1,205 research outputs found

    Narrative role playing - a science multiplication tool- at the AWI school lab OPENSEA on Helgoland

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    Over the last decades there has been an increasing awareness within the scientific community of the importance of communicating science. A growing number of multiple citizen science programs aimed at facilitating the sharing of scientific knowledge with the public. One such approach adopts narrative role plays, involving interactive games which simulate real life situations in a safe environment. During these simulations, participants adopt different roles (scientist, politician) and are posed with a specific research question relevant to e.g. environmental protection. With the AWI school lab OPENSEA we developed a narrative role play on marine litter. In this narrative role playing provides an opportunity at hands-on research and discovery from four different perspectives of plastic pollution. High School students learn about the different perspectives of plastic pollution in the course of different phases through hands-on research and discovery. We apply recent scientific findings and literature as well as, interactive modules designed to take place both on-field and in the lab. The modules are designed to be also applicable for classroom setting which are implemented to the education for sustainable development

    MĂŒll im Meer- SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler forschen zu Ursachen und Vorkommen von PlastikmĂŒll im Meer

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    Das Projekt „MĂŒll im Meer“ bereitet Expertenwissen zu Strategien der Probennahme, Analytik und Quantifizierung von Mikroplastik im Meer didaktisch mit vier Kooperationspartnern auf. Ziel ist es, fundierte und praxisorientierte Lernmodule fĂŒr Schulen und außerschulische Lernorte zu entwickeln. SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler der Sekundarstufe II fĂŒhren diese in vier bis fĂŒnf Tagen durch. Die Lernmodule werden thematisch in naturwissenschaftliche FĂ€cher integriert und sind im Zusammenhang mit Umweltschutz und nachhaltiger Nutzung von Ressourcen zu behandeln

    The Tumor Suppressor HHEX Inhibits Axon Growth when Prematurely Expressed in Developing Central Nervous System Neurons

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    Neurons in the embryonic and peripheral nervoussystem respond to injury by activating transcriptional programs supportive of axon growth, ultimately resulting in functional recovery. In contrast, neurons in the adult central nervous system (CNS) possess a limited capacity to regenerate axons after injury, fundamentally constraining repair. Activating pro-regenerative gene expression in CNS neurons is a promising therapeutic approach, but progress is hampered by incomplete knowledge of the relevant transcription factors. An emerging hypothesis is that factors implicated in cellular growth and motility outside the nervous system may also control axon growth in neurons. We therefore tested sixty-nine transcription factors, previously identified as possessing tumor suppressive or oncogenic properties in non-neuronal cells, in assays of neurite outgrowth. This screen identified YAP1 and E2F1 as enhancers of neurite outgrowth, and PITX1, RBM14, ZBTB16, and HHEX as inhibitors. Follow-up experiments are focused on the tumor suppressor HHEX, one of the strongest growth inhibitors. HHEX is widely expressed in adult CNS neurons, including corticospinal tract neurons after spinal injury, but is present only in trace amounts in immature cortical neurons and adult peripheral neurons. HHEX overexpression in early postnatal cortical neurons reduced both initial axonogenesis and the rate of axon elongation, and domain deletion analysis strongly implicated transcriptional repression as the underlying mechanism. These findings suggest a role for HHEX in restricting axon growth in the developing CNS, and substantiate the hypothesis that previously identified oncogenes and tumor suppressors can play conserved roles in axon extension

    Schoolchildren discover hotspots of floating plastic litter in rivers using a large-scale collaborative approach

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    Rivers are an important transport route of anthropogenic litter from inland sources toward the sea. A collaborative (i.e. citizen science) approach was used to evaluate the litter pollution of rivers in Germany: schoolchildren within the project “Plastic Pirates” investigated rivers across the entire country during the years 2016 and 2017 by surveying floating macrolitter at 282 sites and taking 164 meso−/microplastic samples (i.e. particles 24.99–5 mm, and 4.99–1 mm, respectively). Floating macrolitter was sighted at 54% of sampling sites and floating macrolitter quantities ranged from 0 to 8.25 items m−1 h−1 (average of 0.34 ± 0.89 litter items m−1 h−1). Floating meso−/microplastics were present at 57% of the sampling sites, and floating meso−/microplastic quantities ranged from 0 to 220 particles h−1 (average of 6.86 ± 24.11 items h−1). As only particles >1 mm were sampled and analyzed, the pollution of rivers in Germany by microplastics could be a much more prevalent problem, regardless of the size of the river. We identified six plastic pollution hotspots where 60% of all meso−/microplastics collected in the present study were found. These hotspots were located close to a plastic-producing industry site, a wastewater treatment plant, at and below weirs, or in residential areas. The composition of the particles at these hotspots indicates plastic producers and possibly the construction industry and wastewater treatment plants as point sources. An identification of litter hotspots would enable specific mitigation measures, adjusted to the respective source, and thereby could prevent the release of large quantities of small plastic particles in rivers. The adopted large-scale citizen science approach was especially suitable to detect pollution hotspots by sampling a variety of rivers, large and small, and enabled a national overview of litter pollution in German rivers

