2,937 research outputs found

    Letter from Thomas Magee to John Muir, 1900 Feb 26.

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    THOS. MAGEE. w. A.MAGEE. THOS. MAGEE,JR.THOMAS MAGEE & SONS,Publishers of theReal Estate REAL ESTATE AGENTSCircularTELEPHONE MAIN 710. 6 MONTGOMERY STREETSan Francisco, February 26th, 1900. 189Dear Mr. Muir:Calvary Presbyterian Church Sunday School, in which I have been a teacher for about thirty years, like all good institutions needs help, and needs it badly. You know what this city is, how vice flourishes and everything good languishes. Now, your early training will make you sympathize with us. We want you to lecture on the big trees in aid of the school\u27s funds. You will thus do more good to aid the purchase by the Government of the Calaveras Grove than anything that can be done. Don\u27t say no. Mr. James D. Horsburgh, Superintendent of the School, and Assistant Passenger Agent of the Southern Pacific, is also writing you joining in my request. If you will do this for us I will get even for the great favor, if ever I have a chance. You can take dinner at my house and stay with me all night. That of itself ought to be a big inducement for you to say yes.Yours very sincerelyThos Magee0266

    Letter from [Thomas Magee] to John Muir, 1898 Jan 11.

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    [letterhead]11th Jnry/98Friend Muir = Mrs. Coolbrith was elected for 6 mos to the position of librarian of the Merced Library at the meeting last night. Strong opposition [illegible] was cropping out - why I don\u27t know.I enclose letter from our old friend Mr Landsboro write him or me a word or two about the [illegible] idea of when he speaks. Sniff him out in what02382 Im [say?] His address - if [Im] write direct to him - is Kilmarnock[in margin: 901]In spite of the severe weather & half [illegible] along the [Dalton?] trails from before daylight until nearly dark every way & into poor [&?] insufficient foods the trip out did me good The 200 miles in a canoe up stream against very heavy [illegible] ice & the current was a terror - a holy terror I fully calculated that I would never get out, but I didnt care - in the sense that I was not afraid in the least & that if I fell in the least I would have fallen [fighting?] I had with six others diarrhoea into bloody hemmorhages & lumbago in 3 days that no [illegible] in the severity of its pain,

    Strongly convergent unitary representations of right-angled Artin groups

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    We prove using a novel random matrix model that all right-angled Artin groups have a sequence of finite dimensional unitary representations that strongly converge to the regular representation. We deduce that this result applies also to: the fundamental group of a closed hyperbolic manifold that is either three dimensional or standard arithmetic type, any Coxeter group, and any word-hyperbolic cubulated group. There are applications of this to the spectral geometry of e.g. hyperbolic 3-manifolds.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figur

    Letter from Thomas Magee & Son\u27s to Helen Muir, 1907 Jul 17.

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    WILLIAM A MAGEETHOMAS MAGEEFREDERIC E MAGEETHOMAS MAGEE AND SONSREAL ESTATE AGENTSPUBLISHERS OF THE SAN FRANCISCO REAL ESTATE CIRCULARTELEPHONETEMPORARY 563Temporally, 22 GEARY ST.SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIAJuly 17, 1907Mrs. Helen Muir,Martinez, Contra Costa Co.,Cal.Dear Madam:We are offered 3,000incash,andlot25x100oneastsideofPotreroavenue,between17thandMariposa,asshownondiagramenclosed,foryourlot77x100onthenorthwestcornerofUtahandMariposa.ThePotrero−avenuelot,incommonwithnearlyallthebalanceoftheblock,someofwhichisimproved,is12to15feetabovegrade.Potreroavenueisbituminized,andtheOceanShoreRailroadturnsintoitatMariposa,andcontinuesalongtheavenueforseveralblocks.Inouropinionthevaluationof3,000 in cash, and lot 25 x 100 on east side of Potrero avenue, between 17th and Mariposa, as shown on diagram enclosed, for your lot 77 x 100 on the northwest corner of Utah and Mariposa.The Potrero-avenue lot, in common with nearly all the balance of the block, some of which is improved, is 12 to 15 feet above grade. Potrero avenue is bituminized, and the Ocean Shore Railroad turns into it at Mariposa, and continues along the avenue for several blocks. In our opinion the valuation of 2,000 for this lot is a trifle high, but it would sell for 1,600or1,600 or 1,800 more readily, perhaps, than your corner of Utah and Mariposa would sell for 4,800or4,800 or 5,000.The party making this offer is the same who offered $3,500 cash some time ago, and is the only buyer who has made any bona fide offer, or who has evinced any interest in the property. Of course, he would have to agree to convey to you unincumbered title to the Potrero-avenue lot, in the event of your acceptance. His desire is to at once improve the corner of Utah and Mariposa with dwellings, and the neighboring property would naturally derive benefit from this improvement.Please let us hear from you as soon as possible, and oblige,Yours truly,[illegible]JJD0623

    Letter from J [Thomas] Magee to John Muir, 1880 Jul 15.

