624 research outputs found

    Surface-wave-enabled darkfield aperture for background suppression during weak signal detection

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    Sensitive optical signal detection can often be confounded by the presence of a significant background, and, as such, predetection background suppression is substantively important for weak signal detection. In this paper, we present a novel optical structure design, termed surface-wave-enabled darkfield aperture (SWEDA), which can be directly incorporated onto optical sensors to accomplish predetection background suppression. This SWEDA structure consists of a central hole and a set of groove pattern that channels incident light to the central hole via surface plasmon wave and surface-scattered wave coupling. We show that the surface wave component can mutually cancel the direct transmission component, resulting in near-zero net transmission under uniform normal incidence illumination. Here, we report the implementation of two SWEDA structures. The first structure, circular-groove-based SWEDA, is able to provide polarization-independent suppression of uniform illumination with a suppression factor of 1230. The second structure, linear-groove-based SWEDA, is able to provide a suppression factor of 5080 for transverse-magnetic wave and can serve as a highly compact (5.5 micrometer length) polarization sensor (the measured transmission ratio of two orthogonal polarizations is 6100). Because the exact destructive interference balance is highly delicate and can be easily disrupted by the nonuniformity of the localized light field or light field deviation from normal incidence, the SWEDA can therefore be used to suppress a bright background and allow for sensitive darkfield sensing and imaging (observed image contrast enhancement of 27 dB for the first SWEDA)

    History dependent magnetoresistance in lightly doped La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4} thin films

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    The in-plane magnetoresistance (MR) in atomically smooth La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4} thin films grown by molecular-beam-epitaxy was measured in magnetic fields B up to 9 T over a wide range of temperatures T. The films, with x=0.03 and x=0.05, are insulating, and the positive MR emerges at T<4 K. The positive MR exhibits glassy features, including history dependence and memory, for all orientations of B. The results show that this behavior, which reflects the onset of glassiness in the dynamics of doped holes, is a robust feature of the insulating state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, International School and Workshop on Electronic Crystals (ECRYS-2011); to appear in Physica

    Surface wave generation and propagation on metallic subwavelength structures measured by far-field interferometry

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    Transmission spectra of metallic films or membranes perforated by arrays of subwavelength slits or holes have been widely interpreted as resonance absorption by surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). Alternative interpretations involving evanescent waves diffracted on the surface have also been proposed. These two approaches lead to divergent predictions for some surface wave properties. Using far-field interferometry, we have carried out a series of measurements on elementary one-dimensional (1-D) subwavelength structures with the aim of testing key properties of the surface waves and comparing them to predictions of these two points of view

    Magnetic field effects and magnetic anisotropy in lightly doped La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4

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    The effects of the application of a magnetic field on the diagonal stripe spin-glass phase is studied in lightly doped La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 (x=0.014 and 0.024). With increasing magnetic field, the magnetic elastic intensity at the diagonal incommensurate (DIC) positions (1,\pm\epsilon,0) decreases as opposed to the increase seen in superconducting samples. This diminution in intensity with increasing magnetic field originates from a spin reorientation transition, which is driven by the antisymmetric exchange term in the spin Hamiltonian. On the other hand, the transition temperature, the incommensurability, and the peak width of the diagonal incommensurate correlations are not changed with magnetic field. This result suggests that the magnetic correlations are determined primarily by the charge disproportionation and that the geometry of the diagonal incommensurate magnetism is also determined by effects, that is, stripe formation which are not purely magnetic in origin. The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya antisymmetric exchange is nevertheless important in determining the local spin structure in the DIC stripe phase.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The effect of stepping down combination therapy on airway hyperresponsiveness to mannitol

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    SummaryRationaleControversy exists about the safety of long acting beta2-agonist (LABA) treatment, in particular in children. Combination therapy with a LABA and an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) is prescribed to children with moderate asthma and can be stepped down by withdrawal of the LABA when asthma is well controlled.ObjectiveTo analyze the effect of stepping down from LABA/ICS combination therapy to monotherapy with the same dose of ICS on the airway response to mannitol in asthmatic children.Methods17 children, aged 12–17 years, with clinically stable asthma, receiving combination therapy, were analyzed in this observational prospective open-label study. Children performed a mannitol challenge at baseline and 30±4 days after their medication was stepped down to ICS monotherapy. The changes in the provoking dose of mannitol to cause a 15% fall in FEV1 (PD15), response-dose ratio and recovery time following a short acting beta2-agonist to ≥95% of baseline FEV1 were assessed.ResultsMannitol PD15 and response-dose ratio did not significantly change after stepping down. The recovery time following a short acting beta2-agonist to ≥95% of baseline FEV1 was significantly shorter (p=0.01) after the withdrawal of the LABA.ConclusionsIn short-term follow-up, stepping down clinically stable asthmatic children from combination therapy to monotherapy with an ICS does not change airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) to mannitol but does shorten recovery time to baseline lung function following a rescue short acting beta2-agonist

    Pairing interactions and pairing mechanism in high temperature copper oxide superconductors

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    The polaron binding energy E_{p} in undoped parent cuprates has been determined to be about 1.0 eV from the unconventional oxygen-isotope effect on the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature. The deduced value of E_{p} is in quantitative agreement with that estimated from independent optical data and that estimated theoretically from the measured dielectric constants. The substantial oxygen-isotope effect on the in-plane supercarrier mass observed in optimally doped cuprates suggests that polarons are bound into the Cooper pairs. We also identify the phonon modes that are strongly coupled to conduction electrons from the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, tunneling spectra, and optical data. We consistently show that there is a very strong electron-phonon coupling feature at a phonon energy of about 20 meV along the antinodal direction and that this coupling becomes weaker towards the diagonal direction. We further show that high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates is caused by strong electron-phonon coupling, polaronic effect, and significant coupling with 2 eV Cu-O charge transfer fluctuation.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Metal-insulator Crossover Behavior at the Surface of NiS_2

