90 research outputs found

    Agent-based modelling in synthetic biology

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    Biological systems exhibit complex behaviours that emerge at many different levels of organization. These span the regulation of gene expression within single cells to the use of quorum sensing to co-ordinate the action of entire bacterial colonies. Synthetic biology aims to make the engineering of biology easier, offering an opportunity to control natural systems and develop new synthetic systems with useful prescribed behaviours. However, in many cases, it is not understood how individual cells should be programmed to ensure the emergence of a required collective behaviour. Agent-based modelling aims to tackle this problem, offering a framework in which to simulate such systems and explore cellular design rules. In this article, I review the use of agent-based models in synthetic biology, outline the available computational tools, and provide details on recently engineered biological systems that are amenable to this approach. I further highlight the challenges facing this methodology and some of the potential future directions

    NetEvo: A computational framework for the evolution of dynamical complex networks

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    NetEvo is a computational framework designed to help understand the evolution of dynamical complex networks. It provides flexible tools for the simulation of dynamical processes on networks and methods for the evolution of underlying topological structures. The concept of a supervisor is used to bring together both these aspects in a coherent way. It is the job of the supervisor to rewire the network topology and alter model parameters such that a user specified performance measure is minimised. This performance measure can make use of current topological information and simulated dynamical output from the system. Such an abstraction provides a suitable basis in which to study many outstanding questions related to complex system design and evolution

    Beyond contact-based transmission networks:the role of spatial coincidence

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    Animal societies rely on interactions between group members to effectively communicate and coordinate their actions. To date, the transmission properties of interaction networks formed by direct physical contacts have been extensively studied for many animal societies and in all cases found to inhibit spreading. Such direct interactions do not, however, represent the only viable pathways. When spreading agents can persist in the environment, indirect transmission via 'same-place, different-time' spatial coincidences becomes possible. Previous studies have neglected these indirect pathways and their role in transmission. Here, we use rock ant colonies, a model social species whose flat nest geometry, coupled with individually tagged workers, allowed us to build temporally and spatially explicit interaction networks in which edges represent either direct physical contacts or indirect spatial coincidences. We show how the addition of indirect pathways allows the network to enhance or inhibit the spreading of different types of agent. This dual-functionality arises from an interplay between the interaction-strength distribution generated by the ants' movement and environmental decay characteristics of the spreading agent. These findings offer a general mechanism for understanding how interaction patterns might be tuned in animal societies to control the simultaneous transmission of harmful and beneficial agents

    Massively parallel characterization of engineered transcript isoforms using direct RNA sequencing

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    Transcriptional terminators signal where transcribing RNA polymerases (RNAPs) should halt and disassociate from DNA. However, because termination is stochastic, two different forms of transcript could be produced: one ending at the terminator and the other reading through. An ability to control the abundance of these transcript isoforms would offer bioengineers a mechanism to regulate multi-gene constructs at the level of transcription. Here, we explore this possibility by repurposing terminators as ‘transcriptional valves’ that can tune the proportion of RNAP read-through. Using one-pot combinatorial DNA assembly, we iteratively construct 1780 transcriptional valves for T7 RNAP and show how nanopore-based direct RNA sequencing (dRNA-seq) can be used to characterize entire libraries of valves simultaneously at a nucleotide resolution in vitro and unravel genetic design principles to tune and insulate termination. Finally, we engineer valves for multiplexed regulation of CRISPR guide RNAs. This work provides new avenues for controlling transcription and demonstrates the benefits of long-read sequencing for exploring complex sequence-function landscapes

    Translational sensitivity of the Escherichia coli genome to fluctuating tRNA availability

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    The synthesis of protein from messenger RNA during translation is a highly dynamic process that plays a key role in controlling the efficiency and fidelity of genome-wide protein expression. The availability of aminoacylated transfer RNA (tRNA) is a major factor influencing the speed of ribosomal movement, which depending on codon choices, varies considerably along a transcript. Furthermore, it has been shown experimentally that tRNA availability can vary signifi-cantly under different growth and stress conditions, offering the cell a way to adapt translational dynamics across the genome. Existing models of translation have neglected fluctuations of tRNA pools, instead assuming fixed tRNA availabilities over time. This has lead to an incomplete under-standing of this process. Here, we show for the entire Escherichia coli genome how and to what extent translational speed profiles, which capture local aspects of translational elongation, respond to measured shifts in tRNA availability. We find that translational profiles across the genome are affected to differing degrees, with genes that are essential or related to fundamental processes such as transla-tion, being more robust than those linked to regula-tion. Furthermore, we reveal how fluctuating tRNA availability influences profiles of specific sequences known to play a significant role in translational control of gene expression

    Improving the Robustness of Engineered Bacteria to Nutrient Stress Using Programmed Proteolysis

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    [Image: see text] The use of short peptide tags in synthetic genetic circuits allows for the tuning of gene expression dynamics and release of amino acid resources through targeted protein degradation. Here, we use elements of the Escherichia coli and Mesoplasma florum transfer-mRNA (tmRNA) ribosome rescue systems to compare endogenous and foreign proteolysis systems in E. coli. We characterize the performance and burden of each and show that, while both greatly shorten the half-life of a tagged protein, the endogenous system is approximately 10 times more efficient. On the basis of these results we then demonstrate using mathematical modeling and experiments how proteolysis can improve cellular robustness through targeted degradation of a reporter protein in auxotrophic strains, providing a limited secondary source of essential amino acids that help partially restore growth when nutrients become scarce. These findings provide avenues for controlling the functional lifetime of engineered cells once deployed and increasing their tolerance to fluctuations in nutrient availability

    Towards an engineering theory of evolution

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    Effective biological engineering requires the acknowledgement of evolution and its consideration during the design process. In this perspective, the authors present the concept of the evotype to reason about and shape the evolutionary potential of natural and engineered biosystems

    Augmented reality for the engineering of collective behaviours in microsystems

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    paraSBOLv:a foundation for standard-compliant genetic design visualization tools

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    Diagrams constructed from standardized glyphs are central to communicating complex design information in many engineering fields. For example, circuit diagrams are commonplace in electronics and allow for a suitable abstraction of the physical system that helps support the design process. With the development of the Synthetic Biology Open Language Visual (SBOLv), bioengineers are now positioned to better describe and share their biological designs visually. However, the development of computational tools to support the creation of these diagrams is currently hampered by an excessive burden in maintenance due to the large and expanding number of glyphs present in the standard. Here, we present a Python package called paraSBOLv that enables access to the full suite of SBOLv glyphs through the use of machine-readable parametric glyph definitions. These greatly simplify the rendering process while allowing extensive customization of the resulting diagrams. We demonstrate how the adoption of paraSBOLv can accelerate the development of highly specialized biodesign visualization tools or even form the basis for more complex software by removing the burden of maintaining glyph-specific rendering code. Looking forward, we suggest that incorporation of machine-readable parametric glyph definitions into the SBOLv standard could further simplify the development of tools to produce standard-compliant diagrams and the integration of visual standards across fields