30 research outputs found

    Policies which bring only temporary relief

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    MALAYSIA: Pension & Financial Market Reforms and Key Issues on Governance

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    A Nano-Biased Energy Management Using Reinforced Learning Multi-Agent on Layered Coalition Model: Consumer Sovereignty

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    Trends in energy management schema have advanced into legislating consumer-centered solutions due to inclination interests for personal owned distributed energy resources at the low-voltage level. Thence, this paper proposes a tailorable energy manager tool that empowers Prosumer(s) in a nanostructured distribution network to take sole precedence when prosuming optimal services to the energy system. It too acts as an aggregator that attests cooperative energy management processes amongst Prosumers to enhance demand-side responses and economics. The suggested nano-biased energy manager engages multi-agent network as the basis coordinator for peer-to-peer advocacy in a decentralized environment. The agents were then programmed with reinforcement and extreme learning machine intelligence on a layered coalition model to compute joint decision-making processes with constraint relaxation relaxed decision constraints and policies. The problem formulations assure engagement of energy management in the liberalized market is sustainable, reliable, and non-discriminated. Computational validations were analyzed using MATLAB and Java agent development framework on four aggregated Nanogrids representing the residential, commercial, and industrial building. Results have shown positive eco-strategic managerial avenues where cooperative assets scheduling and bidding-abled decorum were autonomously acquired. Reduced operating costs were gained from energy trading profit margin due to strategic use/sell of electricity based on real-time tariff and conferred incentive packages but constrained within the mandatory obligation to demand-side management. The subsidiary, the inauguration of meshed communication infrastructure has shown adequate monitoring and commanding resolutions for decentralized Agent(s) to function collaboratively

    Overview of Adaptive Protection System for Modern Power Systems

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    Conventional protection system has relays with fixed setting parameters. It becomes difficult to fulfill the protection requirements in variable operation conditions in general power systems. One of the solution to this problem is the adaptive protection which can vary its parameter settings or the operating characteristics in response to changes in the power system. Using such adaptive protection helps to improve the defects of traditional protection system which can make the protection system better: more reliable, sensitive and rapid. These characteristics and functions can be achieved by properly designing the electrical system and the protection scheme. At the same time ensure that the selected protection can detect and isolate all faulted portions of the electrical system. To guarantee the safety of the task of the power system, the protection equipment ought to be upgraded in like manner. Hence, the energetic structure of power system and their different working conditions need the advancement of adaptive protection techniques. This paper provides the concepts for the general and modern power system protections and highlights the adaptive protection scheme. The overall structure of the adaptive protection is described. The recommendations including software and functions for the future power systems are discussed

    Smart home demonstration on LabVolt Home Energy Production Training System

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    Singapore looks forwards to become a smart nation. Working towards smart nation and smart grid, smart homes are the fundamental building units of power distribution system. Smart home can have photovoltaic system and storage system together with electrical vehicles. This paper presents modeling and simulation of smart home energy management system on LabVolt Home Energy Production Training System. A smart home system is implemented by a photovoltaic (PV) module, battery storage modules, DC/AC converters and load modules. The objective of the home energy management system is to supply electricity to the loads while maintaining comfort level of the residents. The created system provides a platform for simulating and analyzing real-time power flow among the modules efficiently. The simulation studies were carried out on different configurations of the modules which include DC sub-grid, single phase stand alone with an inverter and single phase grid-tied with an inverter. This paper further discusses advantages and disadvantages of each configurations