29 research outputs found


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    One of the factors making students’ failure in learning is students’ vandalism either inside or outside the class. In facing this case, teachers and organizer of institution need certain wise approach. This article focuses on, first, how are the students vandalism images at MTs Negeri Kadur Pamekasan, and second, what are the efforts to push down the students vandalism images at MTs Negeri Kadur Pamekasan. The results showed that the images of students’ vandalism at MTs Negeri Kadur Pamekasan were: coming late into the class, not wearing uniform, not attending the class, not doing the homework, going out with close friend, being lazy in studying, smoking, colouring the hair, bringing mobile phone, going out of the school without permission, stealing and wearing earrings. The efforts done are using moral and emotional approach and spiritual approach


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    Emotional Quotion contributes 60% to someone’s success. The main characteristic of the individual emotional quotion is when he is successful to implement his emotional potency in daily life. Emotional potency here actually has been given to people before the birth. But, this potency can be increasing or decreasing as it is taken care of or developed. Based on the literature review of psychology literation and comparing to juridical analysis about regulation in managing the State Islamic University, this research comes into a finding of how to develop the emotional quotion for the State Islamic University managers. Every individual, including the lecturer and the leader of the State Islamic University can increase their emotional quotion’s value, when they can: first, recognize their own emotional states as well as others; second, manage their own emotion as well as others, and three, motivate themselves as well as other

    PARADIGMA BARU FIQH PEREMPUAN (Studi Analisis atas Gender Mainstreaming Omid Safi dalam Agenda Muslim Progressive)

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    Omid Safi dan kawan-kawan dengan label MuslimProgressive mengusung tiga agenda besar, yaknimewujudkan keadilan sosial, kesetaraan jender, danpemahaman terhadap pluralisme. Dengan metode multiplecritique, Omid Safi mengkritisi kejumudan para ultraKonservatif yang selalu menyalahkan Yahudi, Kristen, danbahkan umat Muslim yang tidak sepaham dengan mereka.Demikian pula kritik di sisi ini diarahkan kepada kaum neoKonservatif yang menjadikan teks begitu kaku dan rigitserta ditafsirkan apa adanya. Sementara di sisi lain MuslimProgressive juga mengkritisi kaum Muslim liberal yangmenjadikan modernitas sebagai kiblat utama tujuan hidupmereka dengan mengenyampingkan tradisi keislamansebagai landasan moral dan pikiran. Muslim Progressivedigagas untuk mengawinkan kedua sisi tersebut. Tulisanini menampilkan tawaran Muslim Progressive dalam agendakesetaraan jender, yang menekankan pada paradigm barufiqh perempuan. Muslim Progressive memaknai fiqh sebagaiinterpretasi syari’ah. Dengan demikian, fiqh harusdiformulasikan sesuai dan seimbang dengan tuntutanzaman. Teks al-Qur’an dan Sunnah yang dijadikan landasanlahirnya produk fiqh tidak harus dipahami sebagaimanafuqahâ` memahaminya saat itu. Perkembangan zaman,kebutuhan, dan tujuan semestinya senantiasa menjadi ‘illahyang menyertai perumusan hukum saat ini


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    Problematika lembaga pesantren saat ini, adalah turunnya minat para santri dalam mempelajari ilmu-ilmu keagamaan. Pragramatisme pendidikan yang ditunjukkan dengan sekedar mencari “ijazah” pendidikan formal menjadi fenomena menyeluruh pada lembaga pendidikan pesantren di Pamekasan. Penelitian ini mencoba mencari jawaban dari dua permasalahan; pertama apa alasan santri memilih pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan, kedua bagaimana respon santri terhadap sistem pendidikan yang diterapkna pesantren. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada pesantren Miftahul Ulum Sumberjati Kadur Pamekasan, sebagai sampel dari pesantren yang tetap mempertahankan tradisi pesantren klasik dengan menambah formulasi baru sebagai bentuk adaptasi perkembangan pendidikan. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan menjadikan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi sebagai acuan data utamanya. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu bahwa ada beberapa alasan santri memilih lembaga pendidikan mereka, yaitu: Pertama, keinginan sendiri, dan yang Kedua adalah pengaruh pihak lain seperti orang tua dan alumni pesantren. Sedangkan respon santri terhadap sitem yang diterapkna pesantren juga beragam; Pertama, sebagaian kecil responden mengatakan sistem pendidikan yang diterapkan pesantren tidak atau kurang sesuai dengan harapan mereka. Kedua, sebagaian besar santri menyatakan sesuai dengan harapan mereka

