6 research outputs found

    Læreruddannelsens andenordensdidaktik

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    Det særlige ved at undervise på en læreruddannelse er, at man underviser nogen, der selv skal lære at undervise. Dette giver anledning til et dobbelt didaktisk blik fra læreruddanneren eller udvikling af en andenordensdidaktik. Med afsæt i denne konstatering i læreruddannelsesforskningen, søger artiklen at besvare spørgsmålet om, hvordan denne andenordensdidaktik kan operationaliseres og udmønte sig i den didaktisk praksis på læreruddannelsen. Som svar på dette spørgsmål udvikles en andenordensdidaktisk planlægnings- og analysemodel med afsæt i en almen didaktisk model orienteret mod folkeskolen. Modellen følges op af anbefalinger om ’modelling’ som eksemplarisk undervisning i tre forskellige betydninger, der kan bidrage til didaktikken og undervisningen på læreruddannelsen

    Forskning er forskning – også på professionshøjskolerne!

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    Is the applied research done at Danish university colleges conceptually ‘other’ than the research done at other research institutions? Even though research processes vary in relation to their field and the problems studied, we argue, with inspiration from John Dewey, that it is not warranted to conceptually make this demarcation

    Kohærens og professionel identitet

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    It is a persistent challenge for professional education programs to create meaningful connections, where the knowledge content, as a premise, is heterogeneous and draws on different scientific disciplines. Based on the concept of coherence, the article discusses how professional education programs can enhance students' professional development by working with educational coherence. The perspective of the article is that the complexity of professional education programs cannot or should not be eliminated; instead, the education should bring the differences into respectful interaction and thereby support the students' own creation and experience of meaningful but contradictory connections

    Kohærens og professionel identitet: Et begrebsapparat, som kan styrke professionsuddannelser?

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    It is a persistent challenge for professional education programs to create meaningful connections, where the knowledge content, as a premise, is heterogeneous and draws on different scientific disciplines. Based on the concept of coherence, the article discusses how professional education programs can enhance students' professional development by working with educational coherence. The perspective of the article is that the complexity of professional education programs cannot or should not be eliminated; instead, the education should bring the differences into respectful interaction and thereby support the students' own creation and experience of meaningful but contradictory connections

    Læringsdesign i Videregående Uddannelse – Manual eller Inspirationskatalog?

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    Learning designs have gained ground in recent years, especially in institutions of higher education. The article focuses on one relatively underexposed side of learning designs, which concerns the maintenance of a didactic space for maneuver for those teachers who are to use learning designs, but have not themselves participated in their development. Herein lies a fundamental contradiction, which raises a number of questions. Based on studies from a completed research project, didactic space for maneuver in the development and application of learning designs is examined. Using knowledge-sharing theory and didactic theory, the article presents four conflicting themes that occur between design, sharing and reuse of learning designs. Each of these themes is unfolded in the article, and on the basis of this, new concepts are developed that can serve to illuminate the properties of learning designs in order to maintain and strengthen teachers’ didactic autonomy.Læringsdesigns, forstået som en formgivning af undervisning i en for andre tilgængelig form, har vundet indpas de senere år især på institutioner for videregående uddannelser. Artiklen sætter fokus på en relativ underbelyst side af læringsdesigns, som vedrører opretholdelsen af et didaktisk råderum for de undervisere der skal anvende læringsdesign, men ikke selv har medvirket i udviklingen af dem. Heri ligger en grundlæggende modstilling, som rejser en række spørgsmål. På basis af studier fra et afsluttet forskningsprojekt undersøges didaktiske råderum i udviklingen og anvendelsen af læringsdesigns. Ved hjælp af videndelingsteori kombineret med didaktisk teori fremstiller artiklen fire modsætningsfyldte tematikker i spændingsfeltet mellem formgivning, deling og genanvendelse af læringsdesigns. Hver af disse tematikker udfoldes og begrundes i artiklen, og på basis heraf udvikles nye begreber, der kan tjene til belysning af egenskaberne ved læringsdesigns med henblik på at fastholde og styrke didaktiske råderum for undervisere