65 research outputs found

    Research on Aeroelasticity Phenomenon in Aeronautical Engineering

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    Aeroelasticity phenomena arise when structural deformations induce changes on aerodynamic forces due to airplane structures that are not completely rigid. The additional aerodynamic forces cause an increase in the structural deformations, which leads to greater aerodynamic forces in a feedback process. These interactions may become smaller until reaching a condition of equilibrium or may diverge catastrophically if resonance occurs. Flutter is an instability aeroelasticity phenomenon which is the most difficult to predict. In this chapter, a numerical method and an experimental method were realized to predict aeroelastic response and characteristic parameters of a wing structure. The numerical method was firstly developed based on the interaction between computational fluid dynamic and computational structural dynamic methods using a coupling system, fluid–solid interaction (FSI), in the ANSYS software. Then, an experiment was set up in suitable conditions to study aeroelasticity characteristics with the goal of comparing the numerical results with the experimental results on the same wing structure at low speed. After that, a developed code based on immersed boundary method (IBM) was realized to predict aeroelasticity response and characteristic parameters of the wing structure. AGARD 445.6 wing model was chosen for this developed procedure at high speed. Obtained results were compared to other numerical and experimental results

    Influence des conditions d'entrée/sortie pour un jet plan impactant une surface concave au milieu confiné

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    L'étude de l'influence des conditions d'entrée/sortie pour un jet plan impactant une surface concave au milieu confiné est présentée. L'écoulement est décrit à partir des champs moyens de vitesse et des valeurs turbulentes obtenues par vélocimétrie par imagerie de particules (PIV) classique ( 5000 champs). Les paramètres fixés de cette étude sont le nombre de Reynolds (Reb = 3200), la hauteur d'impact (H/b = 7) et la courbure relative (Dc/b = 5). Les résultats mettent clairement en évidence l'influence des conditions d'entrée/sortie pour un jet plan impactant une surface concave au milieu confiné. Le changement de condition de sortie (e passant de 0 à 10 mm) modifie fortement la structure du jet et la position moyenne du point d'impact. Du point de vue instationnaire cela se caractérise par un jet qui oscille fortement lorsque la sortie est libre alors que le jet se stabilise en position basse dans le cas d'une sortie obstruée


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    Potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) is used as a standard to determine the chemical oxygen demand (COD) with the closed reflux-colourimetric method (colourimetric method). Besides KHP, it is possible to utilize oxalic acid for this purpose. After boiling at 150 °C for more than 30 minutes in H2SO4 containing Ag2SO4, K2Cr2O7 reacts completely with H2C2O4 at a molar ratio of 1:3. The experimentally determined chemical oxygen demand of H2C2O4 coincides with its theoretical value at 16.0 mg O2/mole H2C2O4. The average COD values of two river water samples, determined with the colourimetric method by using KHP standard and oxalic acid, are not statistically different. Oxalic acid can be used as a standard to determine COD with the colourimetric method.Kali hydro phthalate (KHP) được dùng làm chất chuẩn để xác định nhu cầu oxi hóa học (COD) bằng phương pháp đun hồi lưu kín – trắc quang (phương pháp trắc quang). Ngoài KHP, có thể sử dụng axit oxalic cho mục đích này. Sau khi đun hơn 30 phút ở 150 °C trong môi trường H2SO4 chứa Ag2SO4, K2Cr2O7 sẽ phản ứng hoàn toàn với H2C2O4 theo tỷ lệ mol 1:3. Nhu cầu oxi hóa học của H2C2O4 đã xác định bằng thực nghiệm hoàn toàn trùng khớp với giá trị nhu cầu oxi lý thuyết của hợp chất này là 16,0 mg O2/mol H2C2O4. Nhu cầu oxi hóa học trung bình của hai mẫu nước sông xác định bằng phương pháp trắc quang với hai đường chuẩn dùng KHP và axit oxalic không khác nhau về mặt thống kê. Như vậy, có thể sử dụng axit oxalic làm chất chuẩn để xác định COD bằng phương pháp đã nêu