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    [1] 00935[letterhead]San Francisco, July 15 1880. Thursday 6 PMFriend Muir: — I saw Cornwall just now He says we can leave on the steamer of the 30th for Victoria & catch the California there He makes the Cala wait at Victoria until the steamer from here gets up to Victoria. So that suits me exactly. I told him I had arranged to go up with you, & he said he would treat us well, but he strongly advised me not to go, after the accident. He has been up on the Puget Sound coast[Page 2][2]much & knows how wet it is in that region & what [illegible] there is of fixing rheumatism on me But, maybe now when it comes to the scratch, he wishes he had not offered me a pass, which [was an offer?] of his own exclusively Besides, I have not yet seen Doctor Douglass I went twice to see him, but he was out. I will necessarily be guided by what he says, for I am by no means happy over the way this confounded thing hangs on to me. But it will go hard with me if I do not now have a jolly trip with you[3] 00935[letterhead]San Francisco, ……………………………………………. 1880.Yet your pass for Victoria & not for Portland. Though I think we would be all right anyway, to go up to Astoria. The Oregon steamer leaves here on the 30th at 10 AM for Portland That leaves 14 hours of the 30th & 24 hours of the 31st & at least 6 hours of the 1st before the Cala wont get down to Astoria That will be 44 hours in all. When I came down the Oregon was only 36 hours, but of course going up now is much slower work [Page 3][4][illegible] sounds p[illegible] The Victoria route is the sure one. I will see Dr Douglas to-day or to-morrow With best respects to Mrs Strentzel, the Doctor Mrs Muir & yourself I am Yours truly J Mage

    Structural controls on the location, geometry and longevity of an intraplate volcanic system: the Tuatara Volcanic Field, Great South Basin, New Zealand

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    Intraplate volcanism is widely distributed across the continents, but the controls on the 3D geometry and longevity of individual volcanic systems remain poorly understood. Geophysical data provide insights into magma plumbing systems, but, as a result of the relatively low resolution of these techniques, it is difficult to evaluate how magma transits highly heterogeneous continental interiors. We use borehole-constrained 2D seismic reflection data to characterize the 3D geometry of the Tuatara Volcanic Field located offshore New Zealand's South Island and investigate its relationship with the pre-existing structure. This c. 270 km2 field is dominated by a dome-shaped lava edifice, surrounded and overlain by c. 69 volcanoes and >70 sills emplaced over 40 myr from the Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene (c. 85–45 Ma). The Tuatara Volcanic Field is located above a basement terrane boundary represented by the Livingstone Fault; the recently active Auckland Volcanic Field is similarly located along-strike on North Island. We suggest that the Livingstone Fault controlled the location of the Tuatara Volcanic Field by producing relief at the base of the lithosphere, thereby focussing lithospheric detachment over c. 40 myr, and provided a pathway that facilitated the ascent of magma. We highlight how observations from ancient intraplate volcanic systems may inform our understanding of active intraplate volcanic systems, including the Auckland Volcanic Field

    Assignment Research Calculator: Designing and Implementing a Customized Product to Reach Your Students

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    The original Assignment Calculator from the University of Minnesota is a free open-source tool which helps students manage time and organize the steps of a research project.(FN1) It provides a schedule and timeline for each step, and includes tips and outside links to more information. The head of instruction and outreach services in the Henry Madden Library recognized the value of this popular tool, but felt we could expand on its potential for students and faculty here at California State University-Fresno. We accomplished this by tailoring it to our own library and campus resources, staff and services, thus making it more appropriate to the needs of our students

    Vocational Services-Spinal Cord Injury Manual

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    Introduction Vocational services are available to you during the course of your rehabilitation to assist you in returning to work or school or exploring vocational and educational options. These services may be initiated while you are in the hospital and can continue after you are discharged. You may start to receive vocational services from the vocational counselor at Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, and at the same time, referred to the state agency designated to assist in vocational rehabilitation. Ultimately, you may return to your pre-injury job, or you may embark on a new educational or vocational path. Vocational Consultation During the course of your rehabilitation at Magee, you will be offered the opportunity to have a consultation with a vocational counselor. The purpose of the consultation, which starts with an individual interview with the counselor, is to gather information about your previous educational and vocational experience and to assist you in exploring your options and goals. The vocational counselor will help to initiate and coordinate the services that are needed to help you resume work or attain new vocational goals. (27 pages, 394Kb

    Psychosocial Issues-Spinal Cord Injury Manual

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    Introduction A sudden trauma like a spinal cord injury will have a significant impact on you and the people close to you. You may see parts of your life change a great deal. Other parts of your life may not change at all. Regardless of the extent of your injury and disability, being hurt and having a disruption to your life may present unexpected problems or changes. This chapter provides information about services that are available at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Magee Rehabilitation Hospital and in the community to provide assistance. Coping with a Spinal Cord Injury After a spinal cord injury, you may experience many different feelings at one time or another, such as anger, worry, sadness, even hopelessness. These feelings are more likely to occur when you are under stress — as when your body undergoes dramatic changes in its functioning or when you have been in the hospital for a long time. Sometimes they are aimed in the wrong direction, like when your are really angry with one person or situation and you are nasty to someone else. While you are still basically the same person inside, there are many adjustments that you are going through. Rehabilitation is aimed at helping you learn new things — both physical and emotional, so that you can learn to live with your change of body functioning and all the changes in your life that it may bring. The emotional changes and behaviors you see in yourself may surprise you. It is important to recognize that what you are experiencing is normal, and also that what is normal for you may be very different from how someone else reacts. Really, if you think about it, it would be unnatural not to have some sort of reaction. Another aspect of dealing with this whole business of coping has to do with change. This is a transitional period for you. What is true for you today or this week may be different next week or next month. People change at their own speed. (23 pages, 371Kb

    Master Glossary-Spinal Cord Injury Manual

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    Master Glossary for entire Spinal Cord Injury Manual. (27 pages, 442Kb
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