    Reformulasi Model Pembelajaran Kitab Kuning di Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Ulum Bata-Bata Pamekasan

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    This article reveals the efforts made by Maktab Nubdzatul Bayan at Islamic boarding school Mambaul Ulum Bata-Bata Pamekasan in providing a new breakthrough in accelerating the mastery of the arabic book for children of basic education age. The pattern of accelerated learning as the key to this movement has proven to lead to mastery of the arabic book which is relatively short for the age of the children. With a qualitative approach and photographing objects naturally, this research data was obtained through interviews, activity observations and document review. The results of the study show that the arabic book learning reformulation is carried out by: a button-up pattern of policy-making; placement of students as a learning center (student centered); implementation of student-based supervision; mentoring attached to junior students; spiritual strengthening of caregivers; and small group based learning; competency test of prospective graduates, and appreciation of student achievement. The success of this effort is influenced by several factors: the common determination of all parties; the ratio of comparison between supervisors and students is ideal; standard study and dormitory facilities; conducive learning environment and great caregiver support

    PARADIGMA BARU FIQH PEREMPUAN (Studi Analisis atas Gender Mainstreaming Omid Safi dalam Agenda Muslim Progressive)

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    Omid Safi dan kawan-kawan dengan label MuslimProgressive mengusung tiga agenda besar, yaknimewujudkan keadilan sosial, kesetaraan jender, danpemahaman terhadap pluralisme. Dengan metode multiplecritique, Omid Safi mengkritisi kejumudan para ultraKonservatif yang selalu menyalahkan Yahudi, Kristen, danbahkan umat Muslim yang tidak sepaham dengan mereka.Demikian pula kritik di sisi ini diarahkan kepada kaum neoKonservatif yang menjadikan teks begitu kaku dan rigitserta ditafsirkan apa adanya. Sementara di sisi lain MuslimProgressive juga mengkritisi kaum Muslim liberal yangmenjadikan modernitas sebagai kiblat utama tujuan hidupmereka dengan mengenyampingkan tradisi keislamansebagai landasan moral dan pikiran. Muslim Progressivedigagas untuk mengawinkan kedua sisi tersebut. Tulisanini menampilkan tawaran Muslim Progressive dalam agendakesetaraan jender, yang menekankan pada paradigm barufiqh perempuan. Muslim Progressive memaknai fiqh sebagaiinterpretasi syari’ah. Dengan demikian, fiqh harusdiformulasikan sesuai dan seimbang dengan tuntutanzaman. Teks al-Qur’an dan Sunnah yang dijadikan landasanlahirnya produk fiqh tidak harus dipahami sebagaimanafuqahâ` memahaminya saat itu. Perkembangan zaman,kebutuhan, dan tujuan semestinya senantiasa menjadi ‘illahyang menyertai perumusan hukum saat ini