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    This research focused on technical assessment of GABA production from rice bran through fermentation by Lactobacillus brevis. Influence of operating pressure on separation of GABA by nanofiltration membrane was investigated and 4 bar was suitable for the nanofiltration process. The purification of GABA by nanofiltration with constant feed volume was carried out and purity of GABA reached 4.8 folds, compared to feed, at 5 volumes of added water. At 40 of concentration factor in concentration of GABA solution by nanofiltration with full recycle of retentate, content of GABA reached 49.8 g/L. The production of GABA from defatted rice bran at pilot scale was carried out at 1,000 L/batch (equal to 200 kg of rice bran) of fermentation. Estimation of mass balance showed that, with 200 kg of defatted rice bran, 7.0 kg of GABA powder was obtained. Results indicated that, it is potential to produce GABA from rice bran through the fermentation by Lactobacillus brevis

    Sorting or supporting teachers? An exploration of the imbalanced role of classroom observation in the development and assessment of Vietnamese secondary schoolteachers

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    In 2018, Vietnam’s National Teacher Education Programme established a new framework for schoolteachers’ professional development. Classroom observation was the dominant method used for teacher monitoring, assessment and development. This paper explores the use and impact of current classroom observation policy and practice on novice teachers in Vietnamese secondary schools. Our study draws on qualitative data from 35 semi-structured interviews across four provinces. Our findings revealed ongoing policy-practice tensions, with the prioritisation and dominance of classroom observation as an assessment tool for sorting rather than supporting teachers. These tensions were indicative of a wider policy-practice disconnect enshrined in recent reform by the Ministry of Education and Training that advocated the adoption of lesson study as the preferred national approach in schools. However, the experiences of our participants reflected a very different picture in practice that reinforced traditional hierarchies of power associated with evaluative models of observation that are designed to standardise and rank teachers’ classroom performance rather than develop the quality of teaching. Instead of the more collaborative and collegial ethos typically associated with inquiry-based approaches like lesson study, observation was being used largely as a high-stakes assessment, resulting in increased levels of anxiety and stress among teachers

    The role of classroom observation in the development and assessment of schoolteachers in Vietnam: a review of national policy and research

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    This paper focuses on the role of classroom observation in the development and assessment of schoolteachers in Vietnam through a narrative review of current policy and cognate research literature. The overall aim of this review was twofold. Firstly, to contribute to a growing bank of Vietnam-based studies to maximise the value of the insights from this scholarly work into recent policy reforms on teachers’ professional development in Vietnam. Secondly, to widen access and exposure to published work on the topic in Vietnamese that is not readily accessible to English-speaking scholars. This review revealed a long history and engrained culture of using observation as a teacher performance evaluation tool. In recent years, there have been policy reforms and research studies that have repositioned observation as a tool for teacher learning and development. However, the implementation of these reforms has been inconsistent across Vietnam, along with recent reform having encountered resistance from a culture of compliance in schools. This paper identifies some of the key issues that policy makers and educational leaders need to address in practice in order to ensure the effective and meaningful implementation of the reforms relating to the use of observation for learning and developmental purposes

    Effects of water scarcity awareness and climate change belief on recycled water usage willingness: Evidence from New Mexico, United States

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    The global water crisis is being exacerbated by climate change, even in the United States. Recycled water is a feasible alternative to alleviate the water shortage, but it is constrained by humans’ perceptions. The current study examines how residents’ water scarcity awareness and climate change belief influence their willingness to use recycled water directly and indirectly. Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics was employed on a dataset of 1831 residents in Albuquerque, New Mexico, an arid inland region in the US. We discovered that residents’ willingness to use direct recycled potable water is positively affected by their awareness of water scarcity, but the effect is conditional on their belief in the impacts of climate change on the water cycle. Meanwhile, the willingness to use indirect recycled potable water is influenced by water scarcity awareness, and the belief in climate change further enhances this effect. These findings implicate that fighting climate change denialism and informing the public of the water scarcity situation in the region can contribute to the effectiveness and sustainability of long-term water conservation and climate change alleviation efforts