    Comprehensive single cell analysis of pandemic influenza A virus infection in the human airways uncovers cell-type specific host transcriptional signatures relevant for disease progression and pathogenesis.

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    The respiratory epithelium constitutes the first line of defense against invading respiratory pathogens, such as the 2009 pandemic strain of influenza A virus (IAV, H1N1pdm09), and plays a crucial role in the host antiviral response to infection. Despite its importance, however, it remains unknown how individual cell types within the respiratory epithelium respond to IAV infection or how the latter may influence IAV disease progression and pathogenesis. Here, we used single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to dissect the host response to IAV infection in its natural target cells. scRNA-seq was performed on human airway epithelial cell (hAEC) cultures infected with either wild-type pandemic IAV (WT) or with a mutant version of IAV (NS1R38A) that induced a robust innate immune response. We then characterized both the host and viral transcriptomes of more than 19,000 single cells across the 5 major cell types populating the human respiratory epithelium. For all cell types, we observed a wide spectrum of viral burden among single infected cells and a disparate host response between infected and bystander populations. Interestingly, we also identified multiple key differences in the host response to IAV among individual cell types, including high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in secretory and basal cells and an important role for luminal cells in sensing and restricting incoming virus. Multiple infected cell types were shown to upregulate interferons (IFN), with type III IFNs clearly dominating the antiviral response. Transcriptional changes in genes related to cell differentiation, cell migration, and tissue repair were also identified. Strikingly, we also detected a shift in viral host cell tropism from non-ciliated cells to ciliated cells at later stages of infection and observed major changes in the cellular composition. Microscopic analysis of both WT and NS1R38A virus-infected hAECs at various stages of IAV infection revealed that the transcriptional changes we observed at 18 hpi were likely driving the downstream histopathological alterations in the airway epithelium. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide a comprehensive analysis of the cell type-specific host antiviral response to influenza virus infection in its natural target cells - namely, the human respiratory epithelium

    A pre-clinical validation plan to evaluate analytical sensitivities of molecular diagnostics such as BD MAX MDR-TB, Xpert MTB/Rif Ultra and FluoroType MTB

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    Rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) and antibiotic resistances are imperative to initiate effective treatment and to stop transmission of the disease. A new generation of more sensitive, automated molecular TB diagnostic tests has been recently launched giving microbiologists more choice between several assays with the potential to detect resistance markers for rifampicin and isoniazid. In this study, we determined analytical sensitivities as 95% limits of detection (LoD(95)) for Xpert MTB/Rif Ultra (XP-Ultra) and BD-MAX MDR-TB (BD-MAX) as two representatives of the new test generation, in comparison to the conventional FluoroType MTB (FT-MTB). Test matrices used were physiological saline solution, human and a mucin-based artificial sputum (MUCAS) each spiked with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in declining culture- and qPCR-controlled concentrations. With BD-MAX, XP-Ultra, and FTMTB, we measured LoD(95)(TB) values of 2.1 cfu/ml (CI95%: 0.9-23.3), 3.1 cfu/ml (CI95%: 1.288.9), and 52.1 cfu/ml (CI95%: 16.7-664.4) in human sputum;of 6.3 cfu/ml (CI95%: 2.931.8), 1.5 cfu/ml (CI95%: 0.7-5.0), and 30.4 cfu/ml (CI95%: 17.4-60.7) in MUCAS;and of 2.3 cfu/ml (CI95%: 1.1-12.0), 11.5 cfu/ml (CI95%: 5.6-47.3), and 129.1 cfu/ml (CI95%: 82.8-273.8) in saline solution, respectively. LoD(95) of resistance markers were 9 to 48 times higher compared to LoD(95)(TB). BD-MAX and XP-Ultra have an equal and significantly increased analytical sensitivity compared to conventional tests. MUCAS resembled human sputum, while both yielded significantly different results than normal saline. MUCAS proved to be suitable for quality control of PCR assays for TB diagnostics

    Development of a robust and convenient dual-reporter high-throughput screening assay for SARS-CoV-2 antiviral drug discovery.

