301 research outputs found

    Biologically plausible regularization mechanisms

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    This study aims at proposing an implementation of regularization mechanisms compatible with biological operators. More precisely, cortical maps code vectorial parametric quantities, computed by network of neurons. In computer vision, similar quantities are efficiently computed using implementations of partial differential equations which define regularization processes allowing to obtain well-defined estimations of these quantities. One of these methods, introduced by Raviat and developed by Degond and Mas-Gallic, is based on an integral approximation of the diffusion operator used in regularization mechanisms. Following this formulation, the present development defines a somehow optimal implementation of such an integral operator with two interesting properties: (i) when used on sampled data such as image pixels or 3D data voxels, it provides an unbiased discrete implementation of such an operator; when used as a model of biological plausible mechanisms, it corresponds to a simple local feedback defined over a small bounded region of any shape inside the parametric space. As such it may be linked to what is processed in a cortical column of the brain and provides an interesting model of general operators corresponding to such a neuronal structure. The present development is illustrated by some experiments of visual motion estimation

    An unbiased implementation of regularization mechanisms

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    In computer or biological vision, computation of vectorial maps of parametric quantities (e.g.: feature parameters, 3D or motion cues, ..) are of common use in perceptual processes. Defining them using continuous partial differential equations yields highly parallelizable regularization processes allowing to obtain well-defined estimations of these quantities. However these equations have to be sampled on real data and this step is not obvious and may introduce some bias. In order to overcome this caveat, a method, introduced by Raviat and developed by Degond and Mas-Gallic, is based on an integral approximation of the diffusion operator used in regularization mechanisms: it leads to a so-called "particle" implementation of such diffusion process. Following this formulation, the present development defines an optimal implementation of such an integral operator with the interesting property that when used on sampled data such as image pixels or 3D data voxels, it provides an unbiased implementation of the corresponding continuous operator without any other approximation. Furthermore, the method is "automatic" (using symbolic computations) in the sense that given a continuous regularization mechanism, the corresponding (non-linear) discrete filter is derived automatically, as made explicit here. A step ahead, the architecture of the implementation corresponds to what is observed in cortical visual maps, leading to a certain biological plausibility . The present development is illustrated by an experiment of visual motion estimation and another experiment in image denoising

    An improved biologically plausible trajectory generator

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    Considering the biological or artificial control of a trajectory generation, we propose a biologically plausible model based on harmonic potentials. Such methods assume that obstacles to avoid (or constraints not to violate) correspond to maxima of the potential, while the goal corresponds to a unique minimum. The corresponding algorithm thus behaves as if one throws a sheet onto this state space, this hyper-surface relief being elevated on obstacles, with a hole at the goal location, so that finding a trajectory reduces to «roll down» along this relief towards the minimal height location. The originality of the present work is to build an harmonic potential (thus without local minimum) as a finite linear combination of elementary harmonic functions. The set of these components samples the border of the admissible domain bounded by obstacles or constraints. This leads to an internal representation of the problem as a non-topographical map increment- ally builded during the system exploration and non-linearly linked to the real problem geometry. As such, it provides a biologically plausible quantitative model of some hippocampus mechanisms and of the related cognitive maps, in coherence with usual biological assumptions about such behavior

    Towards biologically plausible regularization mechanisms

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    This study aims at proposing an implementation of regularization mechanisms compatible with biological operators. More precisely, cortical maps code vectorial parametric quantities, computed by network of neurons. One of these methods is based on an integral approximation of the diffusion operator used in regularization mechanisms. Following this formulation, the present development defines an optimal implementation of such an integral operator with the interesting property that, when used as a model of biological plausible mechanisms, it corresponds to a simple local feedback defined over a small bounded region of the parametric space. This formalism also allows to develop the case of several cortical maps in interaction. We propose simple biologically inspired conditions to guaranty the stability of such interactions. As such it may be linked to what is processed in a cortical column of the brain and provides a biological plausible model of cortical maps computation: here feedbacks between related cortical maps are discussed

    Using an Hebbian learning rule for multi-class SVM classifiers.

