680 research outputs found

    Implementation of Health Policy on Establishment of Provincial Center of Diseases Control (CDC) in Vietnam

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    Purpose: There is increasing interest in the understanding of key influences over successful implementation of health policies within ever-changing contexts of national health systems. The epidemiological transition in Vietnam, combined with an urgent need for improving efficiency of the national health system under the government’s administrative reforms, form important facilitators of restructuring the public health system. This paper explored the implementation processes of policy on establishment of the Centers for Diseases Control (CDC) in Vietnam during 2016– 2019. Methods: The study employed a cross-sectional and mixed methods design. Staff surveys were collected at 55 out of 63 provinces and in-depth interviews, focus groups were conducted in three purposefully selected provinces. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics and qualitative data were analyzed thematically. The innovation implementation framework guided the study. Results: After 3 years of introduction, 82.5% of provinces had established the CDCs. Implementation of CDC establishment policy was influenced by 1) management support; 2) alignment between policy and practice; 3) values towards CDC,; and 4) implementation climate. Other external key influencers included political, social, and cultural factors. Conclusion: Our study provides a framework and evidence to guide future inquiry into the factors that affect the relationship between policy implementation and other contextual factors in healthcare organizations

    A single amino acid determines preference between phospholipids and reveals length restriction for activation ofthe S1P<sub>4</sub> receptor

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    Background&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt; Sphingosine-1-phosphate and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) are ligands for two related families of G protein-coupled receptors, the S1P and LPA receptors, respectively. The lysophospholipid ligands of these receptors are structurally similar, however recognition of these lipids by these receptors is highly selective. A single residue present within the third transmembrane domain (TM) of S1P receptors is thought to determine ligand selectivity; replacement of the naturally occurring glutamic acid with glutamine (present at this position in the LPA receptors) has previously been shown to be sufficient to change the specificity of S1P&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt; from S1P to 18:1 LPA.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt; Results&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt; We tested whether mutation of this "ligand selectivity" residue to glutamine could confer LPA-responsiveness to the related S1P receptor, S1P&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;. This mutation severely affected the response of S1P&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt; to S1P in a [&lt;sup&gt;35&lt;/sup&gt;S]GTPγS binding assay, and imparted sensitivity to LPA species in the order 14:0 LPA &gt; 16:0 LPA &gt; 18:1 LPA. These results indicate a length restriction for activation of this receptor and demonstrate the utility of using LPA-responsive S1P receptor mutants to probe binding pocket length using readily available LPA species. Computational modelling of the interactions between these ligands and both wild type and mutant S1P&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt; receptors showed excellent agreement with experimental data, therefore confirming the fundamental role of this residue in ligand recognition by S1P receptors.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt; Conclusions&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt; Glutamic acid in the third transmembrane domain of the S1P receptors is a general selectivity switch regulating response to S1P over the closely related phospholipids, LPA. Mutation of this residue to glutamine confers LPA responsiveness with preference for short-chain species. The preference for short-chain LPA species indicates a length restriction different from the closely related S1P&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt; receptor

    DEWATS dissemination in Vietnam: achievements and lessons learnt

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    The speedy economic development and rapid growth of population and urbanization in Vietnam have created great pressure on the environment by its manufacturing process and human activities. Thus, it is necessary to protect the environment through policies and appropriate technology for the sustainable development of the country. The DEcentralized WAstewater Treatment Solutions (DEWATS) dissemination in Vietnam is one of the measures contributing to address this issue

    Characterization of salmonella spp. Isolates from swine: Virulence and antimicrobial resistance

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    Salmonella is one of the most important zoonotic pathogens worldwide. Swine represent typical reservoirs of this bacterium and a frequent source of human infection. Some intrinsic traits make some serovars or strains more virulent than others. Twenty-nine Salmonella spp. isolated from pigs belonging to 16 different serovars were analyzed for gastric acid environment resistance, presence of virulence genes (mgtC, rhuM, pipB, sopB, spvRBC, gipA, sodCI, sopE), antimicrobial resistance and presence of antimicrobial resistance genes (blaTEM, blaPSE-1, aadA1, aadA2, aphA1-lab, strA-strB, tetA, tetB, tetC, tetG, sul1, sul2, sul3). A percentage of 44.83% of strains showed constitutive and inducible gastric acid resistance, whereas 37.93% of strains became resistant only after induction. The genes sopB, pipB and mgtC were the most often detected, with 79.31%, 48.28% and 37.93% of positive strains, respectively. Salmonella virulence plasmid genes were detected in a S. enterica sup. houtenae ser. 40:z4,z23:-strain. Fifteen different virulence profiles were identified: one isolate (ser. Typhimurium) was positive for 6 genes, and 6 isolates (3 ser. Typhimurium, 2 ser. Typhimurium monophasic variant and 1 ser. Choleraesuis) scored positive for 5 genes. None of the isolates resulted resistant to cefotaxime and ciprofloxacin, while all isolates were susceptible to ceftazidime, colistin and gentamycin. Many strains were resistant to sulfonamide (75.86%), tetracycline (51.72%), streptomycin (48.28%) and ampicillin (31.03%). Twenty different resisto-types were identified. Six strains (4 ser. Typhimurium, 1 ser. Derby and 1 ser. Typhimurium monophasic variant) showed the ASSuT profile. Most detected resistance genes sul2 (34.48%), tetA (27.58%) and strA-strB (27.58%). Great variability was observed in analyzed strains. S. ser. Typhimurium was confirmed as one of the most virulent serovars. This study underlines that swine could be a reservoir and source of pathogenic Salmonella strains

