51 research outputs found


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    EFL students nowadays have a variety of career options. Most of them, however, still do not have a well-understanding or a strong readiness for their job targets. This study was conducted to find out the EFL students’ most career options, some language standards when selecting careers and to what extent students feel that they are ready for their future careers. To answer these questions, we use exploratory questionnaires to survey the participants. The findings demonstrate that teaching English is the most attractive career that EFL students want to attend after graduating, followed by the freelancer. However, a group of students still cannot locate their future careers. Additionally, juniors and seniors are considered to have better preparation for their career prospects than freshmen and sophomores.  Article visualizations

    Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from leaf callus with genetic stability validation using SCoT markers in Paramignya trimera, a medicinal plant native to Vietnam

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    Xao tam phan (Paramignya trimera (Oliv.) Guillaum) is a medicinal plant native to Vietnam, that is renowned for its therapeutic properties, particularly for the treatment of various ailments, including cancer. This study investigated in vitro propagation of P. trimera through somatic embryogenesis and shoot organogenesis using leaf callus. Various culture media, plant growth regulators, malt extract, and carbon sources were evaluated to optimize callus induction and somatic embryo formation from leaf explants. DNA barcoding confirmed 96.96% to 100% homology with P. trimera specimens from Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam. The highest callus formation rate, reaching 100%, was observed in one-year-old explants cultured in Woody Plant Medium (WPM) supplemented with 2.0 mg L-1 naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 0.2 mg L-1 benzylaminopurine (BAP) in the dark for over six weeks. In WPM supplemented with 30 g L-1 sucrose, 4.0 mg L-1 BAP, and 500 mg L-1 malt extract, globular stage embryos developed into embryoids and shoots and buds clumped at 10 and 18 weeks, respectively. Shoot organogenesis was observed in WPM supplemented with 30 g L-1 sucrose and 0.07 mg L-1 thidiazuron (TDZ) after 18 weeks of culture. Genetic fidelity assessments using 12 SCoT markers indicated that in vitro plantlets were homologous to the mother plant. This study provides a viable method for the conservation and sustainable cultivation of Xao tam phan, ensuring a stable supply of this valuable medicinal resource

    Identifying biofilm forming bacteria in cow milk in Mekong Delta, Viet Nam

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    Bacterial biofilms are agglomeration of bacterial cells, stuck to the material surfaces of material in wet environments and formed by a self-produced matrix. The formation of bacterial biofilms is a great risk for the milk processing industry, as the survival of many bacterial species in cow milk may lead to many problems such as microbial spoilage, deterioration in quality, and consumer health risks. This study aimed to identify biofilm formation bacteria from cow milk. The experiment included isolation; biofilm forming assay in 96-well microtiter plates and the identification of microbial isolates using classical and molecular biological methods. A total of 14 bacterial isolates from 10 cow milk samples were evaluated for their biofilm formatting ability. Among them, four isolates were identified as moderate and strong biofilm producers. These four isolates belong to the genera Serratia and Aeromonas. Out of the 4 isolates, Serratia marcescens VL41 was classed as a strong biofilm producer while Aeromonas veronii ST15, Aeromonas sp. ST17, Serratia marcescens VL13 were classed as moderate biofilm producers respectively. The findings of this study suggest that it is necessary to discover the contamination causes and prevention of genera Serratia, and Aeromonas into cow milk

    Multiple Wolbachia strains provide comparative levels of protection against dengue virus infection in Aedes aegypti.

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    The insect bacterium Wolbachia pipientis is being introgressed into Aedes aegypti populations as an intervention against the transmission of medically important arboviruses. Here we compare Ae. aegypti mosquitoes infected with wMelCS or wAlbB to the widely used wMel Wolbachia strain on an Australian nuclear genetic background for their susceptibility to infection by dengue virus (DENV) genotypes spanning all four serotypes. All Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes were more resistant to intrathoracic DENV challenge than their wildtype counterparts. Blocking of DENV replication was greatest by wMelCS. Conversely, wAlbB-infected mosquitoes were more susceptible to whole body infection than wMel and wMelCS. We extended these findings via mosquito oral feeding experiments, using viremic blood from 36 acute, hospitalised dengue cases in Vietnam, additionally including wMel and wildtype mosquitoes on a Vietnamese nuclear genetic background. As above, wAlbB was less effective at blocking DENV replication in the abdomen compared to wMel and wMelCS. The transmission potential of all Wolbachia-infected mosquito lines (measured by the presence/absence of infectious DENV in mosquito saliva) after 14 days, was significantly reduced compared to their wildtype counterparts, and lowest for wMelCS and wAlbB. These data support the use of wAlbB and wMelCS strains for introgression field trials and the biocontrol of DENV transmission. Furthermore, despite observing significant differences in transmission potential between wildtype mosquitoes from Australia and Vietnam, no difference was observed between wMel-infected mosquitoes from each background suggesting that Wolbachia may override any underlying variation in DENV transmission potential


