309 research outputs found

    Reply to comment on "Towards a quantitative kinetic theory of polar active matter" by Bertin et al

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    A reply on the comment of Bertin, Chate, Ginelli, Gregoire, Leonard and Peshkov, arxiv:1404.3950v1, in this special issue

    Large density expansion of a hydrodynamic theory for self-propelled particles

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    Recently, an Enskog-type kinetic theory for Vicsek-type models for self-propelled particles has been proposed [T. Ihle, Phys. Rev. E 83, 030901 (2011)]. This theory is based on an exact equation for a Markov chain in phase space and is not limited to small density. Previously, the hydrodynamic equations were derived from this theory and its transport coefficients were given in terms of infinite series. Here, I show that the transport coefficients take a simple form in the large density limit. This allows me to analytically evaluate the well-known density instability of the polarly ordered phase near the flocking threshold at moderate and large densities. The growth rate of a longitudinal perturbation is calculated and several scaling regimes, including three different power laws, are identified. It is shown that at large densities, the restabilization of the ordered phase at smaller noise is analytically accessible within the range of validity of the hydrodynamic theory. Analytical predictions for the width of the unstable band, the maximum growth rate and for the wave number below which the instability occurs are given. In particular, the system size below which spatial perturbations of the homogeneous ordered state are stable is predicted to scale with M\sqrt{M} where MM is the average number of collision partners. The typical time scale until the instability becomes visible is calculated and is proportional to M

    Discussion on Peshkov et al., "Boltzmann-Ginzburg-Landau approach for continuous descriptions of generic Vicsek-like models"

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    A discussion on the contribution of Peshkov, Bertin, Ginelli and Chate, arxiv:1404.3275v1, in this special issue

    Active matter beyond mean-field: Ring-kinetic theory for self-propelled particles

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    A ring-kinetic theory for Vicsek-style models of self-propelled agents is derived from the exact N-particle evolution equation in phase space. The theory goes beyond mean-field and does not rely on Boltzmann's approximation of molecular chaos. It can handle pre-collisional correlations and cluster formation which both seem important to understand the phase transition to collective motion. We propose a diagrammatic technique to perform a small density expansion of the collision operator and derive the first two equations of the BBGKY-hierarchy. An algorithm is presented that numerically solves the evolution equation for the two-particle correlations on a lattice. Agent-based simulations are performed and informative quantities such as orientational and density correlation functions are compared with those obtained by ring-kinetic theory. Excellent quantitative agreement between simulations and theory is found at not too small noises and mean free paths. This shows that there is parameter ranges in Vicsek-like models where the correlated closure of the BBGKY-hierarchy gives correct and nontrivial results. We calculate the dependence of the orientational correlations on distance in the disordered phase and find that it seems to be consistent with a power law with exponent around -1.8, followed by an exponential decay. General limitations of the kinetic theory and its numerical solution are discussed

    Tricritical points in a Vicsek model of self-propelled particles with bounded confidence

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    We study the orientational ordering in systems of self-propelled particles with selective interactions. To introduce the selectivity we augment the standard Vicsek model with a bounded-confidence collision rule: a given particle only aligns to neighbors who have directions quite similar to its own. Neighbors whose directions deviate more than a fixed restriction angle α\alpha are ignored. The collective dynamics of this systems is studied by agent-based simulations and kinetic mean field theory. We demonstrate that the reduction of the restriction angle leads to a critical noise amplitude decreasing monotonically with that angle, turning into a power law with exponent 3/2 for small angles. Moreover, for small system sizes we show that upon decreasing the restriction angle, the kind of the transition to polar collective motion changes from continuous to discontinuous. Thus, an apparent tricritical point is identified and calculated analytically. We also find that at very small interaction angles the polar ordered phase becomes unstable with respect to the apolar phase. We show that the mean-field kinetic theory permits stationary nematic states below a restriction angle of 0.681π0.681 \pi. We calculate the critical noise, at which the disordered state bifurcates to a nematic state, and find that it is always smaller than the threshold noise for the transition from disorder to polar order. The disordered-nematic transition features two tricritical points: At low and high restriction angle the transition is discontinuous but continuous at intermediate α\alpha. We generalize our results to systems that show fragmentation into more than two groups and obtain scaling laws for the transition lines and the corresponding tricritical points. A novel numerical method to evaluate the nonlinear Fredholm integral equation for the stationary distribution function is also presented.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figure

    Kinetic Theory of Flocking: Derivation of Hydrodynamic Equations

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    It is shown how to explicitly coarse-grain the microscopic dynamics of the Vicsek model for self-propelled agents. The macroscopic transport equations are derived by means of an Enskog-type kinetic theory. Expressions for all transport coefficients at large particle speed are given. The phase transition from a disordered to a flocking state is studied numerically and analytically.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
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