    A comprehensive study in efficacy of Vietnamese herbal extracts on whiteleg shrimp (<em>Penaeus vannamei</em>) against <em>Vibrio parahaemolyticus</em> causing acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND)

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    Traditional Vietnamese herbal species were examined for their antimicrobial activity and disease resistance in whiteleg shrimp. In-vitro screening, the extracts of ten herbs were conducted to test the inhibition ability against Vibrio parahaemolyticus, causing acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease. The results showed that five out of ten herbal species, including Pithecellobium dulce, Melaleuca leucadendron, Eucalyptus globulus, Mimosa pirga, and Hibiscus sabdariffa displayed potent antibacterial activity. Besides, three types of extracts of H. sabdariffa, E. globulus, and M. pirga were coated to the pellet feed at a concentration of 1%. After 30 days of feeding, the whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) were challenged by V. parahaemolyticus through immersion. The growth performance (such as growth rate in length and weight, survival rate), hematological parameters of total hemocytes (THC), hyaline hemocytes (HC), and granulocytes (GC), and hepatopancreas recovery under the treatments with herbal extracts of the whiteleg shrimp were significantly enhanced as compared with the control (without herbal extract). The mortality and the bacterial density in the hepatopancreas of shrimp decreased. Specifically, the mortality of shrimp in the treatment supplemented with the methanol extract of H. sabdariffa was the lowest, followed by M. pirga and E. globulus. The experimental results also indicated that H. sabdariffa, E. globulus, and M. pirga could improve immune parameters and disease resistance; therefore, they should be employed in sustainable shrimp, practical farming

    Utilisation agricole de plantes aquatiques, notamment en tant qu'amendement des sols, dans la province de Thua Thien Hue, Centre Vietnam. 1. Inventaire, abondance et caractérisation chimique des plantes aquatiques disponibles localement

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    Agricultura Use of Aquatic Plants, mainly as Soil Amendment, in the Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam. 1. Inventory, Abundance and Chemical Characterization of Collected Plants. The use of aquatic plants for various purposes, and notably as organic amendment for sandy soils with low inherent fertility is a frequent empirical practice in Central Vietnam. In the Thua Thien Hue Province, the Tam Giang lagoon covering 22,000 ha represents a source of exogenous biomass potentially important for agriculture. The present study makes an inventory of the submerged macrophytes and the algae occurring in the lagoon during the period of February-April 2005. Twelve species of macrophytes (belonging to the Potamogetonaceae, Najadaceae, Cymodoceaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Ceratophyllaceae, and Haloragaceae families) and five of algae (belonging to the Ulvaceae, Cladophoraceae, Characeae, and Gracilariaceae families) were identified. Their abundance varies significantly following species and location in the lagoon. Indeed, the salt concentration, the water depth and the type of sediments in which the macrophytes are anchored are submitted to large variations depending on position in the lagoon. The highest values of fresh biomass measured for monospecific vegetal mats were observed for Vallisneria spiralis (3.1 kg.m-2), Najas indica (2.9 kg.m-2), Halodule tridentata (2.5 kg.m-2) and Cymodoceae rotundata (2.3 kg.m-2). The concentrations of main elements were determined in samples of all plant species. In the macrophytes, the following ranges of element concentrations (in % of dry matter) were found: N 1.0 to 3.5; P 0.08 to 0.45; K 1.0 to 4.2; Mg 0.3 to 1.4; Ca 0.7 to 2.8; Na 0.7 to 7.6. These variations indicate that the fertilization capacity of aquatic plants when they are used as soil amendment can vary to a large extent according to the species. Even more contrasted element concentrations were found for the algae. The Na concentrations in the collected plants can be partly explained by the salinity level met in the sampling areas

    Novel application of local GAC adsorption to remove organic matters and pesticides in rural drinking water treatment

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    Novel application of granular activated carbon (GAC) using renewable and low cost materials to remove pesticides and organic matters was studied in the rural water treatment plant (WTP), in Hai Duong province, Vietnam. The treatment efficiencies of the a series of processes such as coagulation/ flocculation, horizontal sedimentation, rapid sand filtration and adsorption using three types of GAC (activated carbon from bituminous coal, from bamboo and from coconut shell) and the overall treatment trains were evaluated by studying several parameters such as turbidity, COD, pesticides (chlorpyrifos, diazinon, carbofuran). Results show that the two locally produced adsorbents have a similar efficiency to commercial activated carbon for adsorption. The removal efficiency was somewhat lower for both materials, but in the same order of magnitude. The removal of pesticides and organic matter with a column filled with activated carbon derived from bamboo was found the best among the two locally produced materials, approximately 30% and 23% higher than those observed for the column filled with activated carbon from coconut shells. It concludes that bamboo-derived activated carbon adsorption can be employed on an alternative to commercial activated carbon and could be a feasible option for drinking water treatment