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    The implementation of Internet-Based Islamic Education Learning at SMAN 1 Pamekasan feels increasingly needed to be used as an alternative in fostering students' motivation and enthusiasm for learning, especially PAI learning. This study aims to examine teachers and students in innovating internet-based PAI learning, the obstacles experienced by teachers and students in implementing internet-based PAI learning, and also the implications of internet-based PAI learning at SMAN 1 Pamekasan. The focus of research in this study are: (1) How is the implementation of Internet-based PAI learning media at SMAN 1 Pamekasan? (2) What are the barriers to Internet-based PAI learning at SMAN 1 Pamekasan? (3) What is the solution to the obstacles to Internet-based PAI learning at SMAN 1 Pamekasan? This study uses a qualitative approach which intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the research subject. Data collection techniques carried out by researchers are interviews, non-participant observations, and documentation of a number of related sources. Data analysis during the research and after the research took place using data reduction, data presentation, and data verification for field studies. The results of the study indicate that: First, the implementation of internet-based PAI learning at SMAN 1 Pamekasan is quite adequate and is highly responded to by the principal, teachers, especially students. Although not 100% but with internet-based PAI learning, it is easy for teachers and students to carry out learning in class, which was originally boring to be fun and more efficient. Students who miss lessons can directly access learning by using the internet. Second, obstacles. Internet-based PAI learning at SMAN 1 Pamekasan is by providing training to PAI teachers regarding the implementation of internet-based learning, so that teachers who are less able to operate the internet can be helped by other PAI teachers. Third, student learning solutions and the use of internet-based PAI learning implementation at SMAN 1 Pamekasan, can be seen from the activeness of students in class and the results of student evaluations. To the principal of SMAN 1 Pamekasan for always providing support to teachers, especially PAI teachers related to internet media for the advancement of education at SMAN 1 Pamekasan. This support is by involving teachers in workshops or training on the implementation of internet-based PAI learning. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran PAI, Berbasis InternetThe implementation of Internet-Based Islamic Education Learning at SMAN 1 Pamekasan feels increasingly needed to be used as an alternative in fostering students' motivation and enthusiasm for learning, especially PAI learning. This study aims to examine teachers and students in innovating internet-based PAI learning, the obstacles experienced by teachers and students in implementing internet-based PAI learning, and also the implications of internet-based PAI learning at SMAN 1 Pamekasan. The focus of research in this study are: (1) How is the implementation of Internet-based PAI learning media at SMAN 1 Pamekasan? (2) What are the barriers to Internet-based PAI learning at SMAN 1 Pamekasan? (3) What is the solution to the obstacles to Internet-based PAI learning at SMAN 1 Pamekasan? This study uses a qualitative approach which intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the research subject. Data collection techniques carried out by researchers are interviews, non-participant observations, and documentation of a number of related sources. Data analysis during the research and after the research took place using data reduction, data presentation, and data verification for field studies. The results of the study indicate that: First, the implementation of internet-based PAI learning at SMAN 1 Pamekasan is quite adequate and is highly responded to by the principal, teachers, especially students. Although not 100% but with internet-based PAI learning, it is easy for teachers and students to carry out learning in class, which was originally boring to be fun and more efficient. Students who miss lessons can directly access learning by using the internet. Second, obstacles. Internet-based PAI learning at SMAN 1 Pamekasan is by providing training to PAI teachers regarding the implementation of internet-based learning, so that teachers who are less able to operate the internet can be helped by other PAI teachers. Third, student learning solutions and the use of internet-based PAI learning implementation at SMAN 1 Pamekasan, can be seen from the activeness of students in class and the results of student evaluations. To the principal of SMAN 1 Pamekasan for always providing support to teachers, especially PAI teachers related to internet media for the advancement of education at SMAN 1 Pamekasan. This support is by involving teachers in workshops or training on the implementation of internet-based PAI learning. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran PAI, Berbasis Interne


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    Discipline is defined as an important exercise and character with the intention that all actions always obey the order, obedience, and rules of the order. This research uses a qualitative approach and the type is descriptive. The results of the study show that: (1) Management of disciplining students in participating in religious activities in the Islamic Boarding School of Nurus Shibyan Ambat Tlanakan Pamekasan is effective in accordance with applicable rules and regulations while fostering religious discipline activities for all students must participate in religious ritual activities, prayer in congregation, book deliberations, and from every student has a companion cleric, and regulated by the pesantren curriculum, (2) Supporting and inhibiting factors in fostering student discipline in participating in religious activities at Nurus Shibyan Islamic Boarding School Ambat Tlanakan Pamekasan, are supporting factors related to the potential of students, teacher / religious teacher readiness to keep fighting, and religious enthusiasm to fight by Allah while the inhibiting factors are some naughty students, laziness of children to participate in activities in the cottage, facilities which are partially inadequate, and lack of funds

    Dampak Penerapan Sistem Zonasi dalam Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru

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    This research aims at analysing the implementation of zoning system and its effect on the Islamic education institution. It also analyses the opportunity and resistance of the implementation of Permendikbud No. 14 2018. The approach of this research is qualitative. The data sources are headmasters, parents or public community dealing with school and all documents related to the content of Permendikbud No. 14 2018. The data collection is done by doing observation, interview and taking the documentation related to the topic. The result shows: first, the response from the institutions under the education and culture department to this regulation are: 1) the state education institution located in the urban area both in the level of elementary and higher school have implemented the regulation; 2) state education institution located in the suburban area have not implemented the regulation; 3) the private education institution and institution under the pesantren’s authority have not implemented the regulation secondly, education institution under the Religious Department got the most positive effect from the regulation of Permendikbud No.14 2018 because the institution under the Religious Department  1) became the first choice because they do not implement the zoning system; 2) are challenged to increase their academic quality to fir the society’s need; 3) got significant  additional students; third point is Islamic education institution have a bigger opportunity to get high quality newcomers because the enrolment is not restricted in zone, with change to increase the resources quality and upgrade the school’s image on the society, and also change the student’s enrolment system becomes more innovative

