25 research outputs found

    <i>Dikerogammarus villosus</i> in fish guts and in the field.

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    <p>Numerical percentage of <i>D. villosus</i> in gut contents of <i>N. melanostomus</i> in relation to the relative abundance of <i>D. villosus</i> at the Main (black) and Rhine (grey) between June and October 2011.</p

    Parasitological parameters for the parasite fauna of <i>N. melanostomus</i>.

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    <p>I = Intensity, L = larvae, mA = mean abundance, mI = mean intensity and P = prevalence.</p><p>Parasitological parameters for the parasite fauna of <i>N. melanostomus</i>.</p

    ANCOVA results – all amphipods.

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    <p>Numerical percentages of all amphipods in the gut content of <i>N. melanostomus</i> in relation to the relative abundance of amphipods on site. Significant effects are in bold.</p><p>ANCOVA results – all amphipods.</p

    Repeated–measures GLM results.

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    <p>Repeated–measures GLM on mean intensities of <i>Pomphorhynchus</i> sp. in round gobies in relation to fish sex, numerical percentages of amphipods (<i>D. villosus</i> and Amphipoda indet.) in the gut content and site. Significant effects are in bold.</p><p>Repeated–measures GLM results.</p

    Estimated Coefficients for effects of covariates on total abundance of parasites.

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    <p>Fit of a generalized linear model (GLM) contrasted to Bear Island and female, assuming a negative binomial response. Note that total length and Fulton's K are standardised, so the coefficient represents the change in log abundance when the covariate (e.g. total length) changes by one standard deviation.</p

    Amphipod prey and infections with <i>Pomphorhynchus</i> sp.

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    <p>Relationship between numerical percentages of <i>D. villosus</i> (grey) and Amphipoda indet. (white) in the gut content of <i>N. melanostomus</i> and mean intensities (mI, black line) of <i>Pomphorhynchus</i> sp. in male (grey dashed line) and female (black dashed line) <i>N. melanostomus.</i> For numbers of individuals please refer to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0109971#pone.0109971.s004" target="_blank">Table S3</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0109971#pone.0109971.s005" target="_blank">Table S4</a>.</p

    Model-based unconstrained and residual ordination biplot for the <i>S</i>. <i>mentella</i> parasite community among fishing grounds.

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    <p>Latent variable model (with two latent variables). I) Unconstrained ordination with no predictors: Fish of Greenland clusters apart from fish of the other two locations II) Residual ordination after controlling for the effect of fishing grounds: No visible pattern. Each number represents one fish specimen with the colours depicting its origin. Parasite species and fish specimen in the same direction are highly correlated.</p

    Probabilities to assign the correct origin of a fish according to the presence of an identified parasite species.

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    <p>Probabilities to assign the correct origin of a fish according to the presence of an identified parasite species.</p

    Median joining network of <i>Anisakis simplex</i> s.s haplotypes from <i>cox2</i> mitochondrial DNA sequences (n = 80), inferred from statistical parsimony.

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    <p>The size of pie charts corresponds to the frequency of haplotypes. Black nodes represent hypothetical haplotypes that were required for the establishment of the sampled haplotypes. Blue = Greenland, red = Tampen, green = Bear Island, H = haplotype with the according number.</p