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    We have performed a detailed high-resolution electron spectroscopic investigation of NiS2_2 and related Se-substituted compounds NiS2x_{2-x}Sex_x, which are known to be gapped insulators in the bulk at all temperatures. A large spectral weight at the Fermi energy of the room temperature spectrum, in conjunction with the extreme surface sensitivity of the experimental probe, however, suggests that the surface layer is metallic at 300 K. Interestingly, the evolution of the spectral function with decreasing temperature is characterized by a continuous depletion of the single-particle spectral weight at the Fermi energy and the development of a gap-like structure below a characteristic temperature, providing evidence for a metal-insulator crossover behavior at the surfaces of NiS2_2 and of related compounds. These results provide a consistent description of the unusual transport properties observed in these systems.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Transport and magnetic properties of GdBaCo_{2}O_{5+x} single crystals: A cobalt oxide with square-lattice CoO_2 planes over a wide range of electron and hole doping

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    Single crystals of the layered perovskite GdBaCo_{2}O_{5+x} (GBCO) have been grown by the floating-zone method, and their transport, magnetic, and structural properties have been studied in detail over a wide range of oxygen contents. The obtained data are used to establish a rich phase diagram centered at the "parent'' compound GdBaCo_{2}O_{5.5} -- an insulator with Co ions in the 3+ state. An attractive feature of GBCO is that it allows a precise and continuous doping of CoO_{2} planes with either electrons or holes, spanning a wide range from the charge-ordered insulator at 50% electron doping (x=0) to the undoped band insulator (x=0.5), and further towards the heavily hole-doped metallic state. This continuous doping is clearly manifested in the behavior of thermoelectric power which exhibits a spectacular divergence with approaching x=0.5, where it reaches large absolute values and abruptly changes its sign. At low temperatures, the homogeneous distribution of doped carriers in GBCO becomes unstable, and both the magnetic and transport properties point to an intriguing nanoscopic phase separation. We also find that throughout the composition range the magnetic behavior in GBCO is governed by a delicate balance between ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AF) interactions, which can be easily affected by temperature, doping, or magnetic field, bringing about FM-AF transitions and a giant magnetoresistance (MR) phenomenon. An exceptionally strong uniaxial anisotropy of the Co spins, which dramatically simplifies the possible spin arrangements, together with the possibility of continuous ambipolar doping turn GBCO into a model system for studying the competing magnetic interactions, nanoscopic phase separation and accompanying magnetoresistance phenomena.Comment: 31 pages, 32 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Use of a High-Density Protein Microarray to Identify Autoantibodies in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and an HLA Background Associated with Reduced Insulin Secretion

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    New biomarkers for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) may aid diagnosis, drug development or clinical treatment. Evidence is increasing for the adaptive immune system's role in T2DM and suggests the presence of unidentified autoantibodies. While high-density protein microarrays have emerged as a useful technology to identify possible novel autoantigens in autoimmune diseases, its application in T2DM has lagged. In Pima Indians, the HLA haplotype (HLA-DRB1*02) is protective against T2DM and, when studied when they have normal glucose tolerance, subjects with this HLA haplotype have higher insulin secretion compared to those without the protective haplotype. Possible autoantibody biomarkers were identified using microarrays containing 9480 proteins in plasma from Pima Indians with T2DM without the protective haplotype (n = 7) compared with those with normal glucose regulation (NGR) with the protective haplotype (n = 11). A subsequent validation phase involving 45 cases and 45 controls, matched by age, sex and specimen storage time, evaluated 77 proteins. Eleven autoantigens had higher antibody signals among T2DM subjects with the lower insulin-secretion HLA background compared with NGR subjects with the higher insulin-secretion HLA background (p&lt;0.05, adjusted for multiple comparisons). PPARG2 and UBE2M had lowest p-values (adjusted p = 0.023) while PPARG2 and RGS17 had highest case-to-control antibody signal ratios (1.7). A multi-protein classifier involving the 11 autoantigens had sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristics curve of 0.73, 0.80, and 0.83 (95% CI 0.74-0.91, p = 3.4x10-8), respectively. This study identified 11 novel autoantigens which were associated with T2DM and an HLA background associated with reduced insulin secretion. While further studies are needed to distinguish whether these antibodies are associated with insulin secretion via the HLA background, T2DM more broadly, or a combination of the two, this study may aid the search for autoantibody biomarkers by narrowing the list of protein targets

    Crystal structure and high-field magnetism of La2CuO4

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    Neutron diffraction was used to determine the crystal structure and magnetic ordering pattern of a La2CuO4 single crystal, with and without applied magnetic field. A previously unreported, subtle monoclinic distortion of the crystal structure away from the orthorhombic space group Bmab was detected. The distortion is also present in lightly Sr-doped crystals. A refinement of the crystal structure shows that the deviation from orthorhombic symmetry is predominantly determined by displacements of the apical oxygen atoms. An in-plane magnetic field is observed to drive a continuous reorientation of the copper spins from the orthorhombic b-axis to the c-axis, directly confirming predictions based on prior magnetoresistance and Raman scattering experiments. A spin-flop transition induced by a c-axis oriented field previously reported for non-stoichiometric La2CuO4 is also observed, but the transition field (11.5 T) is significantly larger than that in the previous work