward motion; in contrast, 'Type II' spicule fades away within dozens of seconds, without descending phase. We are motivated by the fact that for a spicule with complicated 3D motion, the space-time plot, which is made through a slit on a fixed position, could not match the spicule behavior all the time and might lose its real life story. By revisiting the same data sets, we identify and trace 105 and 102 spicules in quiet sun (QS) and coronal hole (CH), respectively, and obtain their statistical dynamic properties. First, we have not found a single convincing example of 'Type II' spicules. Secondly, more than 60% of the identified spicules in each region show a complete cycle, i.e., majority spicules are 'Type I'. Thirdly, the lifetime of spicules in QS and CH are 148 s and 112 s, respectively, but there is no fundamental lifetime difference between the spicules in QS and CH reported earlier. Therefore, the suggestion of coronal heating by 'Type II' spicules should be taken with cautions. Subject headings: Sun: chromosphere Sun:transition region Sun:coronaComment: accepted by Ap

    Heavy-to-light baryonic form factors at large recoil

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    We analyze heavy-to-light baryonic form factors at large recoil and derive the scaling behavior of these form factors in the heavy quark limit. It is shown that only one universal form factor is needed to parameterize Lambda_b to p and Lambda_b to Lambda matrix elements in the large recoil limit of light baryons, while hadronic matrix elements of Lambda_b to Sigma transition vanish in the large energy limit of Sigma baryon due to the space-time parity symmetry. The scaling law of the soft form factor eta(P^{\prime} \cdot v), P^{\prime} and v being the momentum of nucleon and the velocity of Lambda_b baryon, responsible for Lambda_b to p transitions is also derived using the nucleon distribution amplitudes in leading conformal spin. In particular, we verify that this scaling behavior is in full agreement with that from light-cone sum rule approach in the heavy-quark limit. With these form factors, we further investigate the Lambda baryon polarization asymmetry alpha in Lambda_b to Lambda gamma and the forward-backward asymmetry A_{FB} in Lambda_b to Lambda l^{+} l^{-}. Both two observables (alpha and A_{FB}) are independent of hadronic form factors in leading power of 1/m_b and in leading order of alpha_s. We also extend the analysis of hadronic matrix elements for Omega_b to Omega transitions to rare Omega_b to Omega gamma and Omega_b to Omega l^{+} l^{-} decays and find that radiative Omega_b to Omega gamma decay is probably the most promising FCNC b to s radiative baryonic decay channel. In addition, it is interesting to notice that the zero-point of forward-backward asymmetry of Omega_b to Omega l^{+} l^{-} is the same as the one for Lambda_b to Lambda l^{+} l^{-} to leading order accuracy provided that the form factors \bar{\zeta}_i (i=3, 4, 5) are numerically as small as indicated from the quark model.Comment: 19 page

    Conductance anomalies and the extended Anderson model for nearly perfect quantum wires

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    Anomalies near the conductance threshold of nearly perfect semiconductor quantum wires are explained in terms of singlet and triplet resonances of conduction electrons with a single weakly-bound electron in the wire. This is shown to be a universal effect for a wide range of situations in which the effective single-electron confinement is weak. The robustness of this generic behavior is investigated numerically for a wide range of shapes and sizes of cylindrical wires with a bulge. The dependence on gate voltage, source-drain voltage and magnetic field is discussed within the framework of an extended Hubbard model. This model is mapped onto an extended Anderson model, which in the limit of low temperatures is expected to lead to Kondo resonance physics and pronounced many-body effects

    Multifractal Dimensions for Branched Growth

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    A recently proposed theory for diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA), which models this system as a random branched growth process, is reviewed. Like DLA, this process is stochastic, and ensemble averaging is needed in order to define multifractal dimensions. In an earlier work [T. C. Halsey and M. Leibig, Phys. Rev. A46, 7793 (1992)], annealed average dimensions were computed for this model. In this paper, we compute the quenched average dimensions, which are expected to apply to typical members of the ensemble. We develop a perturbative expansion for the average of the logarithm of the multifractal partition function; the leading and sub-leading divergent terms in this expansion are then resummed to all orders. The result is that in the limit where the number of particles n -> \infty, the quenched and annealed dimensions are {\it identical}; however, the attainment of this limit requires enormous values of n. At smaller, more realistic values of n, the apparent quenched dimensions differ from the annealed dimensions. We interpret these results to mean that while multifractality as an ensemble property of random branched growth (and hence of DLA) is quite robust, it subtly fails for typical members of the ensemble.Comment: 82 pages, 24 included figures in 16 files, 1 included tabl

    Molecular Chemical Engines: Pseudo-Static Processes and the Mechanism of Energy Transduction

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    We propose a simple theoretical model for a molecular chemical engine that catalyzes a chemical reaction and converts the free energy released by the reaction into mechanical work. Binding and unbinding processes of reactant and product molecules to and from the engine are explicitly taken into account. The work delivered by the engine is calculated analytically for infinitely slow (``pseudo-static'') processes, which can be reversible (quasi-static) or irreversible, controlled by an external agent. It is shown that the work larger than the maximum value limited by the second law of thermodynamics can be obtained in a single cycle of operation by chance, although the statistical average of the work never exceeds this limit and the maximum work is delivered if the process is reversible. The mechanism of the energy transductionis also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figues, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Experimental characterization of superradiance in a single-pass high-gain laser-seeded free-electron laser amplifier.

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    In this Letter we report the first experimental characterization of superradiance in a single-pass high-gain free-electron laser (FEL) seeded by a 150 femtosecond (FWHM) Ti:sapphire laser. The nonlinear energy gain after an exponential gain regime was observed. We also measured the evolution of the longitudinal phase space in both the exponential and superradiant regimes. The output FEL pulse duration was measured to be as short as 81 fs, a roughly 50% reduction compared to the input seed laser. The temporal distribution of the FEL radiation as predicted by a numerical simulation was experimentally verified for the first time

    Intrinsic response time of graphene photodetectors

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    Graphene-based photodetectors are promising new devices for high-speed optoelectronic applications. However, despite recent efforts, it is not clear what determines the ultimate speed limit of these devices. Here, we present measurements of the intrinsic response time of metal-graphene-metal photodetectors with monolayer graphene using an optical correlation technique with ultrashort laser pulses. We obtain a response time of 2.1 ps that is mainly given by the short lifetime of the photogenerated carriers. This time translates into a bandwidth of ~262 GHz. Moreover, we investigate the dependence of the response time on gate voltage and illumination laser power
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