21 research outputs found

    Poredbeno istraĹľivanje dviju metoda ispravljanja torzije maternice u krava tijekom teljenja.

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    Uterine torsion is a common form of dystocia in cattle often associatedwith an oversized fetus. Cows are considered to be more susceptible to this condition than other domestic animals. On the basis of our current clinical practices, a novel retorsion method called “Ball rolling” has been developed to correct uterine torsion. In order to evaluate the effect of this new method, a total of 263 uterine torsion cases admitted to our animal hospital in the past 5 years were investigated, of which 79 cases were treated with the conventional rolling method and 184 cases were subjected to the “Ball rolling” method. In our “Ball rolling” method, the animals were immobilized by tying their forelegs, whereas their hind legs are left loosened, and are rolled like a ball towards the torsion direction to bring the uterus back into its physiological position. Then the clinical symptoms of the animals were recorded using basic physiological indicators, such as pulse, the degree of amniotic fluid choke rate and respiratory rate, pulse, and cervical injury bleeding. On the basis of the evaluation of the outcome, the parturient cows subjected to the “Ball rolling” method recovered faster with higher fetus survival rate.Torzija maternice čest je uzrok teškog teljenja krava, nerijetko povezan s prevelikim plodom. U krava su teški porođaji češći nego u drugih domaćih životinja. Na osnovi vlastite kliničke prakse razvijena je nova metoda retorzije nazvana „valjanje poput lopte“. Radi procjene učinka te nove metode ukupno su bila analizirana 263 slučaja torzije maternice bolnički obrađena u proteklih pet godina. Od toga je 79 slučajeva bilo obrađeno uobičajenom metodom valjanja, a 184 krave bile su podvrgnute novoj metodi „valjanja poput lopte“. U toj su metodi životinje bile imobilizirane vezanjem prednjih nogu dok su stražnje bile slobodne i valjane kao lopta prema smjeru torzije kako bi se maternica dovela u fiziološki položaj. Nakon toga klinički su znakovi bili procijenjeni na osnovi fizioloških pokazatelja kao što su: bilo, stupanj gušenja u amnionskoj tekućini, frekvencija disanja i krvarenje zbog ozljeda cerviksa. Na osnovi prosudbe ishoda, krave pri teljenju podvrgnute „valjanju“ oporavile su se brže i s većom stopom preživljavanja teladi

    Isolation, Characterization, Comparative Analysis of Anti-Rabies Antibodies Raised in Chicken and Rabbit

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    The study provides a platform to make chicken antibodies (IgY) an alternate source of antibodies to treat rabies infection in developing countries. The study also attempts to provide an overview of the possibility of replacing IgG (antisera) by IgY antibodies. Producing antibodies in a large scale in egg laying chickens is commercially feasible in view of their low body weight and high rate of egg production. It is relatively easy, economical and safe to collect eggs from hens compared to the bleeding the horses, rabbits and other mammals for their serum. HRIG (Human Rabies Immunoglobulin) and ERIG (Equine Rabies Immunoglobulin) are highly expensive and less abundant. In this study, we have analyzed the titer of IgY antibodies and compared with IgG antibodies raised in rabbits

    Effect of IgY against diarrhea in mice.

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    <p>Forest plot demonstrates the relative risk (RR) of individual studies included for meta-analysis under animal class mice, 95% confidence interval. The diamond represents the global estimate and its 95% confidence interval. The cut off line crossing RR 1 differentiates the study favors IgY treatment group or control group. The line crossing diamond is to determine the number of studies positioned in global RR.</p

    Effect of Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgY) against Diarrhea in Domesticated Animals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>IgY antibodies are serum immunoglobulin in birds, reptiles and amphibians, and are transferred from serum to egg yolk to confer passive immunity to their embryos and offspring. Currently, the oral passive immunization using chicken IgY has been focused as an alternative to antibiotics for the treatment and control of diarrhea in animals and humans. This systematic review was focused to determine the effect of IgY in controlling and preventing diarrhea in domesticated animals including Piglets, Mice, Poultry and Calves.</p><p>Methods and Results</p><p>Previous research reports focused on treatment effect of Chicken IgY against diarrhea were retrieved from different electronic data bases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, SPRINGER-LINK, WILEY, AGRICOLA, MEDWELL Journals, Scientific Publish, Chinese articles from Core periodicals in 2012). A total of 61 studies in 4 different animal classes met the inclusion criteria. Data on study characteristics and outcome measures were extracted. The pooled relative risk (RR) of 49 studies of different animals [Piglets – 22; Mice – 14; Poultry – 7 and Calves – 6] in meta-analyses revealed that, IgY significantly reduced the risk of diarrhea in treatment group when compare to the placebo. However, the 95% confidence intervals of the majority of studies in animal class piglets and calves embrace RR of one. The same results were obtained in sub group analyses (treatment regiment – prophylactic or therapeutic; pathogen type – bacterial or viral). Perhaps, this inconsistency in the effect of IgY at the individual study level and overall effect measures could be influenced by the methodological heterogeneity.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>The present systematic review (SR) and meta-analysis demonstrated the beneficial effect of IgY. This supports the opinion that IgY is useful for prophylaxis and treatment. However, more intensive studies using the gold standard animal experiments with the focus to use IgY alone or in combination with other alternative strategies are indispensable.</p></div

    Effect of IgY against diarrhea in Poultry.

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    <p><b>Test for Heterogeneity</b>: Q = 10.14; DF = 7; P = 0.1807, I<sup>2</sup> = 30.98% (95% CI for I<sup>2</sup> = 0.00 to 69.27).</p

    Effect of IgY against diarrhea in Calves.

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    <p><b>Test for Heterogeneity</b>: Q = 3.1297; DF = 6; P = 0.7924, I<sup>2</sup> = 0.00% (95% CI for I<sup>2</sup> = 0.00 to 44.96).</p