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    Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BYT stipulated that several hypoglycemic drugs, such as metformin hydrochloride, are prohibited from adulterating medicinal herbal preparations. Therefore, this study aims to develop a procedure to detect five hypoglycemic drugs, including metformin hydrochloride, glibenclamide, gliclazide, glimepiride, and glipizide, adulterated in herbal preparations by using the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. The chromatographic program includes the methanol:phosphate buffer pH 3 mobile phase 70/30 (v/v), chromatographic column C18 (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 μm), and analysis time of 25 minutes. The procedure has high specificity, accuracy and precision, according to AOAC. We detected six herbal products reacting positively with glibenclamide and one with both metformin hydrochloride and glibenclamide.Thông tư số 10/2021/TT-BYT quy định một số thuốc hạ glucose máu, như metformin hydroclorid, là các chất cấm trộn lẫn trong chế phẩm có nguồn gốc từ dược liệu. Do đó, mục tiêu nghiên cứu này là xây dựng quy trình phát hiện năm loại hoạt chất hạ glucose máu, gồm metformin hydroclorid, glibenclamid, gliclazid, glimepirid và glipizid, trộn lẫn trong chế phẩm có nguồn gốc dược liệu bằng phương pháp sắc ký lỏng hiệu năng cao (HPLC). Chúng tôi đã xây dựng được chương trình sắc ký gồm hệ pha động methanol:đệm phosphat pH 3 với tỷ lệ 30/70 (v/v), cột sắc ký C18 (250 × 4,6 mm, 5 μm), và thời gian phân tích 25 phút. Phương pháp thẩm định có tính đặc hiệu cao, độ đúng, độ lặp lại và độ tái lặp cao, đạt yêu cầu theo AOAC. Chúng tôi đã phát hiện bảy mẫu chế phẩm dược liệu dương tính trong đó sáu mẫu dương tính với glibenclamid và một mẫu dương tính đồng thời với metformin và glibenclamid

    Camellia sinensis extract delays microbiological and oxidative changes in striped catfish fillets during frozen storage

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    peer reviewedThis study investigated the effects of tea leaf (Camellia sinensis) extract on the quality of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) fillets during 18-months of frozen storage (-20 ± 2 °C). Fillet samples were submitted to the treatments Control (cold tap water), CS 7.63 (C. sinensis extract solution 7.63 µg/mL) and CS 625 (C. sinensis extract 625 µg/mL) and stored for 18 months, with collections performed at 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 18 months. Total viable count, physicochemical parameters (water holding capacity, total volatile basic nitrogen, peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, moisture and pH), sensory properties and color measurement were evaluated. Results showed that fillets treated with C.a sinensis extracts slightly reduced lipid oxidation, inhibited bacterial growth and improved sensory properties compared to untreated samples, without causing significant changes in the other quality indicators. The findings indicated that the green tea leaf extract immersion treatments, contributed to the improved quality preservation of striped catfish fillets during frozen storage

    Genome evolution of dengue virus serotype 1 under selection by <i>Wolbachia pipientis</i> in <i>Aedes aegypti</i> mosquitoes.

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    The introgression of antiviral strains of Wolbachia into Aedes aegypti mosquito populations is a public health intervention for the control of dengue. Plausibly, dengue virus (DENV) could evolve to bypass the antiviral effects of Wolbachia and undermine this approach. Here, we established a serial-passage system to investigate the evolution of DENV in Ae. aegypti mosquitoes infected with the wMel strain of Wolbachia. Using this system, we report on virus genetic outcomes after twenty passages of serotype 1 of DENV (DENV-1). An amino acid substitution, E203K, in the DENV-1 envelope protein was more frequently detected in the consensus sequence of virus populations passaged in wMel-infected Ae. aegypti than wild-type counterparts. Positive selection at residue 203 was reproducible; it occurred in passaged virus populations from independent DENV-1-infected patients and also in a second, independent experimental system. In wild-type mosquitoes and human cells, the 203K variant was rapidly replaced by the progenitor sequence. These findings provide proof of concept that wMel-associated selection of virus populations can occur in experimental conditions. Field-based studies are needed to explore whether wMel imparts selective pressure on DENV evolution in locations where wMel is established

    Cider Production from King Mandarin (Citrus nobilis Lour.) and Its Antioxidant Activity

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    With the necessity of diversifying alcoholic beverages, cider has become a kind of drink that can fulfill this demand. This is because the cider will be diversified depending on the kinds of fruit that are chosen to be used for the cider fermentation. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of dilution ratio, Brix, pH, and yeast concentration on the production of cider from king mandarin (Citrus nobilis Lour.), and to evaluate the analytical characteristics and antioxidant activity of the product. After the investigation, it can be claimed that the dilution of the juice causes the ethanol content to decrease, whereas the increase of Brix, pH, and yeast concentration makes the ethanol content increase. However, the proportional increase in the ethanol content with Brix, pH, and yeast concentration has its limitations. Specifically, when the Brix and the yeast concentrations were, respectively, higher than 16°Brix and 0.04%, the ethanol content tended to maintain the same. This is also the same when the pH was lower than 4.5. In addition, by using the DPPH and ABTS●+ methods, the antioxidant activity of cider is estimated to be lower than the one of the juice before fermentation, which is smaller than 3.78 times for the DPPH method and 3.76 times for the ABTS●+ method