6 research outputs found

    Univariate analysis of variables with PVLMILVH as the outcome variable.

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    <p>P β€Š=β€Š Statistical test of significance of association.</p><p>CI β€Š=β€Š Confidence Interval.</p><p>OR β€Š=β€Š Odds Ratio.</p><p>BMI β€Š=β€Š Body Mass Index BMIβ‰₯30 (kg/m<sup>2</sup>) β€Š=β€Š General obesity.</p><p>WHR β€Š=β€Š Waist hip ratio β€Š=β€Š Central obesity.</p><p>SBP β€Š=β€Š Systolic Blood Pressure.</p><p>DBP β€Š=β€Š Diastolic Blood Pressure.</p><p>HIGH WHR β€Š=β€Š WHR>0.9 for males and >0.8 for females.</p

    The clinical characteristics of participants by sex.

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    <p>t β€Š=β€Š Two sample t test with equal variance.</p><p>P β€Š=β€Š Statistical significance of difference.</p><p>n β€Š=β€Š Number.</p><p>SD β€Š=β€Š Standard deviation.</p><p>BMI β€Š=β€Š Body Mass Index BMI β‰₯ 30 (kg/m<sup>2</sup>) β€Š=β€Š General obesity.</p><p>WHR β€Š=β€Š Waist hip ratio β€Š=β€Š Central obesity.</p><p>SBP β€Š=β€Š Systolic Blood Pressure.</p><p>DBP β€Š=β€Š Diastolic Blood Pressure.</p

    Multivariate analysis of variables with PVLMILVH as the outcome variable and log of Insulin Resistance as the explanatory variable.

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    <p>P β€Š=β€Š Statistical test of significance of association.</p><p>CI β€Š=β€Š Confidence Interval.</p><p>R β€Š=β€Š Regression Coefficient.</p><p>BMI β€Š=β€Š Body Mass Index BMIβ‰₯30 (kg/m<sup>2</sup>) β€Š=β€Š General obesity.</p><p>WHR β€Š=β€Š Waist hip ratio β€Š=β€Š Central obesity.</p><p>HIGH WHR β€Š=β€Š WHR>0.9 for males and >0.8 for females.</p

    The biochemical characteristics of participants by sex.

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    <p>t β€Š=β€Š Two sample t test with equal variance.</p><p>P β€Š=β€Š statistical significance of difference.</p><p>n β€Š=β€Š Number.</p><p>SD β€Š=β€Š Standard deviation.</p

    The echocardiographic characteristics of participants by sex.

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    <p>t β€Š=β€Š Two sample t test with equal variance.</p><p>Ο‡ <sup>2</sup> β€Š=β€Š Pearson chi squared test.</p><p>P β€Š=β€Š statistical significance of difference.</p><p>n β€Š=β€Š Number.</p><p>SD β€Š=β€Š Standard deviation.</p><p>* Number.</p

    Univariate analysis of variables with log of Insulin Resistance as the outcome variable.

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    <p>P β€Š=β€Š Statistical test of significance of association.</p><p>CI β€Š=β€Š Confidence Interval.</p><p>R β€Š=β€Š Regression Coefficient.</p><p>BMI β€Š=β€Š Body Mass Index BMIβ‰₯30 (kg/m<sup>2</sup>) β€Š=β€Š General obesity.</p><p>WHR β€Š=β€Š Waist hip ratio β€Š=β€Š Central obesity.</p><p>SBP β€Š=β€Š Systolic Blood Pressure.</p><p>DBP β€Š=β€Š Diastolic Blood Pressure.</p><p>HIGH WHR β€Š=β€Š WHR>0.9 for males and >0.8 for females.</p