8 research outputs found

    Rangkuman Hasil Seminar Tanaman Cendana {Santalum Album L.)

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    Merangkum pemikiran setebal 228 halaman ditambah dengan sejumlah pemikiran yang disampaikan secara lisan mungkin tidak terlalu menjadi masalah, yang menjadi soal karena untuk pertama kalinya pemikiran itu saya baca sambil mendengar sekaligus membuat rangkuman dalam Gedung Widya Graha ini tentu menjadi soal tersendiri, namun ini bukan sebuah excuse untuk menyampaikan rangkuman-rangkuman itu. Untuk memudahkan saya memikirkan dan merumuskan 16 makalah yang telah disampaikan secara maraton dan berbagai macam topik yang dibicarakan, saya kelompokan dalam 4 kelompok

    East Timorese Women in Australia: Community, gender and identity

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    This paper examines how East Timorese women in Melbourne, Australia view gender relations within the context of their resettlement and integration process in Australia as part of a broader question about gender and the construction of ethnic identities within a diverse community. Based upon a small qualitative study with fifteen East Timorese migrant women, we examine the complexity of the ethnic identity of East Timorese women in Australia, whose community reflects the diversity of their homeland, status divisions used historically within East Timor, different migration experiences and socio-economic and generational differences. The experience of East Timorese women varies according to the circumstances and timing of their arrival in Australia. Although most fled conflict and trauma, for the most part the women interviewed do not describe themselves in terms of a traumatized self-identity and depict their community in terms of engagement, support and resilience. Gender relationships changed with migration to Australia, with women enjoying more 'equality' in their relationships, in contrast to their past lives in East Timor. Yet many women also describe the maintenance of strong patriarchal values within the family, continued expectations of their responsibility to domestic affairs and the importance of maintaining a public face of appropriate behavior as 'good Timorese women. They maintain Timorese identity through raising children and transmitting the potent cultural markers of food and language skills

    National identity in Timor-Leste: challenges and opportunities

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    Following a long independence struggle and international intervention, in 2006 the tiny impoverished state of Timor-Leste almost imploded in civil chaos and institutional collapse. The events of the time were quickly defined in terms of an east-west geographical and, broadly, linguistic and political divide, corresponding to pro- and anti-government groupings. International intervention quelled the worst of the violence, although elections in 2007 confirmed the general tendency, if not an absolute alignment, to the divide that had appeared in 2006. However, much also united Timor-Leste historically and culturally and, increasingly, in a broad acceptance of civic institutions. It was from this base that the small and sometimes fragile state began to build what promised to be a more coherent future. <br /