2,479 research outputs found

    Emittance growth in linear induction accelerators

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    The Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrotest (DARHT) facility uses bremsstrahlung radiation source spots produced by the focused electron beams from two linear induction accelerators (LIAs) to radiograph large hydrodynamic experiments driven by high explosives. Radiographic resolution is determined by the size of the source spot, and beam emittance is the ultimate limitation to spot size. On the DARHT Axis-II LIA we measure an emittance higher than predicted by theoretical simulations, and even though this axis produces sub-millimeter source spots, we are exploring ways to improve the emittance. Some of the possible causes for the discrepancy have been investigated using particle-in-cell (PIC) codes, although most of these are discounted based on beam measurements. The most likely source of emittance growth is a mismatch of the beam to the magnetic transport, which can cause beam halo.Comment: 20th Int. Conf. on High-Power Particle Beams, Washington, DC, May, 201

    Elastic and thermodynamic properties of the shape-memory alloy AuZn

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    The current work reports on the elastic shear moduli, internal friction, and the specific heat of the B2 cubic ordered alloy AuZn as a function of temperature. Measurements were made on single-crystal and polycrystalline samples using Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS), semi-adiabatic calorimetry and stress-strain measurements. Our results confirm that this alloy exhibits the shape-memory effect and a phase transition at 64.75 K that appears to be continuous (second-order) from the specific heat data. It is argued that the combination of equiatomic composition and a low transformation temperature constrain the chemical potential and its derivatives to exhibit behavior that lies at the borderline between that of a first-order (discontinuous) and a continuous phase transition. The acoustic dissipation does not peak at the transtion temperature as expected, but shows a maximum well into the low-temperature phase. The Debye temeprature value of 219 K, obtained from the low-temperature specific heat data is in favorable agreement with that determined from the acoustic data (207 K) above the transition.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Microstructural strain energy of α-uranium determined by calorimetry and neutron diffractometry

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    The microstructural contribution to the heat capacity of α-uranium was determined by measuring the heat-capacity difference between polycrystalline and single-crystal samples from 77 to 320 K. When cooled to 77 K and then heated to about 280 K, the uranium microstructure released (3±1) J/mol of strain energy. On further heating to 300 K, the microstructure absorbed energy as it began to redevelop microstrains. Anisotropic strain-broadening parameters were extracted from neutron-diffraction measurements on polycrystals. Combining the strain-broadening parameters with anisotropic elastic constants from the literature, the microstructural strain energy is predicted in the two limiting cases of statistically isotropic stress and statistically isotropic strain. The result calculated in the limit of statistically isotropic stress was (3.7±0.5) J/mol K at 77 K and (1±0.5) J/mol at room temperature. In the limit of statistically isotropic strain, the values were (7.8±0.5) J/mol K at 77 K and (4.5±0.5) J/mol at room temperature. In both cases the changes in the microstructural strain energy showed good agreement with the calorimetry

    Large harmonic softening of the phonon density of states of uranium

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    Phonon density-of-states curves were obtained from inelastic neutron scattering spectra from the three crystalline phases of uranium at temperatures from 50 to 1213 K. The alpha -phase showed an unusually large thermal softening of phonon frequencies. Analysis of the vibrational power spectrum showed that this phonon softening originates with the softening of a harmonic solid, as opposed to vibrations in anharmonic potentials. It follows that thermal excitations of electronic states are more significant thermodynamically than are the classical volume effects. For the alpha-beta and beta-gamma phase transitions, vibrational and electronic entropies were comparable

    Wakes in the quark-gluon plasma

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    Using the high temperature approximation we study, within the linear response theory, the wake in the quark-gluon plasma by a fast parton owing to dynamical screening in the space like region. When the parton moves with a speed less than the average speed of the plasmon, we find that the wake structure corresponds to a screening charge cloud traveling with the parton with one sign flip in the induced charge density resulting in a Lennard-Jones type potential in the outward flow with a short range repulsive and a long range attractive part. On the other hand if the parton moves with a speed higher than that of plasmon, the wake structure in the induced charge density is found to have alternate sign flips and the wake potential in the outward flow oscillates analogous to Cerenkov like wave generation with a Mach cone structure trailing the moving parton. The potential normal to the motion of the parton indicates a transverse flow in the system. We also calculate the potential due to a color dipole and discuss consequences of possible new bound states and J/ψJ/\psi suppression in the quark-gluon plasma.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures (high resolution figures available with authors); version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Charm Correlation as a Diagnostic Probe of Quark Matter

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    The use of correlation between two open-charm mesons is suggested to give information about the nature of the medium created in heavy-ion collisions. Insensitivity to the charm production rate is achieved by measuring normalized cumulant. The acollinearity of the D momenta in the transverse plane is a measure of the medium effect. Its dependence on nuclear size or E_T provides a signature for the formation of quark matter.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    First Results from Viper: Detection of Small-Scale Anisotropy at 40 GHZ

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    Results of a search for small-scale anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are presented. Observations were made at the South Pole using the Viper telescope, with a .26 degree (FWHM) beam and a passband centered at 40 GHz. Anisotropy band-power measurements in bands centered at l = 108, 173, 237, 263, 422 and 589 are reported. Statistically significant anisotropy is detected in all bands.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, uses emulateapj.sty, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Quark Dispersion Relation and Dilepton Production in the Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    Under very general assumptions we show that the quark dispersion relation in the quark-gluon plasma is given by two collective branches, of which one has a minimum at a non-vanishing momentum. This general feature of the quark dispersion relation leads to structures (van Hove singularities, gaps) in the low mass dilepton production rate, which might provide a unique signature for the quark-gluon plasma formation in relativistic heavy ion collisions.Comment: 6 pages, Revtex, 2 PostScript figures, revised version to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Parton Interaction Rates in the Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    The transport interaction rates of elastic scattering processes of thermal partons in the quark-gluon plasma are calculated beyond the leading logarithm approximation using the effective perturbation theory for QCD at finite temperatures developed by Braaten and Pisarski. The results for the ordinary and transport interaction rates obtained from the effective perturbation theory are compared to perturbative approximations based on an infrared cut-off by the Debye screening mass. The relevance of those interaction rates for a quark-gluon plasma possibly formed in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures (not included), REVTex, UGI-93-0

    Parton Equilibration in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We investigate the processes leading to phase-space equilibration of parton distributions in nuclear interactions at collider energies. We derive a set of rate equations describing the chemical equilibration of gluons and quarks including medium effects on the relevant QCD transport coefficients, and discuss their consequences for parton equilibration in heavy ion collisions.Comment: 18 pages, 6 Figures appended as uuencoded PostScript files, (no changes in the previously submitted manuscript), DUKE-TH-93-4