11 research outputs found

    The fate of fertiliser P in soil under pasture and uptake by subterraneum clover: a field study using ³³P-labelled single superphosphate

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    Background and aims: Single superphosphate (SSP) is a major source of phosphorus (P) used in grazing systems to improve pasture production. The aim of this experiment was to determine the fate of fertiliser P in clover pastures under field conditions. Methods: A procedure was developed to radiolabel SSP granules with a ³³P radiotracer, which was then applied to the soil surface (equivalent to ~12 kg P ha‾¹) of a clover pasture. Recovery of fertiliser P was determined in clover shoots, fertiliser granules and soil fractions (surface layer: 0-4 cm and sub-surface layer: 4-8cm). Results: The P diffusion patterns of the ³³P-labelled SSP granules were not significantly different to those of commercial SSP granules (P > 0.05). Recovery of fertiliser P in clover shoots was 30-35 %. A considerable proportion of the fertiliser P (~28 %) was recovered in the surface soil layer and was largely inorganic P. Conclusions: Recovery of fertiliser P by clover plants was up to 35 % in the year of application. Much of the fertiliser P in soil fractions was inorganic P, which highlights the importance of inorganic P forms and dynamics in soils under clover pasture on a single season timeframe at these sites

    Combined nitrogen input from legume residues and fertilizer improves early nitrogen supply and uptake by wheat

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    Soil nitrogen (N) supply for wheat N uptake can be manipulated through legume and fertilizer N inputs to achieve yield potential in low-rainfall sandy soil environments. Field experiments over 2 years (2015–2016) were conducted at 2 different sites in a low-rainfall sandy soil to determine the soil N supply capacity relative to wheat N uptake at key growth stages, after a combination of crop residue (removed, wheat or lupin) and fertilizer N (nil, low or high N) treatments were manipulated to improve wheat yield. We measured the temporal patterns of the soil profile mineral N and PAW to 100 cm depth, wheat aerial biomass and N uptake in both years. In 2016 we also measured the disease incidence as a key environmental variable. There was 35 kg ha−1 more soil mineral N to 100 cm depth following lupin than wheat residues at the end of the fallow on average in both years. In a below average rainfall season, wheat biomass produced on lupin residues was responsive to N input with soil profile mineral N depleted by increased crop N uptake early in the season. In an above average rainfall season, a higher soil mineral N supply increased actual and potential grain yield, total biomass, N uptake, harvest index and water use efficiency of wheat, regardless of the source of N. Our study showed that the combination of lupin residues with high N rate increased soil profile mineral N at early growth stages, providing a greater soil N supply at the time of high wheat N demand, and the inclusion of a legume in the rotation is critical for improving the N supply to wheat, with added disease break benefits in a low-rainfall sandy soil environment.Fil: Muschietti Piana, Maria del Pilar. Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organization; Australia. University of Adelaide; AustraliaFil: McBeath, Therese M.. Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organization; AustraliaFil: McNeill, Ann M.. University of Adelaide; AustraliaFil: Cipriotti, Pablo Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Gupta, Vadakattu V. S. R.. Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organization; Australi

    Spectral sensitivity of solution ³¹P NMR spectroscopy is improved by narrowing the soil to solution ratio to 1:4 for pasture soils of low organic P content

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    Solution phosphorus (P) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy following extraction with sodium hydroxide-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (NaOH-EDTA) is the most powerful and widely used technique for characterising soil organic P. However, poor spectral sensitivity (related to the signal to noise ratio) can limit its applicability for soils of low organic P content, especially in subsurface layers. Sensitivity can potentially be improved by employing a much narrower (1:4) soil to solution ratio than usual (1:10 or 1:20), which increases the density of P in the NMR tube. Pasture soils were collected at two depths (0-4cm and 4-10cm) from across the high rainfall zone of eastern Australia, and were extracted with NaOH-EDTA at a 1:4 and 1:10 extraction ratio. The extracts were analysed for molybdate-reactive P (i.e. an estimate of inorganic P), and total extractable concentrations of aluminium (Al), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn) and P using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Total concentrations of P in soil were determined by laboratory X-ray fluorescence. Extraction efficiency of total soil P was on average only slightly lower for the 1:4 extracts (41%) than for the 1:10 extracts (47%). Extraction efficiencies for paramagnetic (Fe, Mn) and non-paramagnetic (Al, Mg) metals were also similar at the two extraction ratios. Solution ³¹P NMR spectra of 1:4 extracts were considerably better in terms of spectral sensitivity than those of the 1:10 extracts, particularly for soils of low organic P content. This study demonstrates that in soils of low organic P content, NaOH-EDTA extraction using a 1:4 soil to solution ratio is a viable alternative to the more commonly used 1:10 soil to solution ratio

    The chemical nature of organic phosphorus that accumulates in fertilized soils of a temperate pasture as determined by solution 31P NMR spectroscopy