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    Coral associated bacteria and their host are currently one of the interested issues for research and scientists worldwide. The densities of zooxanthellae and bacteria associated with three most prevalent species Acropora hyacinthus, Acropora muricata and Acropora robusta in Hang Rai, Ninh Thuan was evaluated over time by staining with SYBR Gold and direct counting with epifluorescence method. The most dominant bacteria were isolated by culture dependent method. The densities of zooxanthellae and bacteria ranged from 0.39–1.83×107 cell/g, and 0.83–2.52×108 cell/g, respectively. Bacterial density in the 3 months was significantly different compared to the density of the bacteria in ambient water. Total heterotrophic bacteria, comma shaped bacteria and bacillus form showed negatively correlated with pH, PO4, while zooxanthellae showed no correlation with all factors.Rạn san hô trên toàn thế đang đối mặt với sự huỷ diệt nghiêm trọng, một trong những nguyên nhân chính là do vi khuẩn gây bệnh và những tác động của môi trường. Chính vì vậy, nghiên cứu về hệ vi khuẩn sống cùng san hô và mối tương quan giừa vi khuẩn, san hô và các yếu tố môi trường là quan trọng và cấp thiết. Trong nghiên cứu này, mật độ vi tảo Symbiodinium sp., vi khuẩn sống cùng 3 loài san hô cứng Acropora hyacinthus, Acropora muricata và Acropora robusta phổ biến tại Ninh Thuận được đánh giá vào các thời điểm trước, trong, và sau khi san hô bị tẩy trắng bằng phương pháp đếm huỳnh quang và pha loãng tới hạn. Kết quả cho thấy mật độ tảo Symbiodinium khác nhau có ý nghĩa thống kê (dao động 0,39-1,83x107tb/g) ở các loài san hô khác nhau. Tuy nhiên, mật độ tảo cộng sinh không có khác biệt lớn giữa các tháng nghiên cứu. Mật độ vi khuẩn dao động từ 0,83-2,52x108tb/g và có sự sai khác có ý nghĩa thống kê không chỉ giữa các loài san hô mà còn ở các thời điểm trước trong và sau tẩy trắng. Tổng vi khuẩn, phẩy khuẩn và trực khuẩn có tương quan nghịch và có ý nghĩa về mặt thống kê với chỉ số pH và hàm lượng PO4. Ngược lại, mật độ tảo hoàn toàn không tương quan với các yếu tố môi trường

    Analysis of Antimicrobial Resistance in Non-typhoidal Salmonella Collected From Pork Retail Outlets and Slaughterhouses in Vietnam Using Whole Genome Sequencing.

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    Non-typhoidal salmonella (TS) remains a significant health burden worldwide. In Vietnam, pork accounts for 70% of the total meat consumed, and contamination with Salmonella is high. High levels of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) have emerged among porcine NTS and of particular concern is the emergence of colistin resistance, a "last defense" antibioic against multi-drug resistant (MDR) Gram-negative pathogens. This study aimed to investigate the antibiotic susceptibility of 69 NTS isolates collected from the pork retail outlets and slaughterhouses in Vietnam during 2014 a nd 2018/19. Phenotypic testing and whole genome sequencing was used to assess the serotype and AMR gene profiles of the 69 NTS isolates. Seventeen different serotypes were identified, of which S. enterica subsp enterica serotype Typhimurium was the most common followed by S. ser. Rissen, S. ser. London, S. ser. Anatum, and S. ser. Derby. Phenotype AMR was common with 41 (59.4%) isolates deemed MDR. MDR strains were most common in slaughterhouses (83%) and supermarkets (75%) and lowest in traditional markets (38%) and convenience stores (40%). Colistin resistance was identified in 18 strains (15 resistant, three intermediate) with mcr-1 identified in seven isolates (S. ser. Meleagridis, S. Rissen, S. Derby) and mcr-3 in two isolates (S. Typhimurium). This includes the first mcr positive S. Meleagridis to our knowledge. Surprisingly, boutique stores had high levels (60%) of MDR isolates including 5/20 isolates with mcr-1. This study demonstrates that pork from modern retail stores classed as supermarkets or boutique (with pork claiming to be high quality, traceable, environmentally friendly marketed toward higher income consumers) still contained NTS with high levels of AMR