10 research outputs found

    Anaerobic probiotics: the key microbes for human health

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    Human gastrointestinal microbiota (HGIM) incorporate a large number of microbes from different species. Anaerobic bacteria are the dominant organisms in this microbial consortium and play a crucial role in human health. In addition to their functional role as the main source of many essential metabolites for human health, they are considered as biotherapeutic agents in the regulation of different human metabolites. They are also important in the prevention and in the treatment of different physical and mental diseases. Bifidobacteria are the dominant anaerobic bacteria in HGIM and are widely used in the development of probiotic products for infants, children and adults. To develop bifidobacteria-based bioproducts, therefore, it is necessary to develop a large-scale biomass production platform based on a good understanding of the ideal medium and bioprocessing parameters for their growth and viability. In addition, high cell viability should be maintained during downstream processing and storage of probiotic cell powder or the final formulated product. In this work we review the latest information about the biology, therapeutic activities, cultivation and industrial production of bifidobacteria

    Implementation of push notification using SignalR and WCF

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    Komunikacijo med strežniki in odjemalci lahko realiziramo na več načinov. Osnoven način je, da odjemalec povprašuje in strežnik odgovarja. V primeru, ko odjemalec ne ve, kdaj mu bo določena informacija na voljo, mora v intervalih spraševati strežnik. To je neučinkovito in boljša alternativa temu je, da strežnik obvešča odjemalce. Takemu načinu komunikacije pravimo potisno obveščanje. Implementacijo potisnega obveščanja smo izvedli s knjižnico SignalR in z ogrodjem WCF. Obe tehnologiji smo raziskali in ju primerjali. Za primerjavo tehnologij smo implementirali obveščanje o dogajanju v nadzoru različic kode. V našem primeru smo imeli dva tipa odjemalcev. En odjemalec je vmesnik za upravljanje z nadzorom različic kode Git. Ta obvešča strežnik o akcijah, ki se dogajajo nad kodo. Drugi tip odjemalca pa je namizna aplikacija in aplikacija za Windows Phone 8. Obe aplikaciji sprejemata obvestila o dogajanju v nadzoru različic kode, ki jim jih pošilja strežnik.Communication between servers and clients can be realised in several ways. A basic method is, when the client requests and the server responds. In case the client does not know, when the specific information will be available, it needs to ask the server in intervals. This is ineffective, and a better alternative is when the server informs the clients. Such communication is called server push. Server push was implemented with the SignalR library and with the WCF framework. Both technologies have been explored and compared. For comparison of technologies we implemented the notification of activity in revision control. In our case, we had two types of clients. The first client is an interface for managing the control of the Git revision control. It informs the server about actions, which take place over the code. The second client is a desktop application and an application for Windows Phone 8. Both applications receive notifications of activities in revision control

    The role of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics in animal nutrition

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    Anaerobic Probiotics: The Key Microbes for Human Health

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