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    Massive efforts on both vaccine development and antiviral research were launched to combat the new severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). We contributed, amongst others, by the development of a high-throughput screening (HTS) antiviral assay against SARS-CoV-2 using a fully automated, high-containment robot system. Here, we describe the development of this novel, convenient and phenotypic dual-reporter virus-cell-based high-content imaging assay using the A549+hACE2+TMPRSS2_mCherry reporter lung carcinoma cell line and an ancestral SARS-CoV-2_Wuhan_mNeonGreen reporter virus. Briefly, by means of clonal selection, a host cell subclone was selected that (i) efficiently supports replication of the reporter virus with high expression, upon infection, of the NeonGreen fluorescent reporter protein, (ii) that is not affected by virus-induced cytopathogenic effects and, (iii) that expresses a strong fluorescent mCherry signal in the nucleus. The selected clone matched these criteria with an infection rate on average of 75% with limited cell death. The average (R)Z'-factors of the assay plates were all >0.8, which indicates a robust assay suitable for HTS purposes. A selection of reference compounds that inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication in vitro were used to validate this novel dual-reporter assay and confirms the data reported in the literature. This assay is a convenient and powerful tool for HTS of large compound libraries against SARS-CoV-2

    Re-structuring of marine communities exposed to environmental change

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    Species richness is the most commonly used but controversial biodiversity metric in studies on aspects of community stability such as structural composition or productivity. The apparent ambiguity of theoretical and experimental findings may in part be due to experimental shortcomings and/or heterogeneity of scales and methods in earlier studies. This has led to an urgent call for improved and more realistic experiments. In a series of experiments replicated at a global scale we translocated several hundred marine hard bottom communities to new environments simulating a rapid but moderate environmental change. Subsequently, we measured their rate of compositional change (re-structuring) which in the great majority of cases represented a compositional convergence towards local communities. Re-structuring is driven by mortality of community components (original species) and establishment of new species in the changed environmental context. The rate of this re-structuring was then related to various system properties. We show that availability of free substratum relates negatively while taxon richness relates positively to structural persistence (i.e., no or slow re-structuring). Thus, when faced with environmental change, taxon-rich communities retain their original composition longer than taxon-poor communities. The effect of taxon richness, however, interacts with another aspect of diversity, functional richness. Indeed, taxon richness relates positively to persistence in functionally depauperate communities, but not in functionally diverse communities. The interaction between taxonomic and functional diversity with regard to the behaviour of communities exposed to environmental stress may help understand some of the seemingly contrasting findings of past research

    Protocol of a population-based prospective COVID-19 cohort study Munich, Germany (KoCo19)

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    Background: Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, public health interventions have been introduced globally in order to prevent the spread of the virus and avoid the overload of health care systems, especially for the most severely affected patients. Scientific studies to date have focused primarily on describing the clinical course of patients, identifying treatment options and developing vaccines. In Germany, as in many other regions, current tests for SARS-CoV2 are not conducted on a representative basis and in a longitudinal design. Furthermore, knowledge about the immune status of the population is lacking. Nonetheless, these data are needed to understand the dynamics of the pandemic and hence to appropriately design and evaluate interventions. For this purpose, we recently started a prospective population-based cohort in Munich, Germany, with the aim to develop a better understanding of the state and dynamics of the pandemic. Methods: In 100 out of 755 randomly selected constituencies, 3000 Munich households are identified via random route and offered enrollment into the study. All household members are asked to complete a baseline questionnaire and subjects ≄14 years of age are asked to provide a venous blood sample of ≀3 ml for the determination of SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgA status. The residual plasma and the blood pellet are preserved for later genetic and molecular biological investigations. For twelve months, each household member is asked to keep a diary of daily symptoms, whereabouts and contacts via WebApp. If symptoms suggestive for COVID-19 are reported, family members, including children < 14 years, are offered a pharyngeal swab taken at the Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, LMU University Hospital Munich, for molecular testing for SARS-CoV-2. In case of severe symptoms, participants will be transferred to a Munich hospital. For one year, the study teams re-visits the households for blood sampling every six weeks. Discussion: With the planned study we will establish a reliable epidemiological tool to improve the understanding of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and to better assess the effectiveness of public health measures as well as their socio-economic effects. This will support policy makers in managing the epidemic based on scientific evidence
