910 research outputs found

    Sleep Disturbances and Suicidality in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Overview of the Literature

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    A causal relationship between sleep disturbances and suicidal behavior has been previously reported. Insomnia and nightmares are considered as hallmarks of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition, patients with PTSD have an increased risk for suicidality. The present article gives an overview about the existing literature on the relationship between sleep disturbances and suicidality in the context of PTSD. It aims to demonstrate that diagnosing and treating sleep problems as still underestimated target symptoms may provide preventive strategies with respect to suicidality. However, heterogeneous study designs, different samples and diverse outcome parameters hinder a direct comparison of studies and a causal relationship cannot be shown. More research is necessary to clarify this complex relationship and to tackle the value of treatment of sleep disturbances for suicide prevention in PTSD

    The Many Faces of Sleep Disorders in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: An Update on Clinical Features and Treatment

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    Sleep disorders and nightmares are core symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The relationship seems to be bidirectional, and persistent disturbed sleep may influence the course of the disorder. With regard to sleep quality, insomnia and nocturnal anxiety symptoms, as well as nightmares and stressful dreams, are the most prominent sleep symptoms. Polysomnographic measurements reveal alterations of the sleep architecture and fragmentation of rapid eye movement sleep. In addition, sleep disorders, such as sleep-related breathing disorders and parasomnias are frequent comorbid conditions. The complex etiology and symptomatology of trauma-related sleep disorders with frequent psychiatric comorbidity require the application of multimodal treatment concepts, including psychological and pharmacological interventions. However, there is little empirical evidence on the effectiveness of long-term drug treatment for insomnia and nightmares. For nondrug interventions, challenges arise from the current lack of PTSD-treatment concepts integrating sleep- and trauma-focused therapies. Effective therapy for sleep disturbances may consequently also improve well-being during the day and probably even the course of PTSD. Whether early sleep interventions exert a preventive effect on the development of PTSD remains to be clarified in future studies

    Rapid eye movements during sleep in mice: High trait-like stability qualifies rapid eye movement density for characterization of phenotypic variation in sleep patterns of rodents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In humans, rapid eye movements (REM) density during REM sleep plays a prominent role in psychiatric diseases. Especially in depression, an increased REM density is a vulnerability marker for depression. In clinical practice and research measurement of REM density is highly standardized. In basic animal research, almost no tools are available to obtain and systematically evaluate eye movement data, although, this would create increased comparability between human and animal sleep studies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We obtained standardized electroencephalographic (EEG), electromyographic (EMG) and electrooculographic (EOG) signals from freely behaving mice. EOG electrodes were bilaterally and chronically implanted with placement of the electrodes directly between the musculus rectus superior and musculus rectus lateralis. After recovery, EEG, EMG and EOG signals were obtained for four days. Subsequent to the implantation process, we developed and validated an Eye Movement scoring in Mice Algorithm (EMMA) to detect REM as singularities of the EOG signal, based on wavelet methodology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The distribution of wakefulness, non-REM (NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep was typical of nocturnal rodents with small amounts of wakefulness and large amounts of NREM sleep during the light period and reversed proportions during the dark period. REM sleep was distributed correspondingly. REM density was significantly higher during REM sleep than NREM sleep. REM bursts were detected more often at the end of the dark period than the beginning of the light period. During REM sleep REM density showed an ultradian course, and during NREM sleep REM density peaked at the beginning of the dark period. Concerning individual eye movements, REM duration was longer and amplitude was lower during REM sleep than NREM sleep. The majority of single REM and REM bursts were associated with micro-arousals during NREM sleep, but not during REM sleep.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Sleep-stage specific distributions of REM in mice correspond to human REM density during sleep. REM density, now also assessable in animal models through our approach, is increased in humans after acute stress, during PTSD and in depression. This relationship can now be exploited to match animal models more closely to clinical situations, especially in animal models of depression.</p

    Editorial: Sleep, vigilance & disruptive behaviors

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    The Frontiers in Psychiatry Research Theme of Sleep, vigilance, and disruptive behaviors has two aims: first, to promote the understanding of the connections between vigilance and disruptive daytime behavior in the context of sleep deprivation and, second, to explore how naturalistic observations and pattern recognition can play a role in furthering our understanding of these connections. . .

    Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Sleep Disorders

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    BACKGROUND: Recent epidemiological and experimental data suggest a negative influence of shortened or disturbed night sleep on glucose tolerance. Due to the high prevalence of sleep disorders this might be a major health issue. However, no comparative studies of carbohydrate metabolism have been conducted in clinical sleep disorders. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We performed oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) and assessed additional parameters of carbohydrate metabolism in patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS, N = 25), restless legs syndrome (RLS, N = 18) or primary insomnia (N = 21), and in healthy controls (N = 33). Compared to controls, increased rates of impaired glucose tolerance were found in OSAS (OR: 4.9) and RLS (OR: 4.7) patients, but not in primary insomnia patients (OR: 1.6). In addition, HbA1c values were significantly increased in the same two patient groups. Significant positive correlations were found between 2-h plasma glucose values measured during the OGTT and the apnea-arousal-index in OSAS (r = 0.56; p<0.05) and the periodic leg movement-arousal-index in RLS (r = 0.56, p<0.05), respectively. Sleep duration and other quantitative aspects of sleep were similar between patient groups. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings suggest that some, but not all sleep disorders considerably compromise glucose metabolism. Repeated arousals during sleep might be a pivotal causative factor deserving further experimental investigations to reveal potential novel targets for the prevention of metabolic diseases