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    http://journals.kluweronline.com/article.asp?PIPS=5384399Regarding biological visual classification, recent series of experiments have enlighten the fact that data classification can be realized in the human visual cortex with latencies of about 100-150 ms, which, considering the visual pathways latencies, is only compatible with a very specific processing architecture, described by models from Thorpe et al. Surprisingly enough, this experimental evidence is in coherence with algorithms derived from the statistical learning theory. More precisely, there is a double link: on one hand, the so-called Vapnik theory offers tools to evaluate and analyze the biological model performances and on the other hand, this model is an interesting front-end for algorithms derived from the Vapnik theory. The present contribution develops this idea, introducing a model derived from the statistical learning theory and using the biological model of Thorpe et al. We experiment its performances using a restrained sign language recognition experiment. This paper intends to be read by biologist as well as statistician, as a consequence basic material in both fields have been reviewed

    Simulation neuronale de la vision précoce corticale avec un modèle de Heeger

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    Une simulation neuronale des cartes corticales des aires V1 impliquées dans les mécanismes de vision précoce (tel que la détection de contour) est reportée ici. Le modèle biologiquement plausible sous-jacent est un modèle de Heeger \cite{boyton-engel-etal:96,simoncelli-heeger:98}. Il a été récemment proposé pour rendre compte de manière plus générale du fonctionnement de ces opérateurs spatio-temporels, que ce que les travaux historiques de Hubel et Wiesel proposaient \cite{hubel-wiesel:- 77,hubel:94}. Notre développement logiciel est basé sur un logiciel libre qui propose une boite à outil pour la simulation de réseaux de neurones permettant de concevoir à la fois des architectures et des modèles neuronaux variés. Notre ajout à été d'impléme- nter les neurones "à-la" Heeger et d'expérimenter une architecture représentan- t les voies visuelles pré-corticales et l'aire corticale V1, sous la restricti- on d'une vision monoculaire et monochromatique. L'interface logiciel réalisée permet aussi de générer des stimulus correspondant à ce qui est usuellement utilisé en neurophysiologie pour de futures comparaison- s entre cette simulation et des données expérimentales effectives

    A deterministic biologically plausible classifier

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    Considering the «data classification» problem it is known that efficient classifiers only consider a few (pertinent) parameters. This seems in contradiction with usual biological plausible models, based on neuronal networks, which intrinsically have a lot of parameters. Here, we propose to solve this apparent contradiction, building a link between biological plausible models and classifiers with low Vapnik-Chernovenkis dimension. The -somehow very simple- key idea is to consider piece-wise linear classifiers of minimal dimension, as a generalization of support-vector machine. This allows to solve the previous dilemma at both a theoretical and computational levels, including some elements of biological plausibility. Experimentation of a small interactive toy demonstration to analyze the performances of these mechanisms is reported, while the methodology is validated on a real experimental problems

    Mais comment éduquer les garçons à l'équité des genres au niveau informatique et numérique. Éducation à la mixité : et les garçons ?

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    National audienceJe vais défendre ici la thèse un peu simpliste, que tous les problèmes de parité seraient résolus, si au lieu de faire par exemple « des journées rien que pour les filles pour qu’elles aussi, ellent se bougent un peu pour faire de la science » on s'attaque à la principale cause du problème « à savoir éduquer à la parité les personnes qui sont la cause majeure du problème : les garçons ». Sans accuser personne, juste constater un fait. Comme le montrent plusieurs conférences de cette journée la discrimination envers les “filles” surtout dans le domaine de l’éducation est énorme : Isabelle Collet le montre par exemple dans sa conférence à travers quelques exemples de produits commerciaux, Clémence Perronnet l’indique en rappelant par exemple quelques citations célèbres et terribles sur ces sujet

    Mascotte : A few Maple Routines for Real-Time Code Generation

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    The Mascotte Maple Package has been built to simplify the implementation of reactive software modules in vision and robotics and to facilitate the exchanges of data models and algorithms between builders of such reactive systems, using the Maple Symbolic calculator
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