197 research outputs found

    Determinants of Capital Structure in the Presence of Supply Chain Activities of Listed Construction Firms in Vietnam

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    The study aims to identify the capital structure determinants in the presence of the supply chain of the listed construction firms in Vietnam. The determinants of capital structure are factors affecting firm financial leverage, including firm profitability, size, growth rate, fixed assets, liquidity, interest coverage and state ownership along with the supply chain activities. The study is based on a data of 53 listed construction firms in the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange over the period 2014-2018. The results indicated that the supply chain activities along with other determinants except profits and liquidity have a positive association with the capital structure of the listed construction firm in Vietnam. These findings guided to the policymakers that they should enhance the intensions towards the determinant of the capital structure along with supply chain activities to improve the organizational performance.

    Factors Affecting Business Performance: Expanding Theoretical Measurements

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    Purpose: The article aims to expand a scale system of factors that impacts on business performance.   Theoretical framework: The paper based on the empirical data collected from various types of participants, including accountants (for information providing), managers (for decision-making), sales staff (for work), and lecturers (for research) in Vietnam.   Design/methodology/approach: By descriptive and comparative statistical analysis of SPSS 20 software with 124 valid observations, the survey has proposed the scale system of influencing factors (03 groups of external factors, 05 groups of internal factors) and business performance measures (10 financial and 11 non-financial indicators).   Findings: This study points out the different evaluations according to the demographic features of survey subjects on the group of financial indicators. Specifically, the group of accountants (representing information providers) obtains a lower score than the group of information users. Likewise, the post-graduated participants show stricter assessments of financial indicators in comparison to the rest of the group.   Research, Practical & Social implications: These results suggest the scale system for measuring influencing factors toward business performance in enterprises for further research.   Originality/value: The value of the study is providing an expansion of the factors affecting the efficiency of an enterprise and points out a commonly used set of financial performance measurement indicators. Research results provide useful references for research on related issues

    Anxiety symptoms and coping strategies among high school students in Vietnam after COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-method evaluation

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    IntroductionThe objective of the current study was to examine the rate of high school students at risk of anxiety disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam, as well as the coping strategies utilized within this demographic.MethodsAn evaluation was conducted through the utilization of mixed methods, consisting of a combination of a cross-sectional study and in-depth interviews. In this study, a sample of 3,910 students from 13 high schools in Hanoi, Vietnam were selected for participation. The measurement of symptoms of anxiety disorder was conducted through the application of the seven-item General Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) scale. To comprehend the underlying causes of anxiety and the various coping mechanisms employed, in-depth interviews were conducted.ResultsThe findings indicate a prevalence rate of anxiety disorder symptoms among students at 40.6% The prevalence rates of mild, moderate, and severe anxiety symptoms were found to be 23.9%, 10.9%, and 5.8%, respectively. In-depth interviews uncovered multiple sources of anxiety experienced by high school students, namely their academic performance, social interactions, prejudicial attitudes from their social circle, and familial expectations. Numerous coping strategies were then documented.DiscussionThe current investigation ascertained that there exists a moderate level of anxiety amongst high school students in Hanoi, Vietnam during the COVID-19 outbreak. Furthermore, this study configured potential indicators to identify vulnerable individuals and further suggests the development of targeted interventions

    Isothermal models of Chromium (VI) adsorption by using Fe3O4 nanoparticles

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    The ferromagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles with the average particle size of about 10 nm were used to adsorb chromium (VI) in aqueous solution. The equilibrium of Cr(VI) adsorption can be achieved at the pH value of 2.5, in the contact time of 120 minutes. The mechanisms of Cr(VI) adsorption were evaluated by 4 isothermal adsorption models Langmuir, Freundlich, Redlich-Peterson, and Temkin. The results showed that all four models are satisfied; especially, Redlich-Peterson is the most suitable model to describe the adsorption kinetic of Cr(VI) on ferromagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles

    The Manifestation of Teacher Leadership in Vietnamese National Educational Policy Documents

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    The critical importance of teacher leadership roles in students’ academic achievements and school improvement is widely recognized. Preparing teachers for taking leadership roles, therefore, is requisite, particularly in response to the dynamic and changing nature of the present-day teaching profession. However, there is a lack of research into how teachers are provided with skills and knowledge to serve the leadership role, both formally and informally. The study employed The Teacher Leader Model Standards (TLMS) developed by the Teacher Leadership Exploratory Consortium (2011) to explore the manifestation of teacher leadership knowledge and competencies in policies on the teaching profession in the Vietnamese context. The analysis of 61 in-effect national policy documents on teaching profession standards and teacher professional development programs reveals that these policy documents have presented a broad but incomplete view of teacher leadership. Percentage-wise, teacher leadership is far from a salient manifestation within policy documents, indicating that it has not yet been considered a core competence in the teaching profession at the national policy level. In addition, there are crucial aspects of teacher leadership that have been neglected, while a lack of differentiation between teacher and principal leadership still remains in the documents. Based on the findings, the study proposes recommendations to the teachers, school leaders and policy makers on the development of teacher leadership

