11 research outputs found

    Global Health: A Successful Context for Precollege Training and Advocacy

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    Despite a flourishing biomedical and global health industry [1] too few of Washington state's precollege students are aware of this growing sector and emerging ideas on bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. Against the backdrop of numerous reports regarding declining precollege student interest in science [2], a precollege program was envisioned at Seattle Biomedical Research Institute (as of 2010, Seattle BioMed) to increase youth engagement in biomedical research and global health, increase community interest in infectious diseases and mobilize a future biomedical workforce. Since 2005, 169 rising high school juniors have participated in the BioQuest Academy precollege immersion program at Seattle BioMed. Assembling in groups of 12, students conduct laboratory experiments (e.g., anopheline mosquito dissection, gene expression informed tuberculosis drug design and optimizing HIV immunization strategies) related to global health alongside practicing scientific mentors, all within the footprint the institute. Laudable short-term impacts of the program include positive influences on student interest in global health (as seen in the students' subsequent school projects and their participation in Seattle BioMed community events), biomedical careers and graduate school (e.g., 16.9% of teens departing 2008–2009 Academy report revised goals of attaining a doctorate rather than a baccalaureate diploma). Long-term, 97% of alumni (2005–2008) are attending postsecondary schools throughout North America; eight graduates have already published scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and/or presented their scientific data at national and international meetings, and 26 have been retained by Seattle BioMed researchers as compensated technicians and interns. Providing precollege students with structured access to practicing scientists and authentic research environments within the context of advancing global health has been a robust means of both building a future pool of talented leaders and engaged citizenry and increasing the visibility of health disparities within the community

    BioQuest Academy 2008-09 laboratory activities.

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    <p>Alignment of BioQuest Academy resources to Washington State high school science standards has been confirmed by external curriculum consultants <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0013814#pone.0013814-Office1" target="_blank">[17]</a>.</p

    2005-09 cohort description and post-secondary trajectories.

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    <p>Students enrolled in 2005-7 sessions participated in a 30 hour program. Students, recruited through year-long enrollment activities, participated in a 60 hour program.</p

    2005-09 Academy student pre- and post-perceptions.

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    <p>Using quasi-experimental methods of pre-post testing each year, students have responded to a variety of questions that reveal students' significant gains in global health and biomedical research content between pre- and post- program responses, * =  p<.001.</p

    Polymorphisms in the Sclerosteosis/van Buchem Disease Gene (SOST) Region Are Associated with Bone-Mineral Density in Elderly Whites

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    Osteoporosis has a strong genetic component, but the genes involved are poorly defined. We studied whether the sclerosteosis/van Buchem disease gene (SOST) is an osteoporosis-risk gene by examining its association with bone-mineral density (BMD). Mutations in SOST result in sclerosteosis, and alterations in the SOST gene expression may be causal in the closely related van Buchem disease. We used a set of eight polymorphisms from the SOST gene region to genotype 1,939 elderly men and women from a large population-based prospective-cohort study of Dutch whites. A 3-bp insertion (f=0.38) in the presumed SOST promoter region (SRP3) was associated with decreased BMD in women at the femoral neck (FN) (P=.05) and lumbar spine (LS) (P=.01), with evidence of an allele-dose effect in the oldest age group (P=.006). Similarly, a G variant (f=0.40) in the van Buchem deletion region (SRP9) was associated with increased BMD in men at the FN (P=.007) and LS (P=.02). In both cases, differences between extreme genotypes reached 0.2 SD. We observed no genotype effects on fracture risk, for the 234 osteoporotic fractures validated during 8.2 years of follow-up and for the 146 vertebral prevalent fractures analyzed. We did not find association between any of several frequent haplotypes across the SOST gene region and BMD. We did find evidence of additive effects of SRP3 with the COLIA1 Sp1 polymorphism but not with haplotypes of 3′ polymorphisms in the vitamin-D receptor gene. The SOST-COLIA1 additive effect increased with age and reached 0.5 SD difference in BMD at LS in the oldest age group (P=.02). The molecular mechanism whereby these moderate SOST genotype effects are mediated remains to be elucidated, but it is likely to involve differences in regulation of SOST gene expression