    Daytime sleepiness in patients with untreated restless legs syndrome

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    Background Restless legs syndrome (RLS), a disorder characterized by an urge to move one’s legs during sleep or rest, leads to impaired sleep quality. Many patients with RLS report increased daytime sleepiness, but this has seldom been the focus of clinical research. The current study empirically investigated the prevalence and severity of daytime sleepiness in RLS. Methods This prospective study included 29 newly diagnosed treatment-naïve patients with RLS and 31 healthy controls and assessed standardized subjective (tiredness symptom scale [TSS], Stanford Sleepiness Scale [SSS], Epworth Sleepiness Scale [ESS]), cognitive (psychomotor vigilance task [PVT], Mackworth Clock Test [MCT]), and physiological measures (pupillary unrest index [PUI]). RLS symptom severity was assessed, and the effects of RLS on general health aspects and subjective sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) were compared to control data. Results Patients had moderate to severe RLS with significant negative effects on general health, quality of life, and sleep quality. Patients with RLS showed more subjective daytime sleepiness (ESS) and current sleepiness (TSS, SSS) than controls. The objective performance of patients in sustained attention tasks (P VT, MCT) was significantly worse than that of controls. Additionally, patients showed higher PUI scores. Conclusion In the present study, RLS was associated with markedly impaired subjective sleep quality and with subjectively and objectively increased daytime sleepiness. Since daytime sleepiness can be a major factor leading to compromised quality of life, assessing and treating sleepiness should be incorporated into standard diagnostics and treatment

    Restless Legs Syndrome Prevalence and Clinical Correlates Among Psychiatric Inpatients: A Multicenter Study.

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    Background There are only limited reports on the prevalence of restless legs syndrome (RLS) in patients with psychiatric disorders. The present study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and clinical correlates in psychiatric inpatients in Germany and Switzerland. Methods This is a multicenter cross-sectional study of psychiatric inpatients with an age above 18 years that were diagnosed and evaluated face-to-face using the International RLS Study Group criteria (IRLSSG) and the International RLS severity scale (IRLS). In addition to sociodemographic and biometric data, sleep quality and mood were assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). In addition to univariate statistics used to describe and statistically analyze differences in variables of interest between patients with and without RLS, a logistic model was employed to identify predictors for the occurrence of RLS. Results The prevalence of RLS in a sample of 317 psychiatric inpatients was 16.4%, and 76.9% of these were diagnosed with RLS for the first time. RLS severity was moderate to severe (IRLS ± SD: 20.3 ± 8.4). The prevalences in women (p = 0.0036) and in first-degree relatives with RLS (p = 0.0108) as well as the body mass index (BMI, p = 0.0161) were significantly higher among patients with RLS, while alcohol consumption was significantly lower in the RLS group. With the exception of atypical antipsychotics, treatment with psychotropic drugs was not associated with RLS symptoms. Regarding subjective sleep quality and mood, scores of the PSQI (p = 0.0007), ISI (p = 0.0003), and ESS (p = 0.0005) were higher in patients with RLS, while PHQ-9 scores were not different. A logistic regression analysis identified gender (OR 2.67; 95% CI [1.25; 5.72]), first-degree relatives with RLS (OR 3.29; 95% CI [1.11; 9.73], ESS score (OR 1.09; 95% CI [1.01; 1.17]), and rare alcohol consumption (OR 0.45; 95% CI [0.22; 0.94] as predictors for RLS. Conclusions Clinically significant RLS had a high prevalence in psychiatric patients. RLS was associated with higher BMI, impaired sleep quality, and lower alcohol consumption. A systematic assessment of restless legs symptoms might contribute to improve the treatment of psychiatric patients

    Sleepiness and fatigue in multiple sclerosis - same same but different? A systematic review on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale as an assessment tool

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    Objectives: Fatigue is a frequent and distressing symptom in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). In contrast, sleepiness, characterized by difficulties to stay awake and alert during the day, seems to be less prevalent in MS; however exact studies are lacking. In addition, there is a semantic confusion of the concepts of “fatigue” and “sleepiness”, which are often used interchangeably. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of studies using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) for the assessment of daytime sleepiness in patients with MS. Results: The summarized results of 48 studies demonstrate that sleepiness, as indicated by elevated ESS scores, is less prevalent and less severe than fatigue but is present in a significant proportion of patients with MS. In most cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, there was a moderate association between ESS scores and various fatigue rating scales. Longitudinal studies on the effect of wakefulness- promoting agents failed to show a consistent improvement of sleepiness or fatigue as compared to placebo. It has also been shown that daytime sleepiness is frequently associated with comorbid sleep disorders that are often underrecognized and undertreated in MS. Conclusions: Sleepiness and potential sleep disorders may also precipitate and perpetuate fatigue in patients with MS and should be part of the differential diagnostic assessment. To support an appropriate decision-making process, we propose an algorithm for the evaluation of sleepiness as compared to fatigue in patients with MS. Disclosure: Nothing to disclose

    Design of a randomized controlled trial for multiple cancer risk behaviors among Spanish-speaking Mexican-origin smokers

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    Background: Smoking, poor diet, and physical inactivity account for as much as 60% of cancer risk. Latinos experience profound disparities in health behaviors, as well as the cancers associated with them. Currently, there is a dearth of controlled trials addressing these health behaviors among Latinos. Further, to the best of our knowledge, no studies address all three behaviors simultaneously, are culturally sensitive, and are guided by formative work with the target population. Latinos represent 14% of the U. S. population and are the fastest growing minority group in the country. Efforts to intervene on these important lifestyle factors among Latinos may accelerate the elimination of cancer-related health disparities