    Antibacterial activity of three wild wood-decaying fungi in southern Vietnam toward Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacterium in aquaculture wastewater

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    This research demonstrated antibacterial activity of wood-decaying fungi to treat the aquaculture pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio parahaemolyticus (V. parahaemolyticus). Three wild wood-decaying fungi (WDF) collected in Southern Vietnam including Flavodon flavus (F. flavus), Physisporinus vitreis (P. vitreis), and Schizophyllum commune (S. commune) were tested to treat V. parahaemolyticus presented in aquaculture wastewater. Fungal adaptation to different salt concentrations at 0, 10, 15, 20, and 30‰ was tested for the assessment of application potential of these fungi in the aquaculture farming. Fungal mycelium could adapt differently to saline conditions. All three strains grew well at low salt concentration (0-10‰), but only F. flavus survived up to 20‰ NaCl. For the antibacterial ability toward V. parahaemolyticus, two experiments using mycelium culture broth and mycofiltration were performed. Results revealed that all the three species of WDF effectively inhibited V. parahaemolyticus. Thus, mycelium culture broth of P. vitreis, S. commune, and F. flavus could inhibit 98.7, 96.5 and 97.8% V. parahaemolyticus, respectively after 8 hours. Even higher inhibitory effects were observed in the mycofiltration experiment, the efficiency reached 100% for P. vitreis, and 98% for F. flavus and S. commune after 8 hours. The obtained results showed very good application potential of myco-remediation technique using WDF in the treatment of V. parahaemolyticus in aquaculture farming. Mycofilter can be used as a new approach for controlling aquaculture disease, specifically Vibrio sp. treatment based on the antibiotic capability of these WDF. The reduction in pH of the mycelium broth can illustrated for the acidification during the mycelium development and could link with the bactericide capacity of these WDF

    Simple thermal-electrical model of photovoltaic panels with cooler-integrated sun tracker

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    This paper presents a simple thermal-electrical model of a photovoltaic panel with a cooler-integrated sun tracker. Based on the model and obtained weather data, we analyzed the improved overall efficiency in a year as well as the performance in each typical weather case for photovoltaic panels with fixed-tilt systems with a tilt angle equal to latitude, fixed-tilt systems with cooler, a single-axis sun tracker, and a cooler-integrated single-axis sun tracker. The results show that on a sunny summer day with few clouds, the performance of the photovoltaic panels with the proposed system improved and reached 32.76% compared with the fixed-tilt systems. On a sunny day with clouds in the wet, rainy season, because of the low air temperature and the high wind speed, the photovoltaic panel temperature was lower than the cooler’s initial set temperature; the performance of the photovoltaic panel with the proposed system improved by 12.55% compared with the fixed-tilt system. Simulation results show that, over one year, the overall efficiency of the proposed system markedly improved by 16.35, 13.03, and 3.68% compared with the photovoltaic panel with the fixed-tilt system, the cooler, and the single-axis sun tracker, respectively. The simulation results can serve as a premise for future experimental models

    Does exporting spur firm productivity and promote inclusive growth? : evidence from Vietnam

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    Are exporting firms superior because only superior firms choose to become exporters or do they become superior by virtue of being exporters and having to face greater competition and to specialize in core activities? Findings show that the decision to export induces a gain in capital productivity for the new exporters, but no significant effect is observed for labour productivity and Total Factor Productivity (TFP). This result offers some support for the learning-by-exporting effect that occurs within a sector. Entry of Vietnamese firms into the world market can spur inclusive economic growth of the country


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    Cao Bang Geopark is one of three UNESCO heritage sites in Vietnam, with unique geological, landscape and cultural properties of high value to tourism. This study aims to provide a better understanding of the potential for geotourism development in Cao Bang Global Geopark, thereby proposing reasonable development strategies in the future. The research using the multicriteria assessment and SWOT analysis tool found that Cao Bang Global Geopark has a high ability to attract tourists and exploit large tourism resources globally. However, the infrastructure, technical facilities, human resources and investment capital for geotourism are still limited and need to be improved. The research results can be considered useful references for academia and managers in finding strategies and solutions for sustainable geotourism development at Cao Bang Geopark in the future

    Mobilising community-based research on zoonotic infections: A case study of longitudinal cohorts in Vietnam

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    We initiated the Vietnam Initiative on Zoonotic Infections (VIZIONS) research program to better understand the epidemiology of disease transmission at the human–animal interface in Vietnamese rural communities and to integrate One Health approaches to disease surveillance. We established a longitudinal community cohort study of individuals with occupational exposure to animals, which involves concurrent targeted sampling from domestic livestock species and follow-up monitoring of human clinical cases. The project was implemented by government agencies at the provincial and district levels of the public health and animal health sectors in Vietnam. Engaging with rural communities builds response capacity at the grassroots level, and has improved dialogue between local stakeholders responsible for monitoring human and animal health. Here we describe the process of initiating participatory research and cohort field implementation over the first year in two study sites in Vietnam.Keywords: Vietnam, participatory research, zoonoses, field epidemiolog
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