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    Inefficiency of fertilizer phosphorus (P) use in grazing systems is often associated with the accumulation of inorganic and organic P in fertilized soil. However, the chemical nature of the accumulated organic P remains poorly understood. The aim of this study was to use solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy on sodium hydroxide-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (NaOH-EDTA) extracts to identify the chemical nature of organic P in soils from a medium-term (13 years) permanent pasture field experiment. This included an unfertilized pasture (P0), and treatments designed to maintain soil P fertility at near 'optimum' (P1) and 'supraoptimum' (P2) levels for pasture growth; pastures at all levels of soil P fertility were continuously grazed with either a moderate or high stocking rate (SR09 and SR18). Approximately 20% of the fertilizer P added to pastures was recovered as organic P in NaOH-EDTA extracts at the P1 level of soil P fertility in the 0-10 cm soil layer, and the majority (≈ 65%) of this was detected as the broad phosphomonoester signal. In addition, several specific forms of phosphomonoesters (myo- and scyllo-inositol hexakisphosphate, α- and β-glycerophosphate, and RNA mononucleotides) and phosphodiesters were detected across all soils but at low concentrations. This study shows that phosphate fertilization of pastures primarily results in the accumulation of complex forms of phosphomonoesters rather than that of specific forms of recognizable biomolecules (e.g., myo-inositol hexakisphosphate)

    Direct recovery of 33 P-labelled fertiliser phosphorus in subterranean clover ( Trifolium subterraneum ) pastures under field conditions: The role of agronomic management

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    Grazing systems are a major producer of food and fibre across the world. These systems often require the addition of fertiliser phosphorus (P) for maximum pasture growth, and it is now estimated that a four-fold increase in the use of P fertiliser in grasslands is needed to meet increased food demand by the year 2050. However, the recovery of P from fertiliser is often inefficient and global issues associated with P scarcity will continue to worsen. Knowledge on the uptake of fertiliser P by grasslands, including the effect of agronomic management, remains incomplete under field conditions. The aim of this study was to quantify the effects of soil P fertility (across three levels of soil P fertility), time of fertiliser application (at one level of soil P fertility), and placement of fertiliser (at one level of soil P fertility) on the growth and uptake of fertiliser P by clover pastures during a growing season. Subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) monocultures established at two field sites in Australia were used to test the growth response to, and recovery of: (i) early-season (autumn) additions of fertiliser P to the soil surface at three levels of soil P fertility; (ii) mid-season (late winter) additions of fertiliser P to the soil surface; and (iii) early-season additions of fertiliser P placed 6 cm below the soil surface. Fertiliser P was applied to the pastures as single superphosphate that was labelled with a ³³P radiotracer to supply ~20 kg P ha-¹. Total herbage yield and recovery of fertiliser P by the clover pastures was generally highest when fertiliser P was applied to the soil surface early in the growing season and to soils maintained at the optimum level of soil P fertility for maximum pasture growth. An audit of the ³³P recovery of fertiliser P in the clover pasture revealed that up to 50% of the fertiliser P was recovered by the clover plant (shoots and roots), 5-15% remained in the fertiliser granule, and 20-25% was recovered in the 0-4 cm soil layer (largely as inorganic P) by the end of the growing season. We demonstrate that clover pastures are able to recover a relatively large proportion of surface applied fertiliser P during a growing season. Surface application is the simplest and most cost-effective strategy for management of fertiliser P in pastures

    Complex Forms of Soil Organic Phosphorus–A Major Component of Soil Phosphorus

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    Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for life, an innate constituent of soil organic matter, and a major anthropogenic input to terrestrial ecosystems. The supply of P to living organisms is strongly dependent on the dynamics of soil organic P. However, fluxes of P through soil organic matter remain unclear because only a minority (typically <30%) of soil organic P has been identified as recognizable biomolecules of low molecular weight (e.g., inositol hexakisphosphates). Here, we use <sup>31</sup>P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the speciation of organic P in soil extracts fractionated into two molecular weight ranges. Speciation of organic P in the high molecular weight fraction (>10 kDa) was markedly different to that of the low molecular weight fraction (<10 kDa). The former was dominated by a broad peak, which is consistent with P bound by phosphomonoester linkages of supra-/macro-molecular structures, whereas the latter contained all of the sharp peaks that were present in unfractionated extracts, along with some broad signal. Overall, phosphomonoesters in supra-/macro-molecular structures were found to account for the majority (61% to 73%) of soil organic P across the five diverse soils. These soil phosphomonoesters will need to be integrated within current models of the inorganic–organic P cycle of soil-plant terrestrial ecosystems

    The use of a zinc-efficient wheat cultivar as an adaptation to calcareous subsoil: a glasshouse study

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    Zinc (Zn) is an essential nutrient for plants with a major role in healthy root growth. Zinc is essential for maintaining root membrane integrity, but the effective Zn concentration required may depend on the crop genotype. Zinc-efficient and inefficient wheat cultivars (Triticuum aestivum cv. Excalibur and Gatcher, respectively) were grown in deep soil cores in calcareous subsoil with low micronutrient levels, and high pH and boron. Plants were grown in soil with or without basal nutrients (excluding Zn) and with or without addition of Zn. Components of yield and nutrient use efficiency were measured. Although Gatcher produced 47% more dry weight of tops and double the root length density of Excalibur at maturity, Excalibur was much more efficient in terms of Zn uptake by roots and seven-fold more efficient than Gatcher in partitioning Zn to grain production.Robert E. Holloway, Robin D. Graham, Therese M. McBeath, Dot M. Brac