12 research outputs found

    Images of selected phytoliths and macroremains encountered in pre-ceramic on-site soils at Teotonio.

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    <p>a) <i>Cucurbita</i> sp. phytolith (Unit 1, 50–60 cm); b) <i>Manihot esculenta</i> phytolith (Unit 5, 60–70 cm); c) Modern <i>M</i>. <i>esculenta</i> phytolith extracted from root rind material; d) cf. <i>Calathea allouia</i> phytolith; e) <i>Oenocarpus</i> sp. seed fragment (Unit 2, 40–50 cm); f) <i>Bertholletia</i> excelsa seed case fragment; g) <i>Phaseolus/Vigna</i> sp. bean (Unit 1, 60–70 cm); h) <i>Caryocar</i> sp. seed fragment (Unit 2, 70–80 cm); i) <i>Psidium</i> sp. seed (Unit 2, 70–80 cm).</p

    Photographs of lithic artefacts that yielded <i>Phaseolus</i> sp. starch grains.

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    <p>a) Artefact 1957–1: Unipolar flake with retouch on its distal portion; b) Artefact 1957–3: Unipolar flake with retouch on its right margin; c) Artefact 1958–1: Unipolar flake fragment with retouch on its right margin (taken from [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0199868#pone.0199868.ref016" target="_blank">16</a>]). Scales = 2 cm.</p

    Direct archaeological evidence for Southwestern Amazonia as an early plant domestication and food production centre - Fig 2

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    <p>a) The <i>Cachoeira do Teotonio</i> viewed from the left bank of the Madeira river, with the location of Teotonio site indicated atop the river bluff; b) View of the Madeira river from Teotonio site. Both photographs were taken by E. Neves in 2011 before the construction of the Santo Antônio hydroelectric dam.</p