    Analisis Kepercayaan Diri pada Korban Bullying

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    This research is motivated by the many acts of bullying among teenagers or students, this is due to the lack of teacher supervision of students against bullying so that it will have an impact on students' self-confidence. The purpose of this study was to determine the self-confidence of students who were victims of bullying at SMP Al-Hakim Sampang. Based on this, there are three research focuses that become the reference for this research study, namely: first, what is the description of bullying behavior at Al Hakim Sampang Junior High School? Second, how is the impact of bullying behavior on students' self-confidence at SMP Al Hakim Sampang? Third, have you tried to increase students' self-confidence due to bullying behavior at SMP Al Hakim Sampang?. This study uses qualitative research methods, data collection procedures used by researchers including interviews, observation, documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Then in the process of checking the validity of the research data through extended participation, persistence in the observation process, and finally through triangulation. The results of this study indicate that: First, the description of the bullying behavior of class VIII students, namely starting from continuous taunts, causing perpetrators of violence or physical bullying. The results of the questionnaire showed physical bullying behavior of 80 with a percentage of 54% more than other bullying behaviors, then verbal bullying with a score of 43 with a percentage of 29% being the second most bullying behavior, then rational bullying with a score of 16 percentages of 11%, in the last order electronic bullying/ cyber bullying with a score of 9 percentage 6%. Second, the impact of bullying behavior on students' self-confidence. The impact on children's self-confidence varies, such as children who like to be alone, are not enthusiastic about learning, are less active in class, never join other friends, often do not go to school and some even want to quit school. Third, the teacher's efforts to increase students' self-confidence due to bullying behavior at Al Hakim Sampang Junior High School, namely if someone commits bullying behavior, the teacher immediately calls the perpetrator or victim of bullying to handle it, for the victim is given motivation so that his confidence returns again and for the perpetrator is given a reprimand and given punishment according to the violation, so that bullying behavior does not happen again.Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya tindakan bullying di kalangan remaja atau siswa, hal ini disebabkan kurangnya pengawasan guru terhadap siswa terhadap bullying sehingga hal tersebut akan berdampak pada kepercayaan diri siswa. Tujuan dari peneliti ini adalah untuk mengetahui kepercayaan diri pada siswa korban bullying di SMP Al-Hakim Sampang. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, ada tiga fokus peneliti yang menjadi acuan kajian peneliti ini, yaitu: pertama, bagaimana gambaran perilaku bullying di SMP Al Hakim Sampang? Kedua, bagaimana dampak perilaku bullying terhadap kepercayaan diri siswa di SMP Al Hakim Sampang? Ketiga, apakah bapak/ibu guru sudah berupaya untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa akibat perilaku bullying di SMP Al Hakim Sampang?. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, prosedur pengumpulan data yang digunakan oleh peneliti dantaranya wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi. Sedangkan dalam analisis data meliputi reduksi data penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Kemudian dalam proses pengecekan keabsahan data hasil penelitan melalui perpajang keikutsertaan, ketekunan dalam proses pengamatan, dan yang terakhir melalui triangulasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, Gambaran perilaku bullying siswa kelas VIII yaitu berawal dari saling ejek-ejekan yang berkelanjutan sehingga menimbulkan pelaku kekerasan atau bullying fisik. Hasil angket menunjukkan perilaku bullying fisik 80 dengan presentase 54% lebih banyak dari perilaku bullying lainnya, kemudian bullying verbal dengan skor 43 dengan presentase 29% menjadi perilaku bullying terbanyak yang kedua, kemudian bullying rasional dengan skor 16 presentase 11%, diurutan terakhir bullying elektronik/cyber bullying dengan skor 9 presentase 6%. Kedua, Dampak perilaku bullying terhadap kepercayaan diri siswa. Dampak yang terjadi pada kepercayaan diri anak bermacam-macam, seperti anak suka menyendiri, tidak semangat untuk belajar, kurang aktif di dalam kelas, tidak pernah bergabung dengan teman lainnya, sering tidak masuk sekolah bahkan ada yang ingin berhenti sekolah. Ketiga, upaya guru untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa akibat perilaku bullying di SMP Al Hakim Sampang yaitu jika ada yang melakukan perilaku bullying guru langsung memanggil pelaku maupun korban bullying untuk menanganinya, bagi korban dikasih motivasi agar kepercayaan dirinya kembali kembali lagi dan untuk pelaku dikasih teguran dan diberi hukuman sesuai dengan pelanggarannya, agar perilaku bullying tidak sering terjadi lagi