23 research outputs found

    Nuclear and Orbital Characterization of the Transition Object (4015) 107P/Wilson-Harrington

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    Comet 107P/Wilson-Harrington, cross-listed as asteroid 4015, is one of the original transition objects whose properties do not neatly fit into a cometary or asteroidal origin. Discovered in a period of apparently gas-dominated activity in 1949, it was subsequently lost and recovered as the inactive asteroid 1979 VA. We obtained new and re-analyzed archival observations of the object, compared to meteorites, and conducted new orbital integrations in order to understand the nature of this object and to understand where it falls on the asteroid-comet continuum. Wilson-Harrington's reflectance spectrum is approximately neutral from visible to near-infrared wavelengths, but has a reflectance maximum near 0.8-0.9 microns. The object's spectrum is well matched by laboratory spectra of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites like the CM Murchison or the CI Ivuna. The object's phase curve is compatible with either an asteroidal or cometary origin, and its recent orbital history has no periods with high enough temperatures to have altered its surface. While it is possible that some unknown process has acted to change the surface from an originally cometary one, we instead prefer a fundamentally asteroidal origin for Wilson-Harrington which can explain its surface and orbital properties. However, this would require a way to maintain significant (hyper-)volatile supplies on the near-Earth objects beyond what is currently expected. Wilson-Harrington's similar meteorite affinity and possible orbital link to sample return targets (162173) Ryugu and (101955) Bennu suggest that the returned samples from the Hayabusa-2 and OSIRIS-REx missions might hold the key to understanding this object.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the AAS's Planetary Science Journal (PSJ

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Of The Nucleus Of Low-Activity Comet P/2016 BA14_{14} During Its 2016 Close Approach

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    The Near-Earth Comet P/2016 BA14_{14} (PanSTARRS) is a slow-rotatating nearly-dormant object, a likely dynamical twin of 252P/LINEAR, and was recently shown to have a mid-infrared spectrum very dissimilar to other comets. BA14_{14} also recently selected one of the back-up targets for the ESA's \textit{Comet Interceptor}, so a clearer understanding of BA14_{14}'s modern properties would not just improve our understanding of how comets go dormant, but could also aid planning for a potential spacecraft visit. We present observations of BA14_{14} taken on two dates during its 2016 Earth close approach with the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, both of which are consistent with direct observations of its nucleus. The reflectance spectrum of BA14_{14} is similar to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, albeit highly phase-reddened. Thermal emission contaminates the reflectance spectrum at longer wavelengths, which we correct with a new Markov Chain Monte Carlo thermal modeling code. The models suggest BA14BA_{14}'s visible geometric albedo is pV=0.01−0.03p_V=0.01-0.03, consistent with radar observations, its beaming parameter is typical for NEOs observed in its geometry, and its reflectrance spectrum is red and linear throughout H and K band. It appears very much like a "normal" comet nucleus, despite its mid-infrared oddities. A slow loss of fine grains as the object's activity diminished might help to reconcile some of the lines of evidence, and we discuss other possibilities. A spacecraft flyby past BA14_{14} could get closer to the nucleus than with a more active target, and we highlight some science questions that could be addressed with a visit to a (nearly-)dormant comet.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the Planetary Science Journal on April 1, 202

    Near-infrared observations of active asteroid (3200) Phaethon reveal no evidence for hydration

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    Asteroid (3200) Phaethon is an active near-Earth asteroid and the parent body of the Geminid Meteor Shower. Because of its small perihelion distance, Phaethon's surface reaches temperatures sufficient to destabilize hydrated materials. We conducted rotationally resolved spectroscopic observations of this asteroid, mostly covering the northern hemisphere and the equatorial region, beyond 2.5-micron to search for evidence of hydration on its surface. Here we show that the observed part of Phaethon does not exhibit the 3-micron hydrated mineral absorption (within 2-sigma). These observations suggest that Phaethon's modern activity is not due to volatile sublimation or devolatilization of phyllosilicates on its surface. It is possible that the observed part of Phaethon was originally hydrated and has since lost volatiles from its surface via dehydration, supporting its connection to the Pallas family, or it was formed from anhydrous material

    Physical Characterization of the December 2017 Outburst of the Centaur 174P/Echeclus

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    The Centaurs are the small solar system bodies intermediate between the active inner solar system Jupiter Family Comets and their inactive progenitors in the trans-Neptunian region. Among the fraction of Centaurs which show comet-like activity, 174P/Echeclus is best known for its massive 2005 outburst in which a large apparently active fragment was ejected above the escape velocity from the primary nucleus. We present visible imaging and near-infrared spectroscopy of Echeclus during the first week after its December 2017 outburst taken at the Faulkes North & South Telescopes and the NASA IRTF, the largest outburst since 2005. The coma was seen to be highly asymmetric. A secondary peak was seen in the near-infrared 2D spectra, which is strongly hinted at in the visible images, moving hyperbolically with respect to the nucleus. The retrieved reflectance spectrum of Echelcus is consistent with the unobscured nucleus but becomes bluer when a wider extraction aperture is used. We find that Echeclus's coma is best explained as dominated by large blue dust grains, which agrees with previous work. We also conducted a high-resolution orbital integration of Echeclus's recent evolution and found no large orbital changes that could drive its modern evolution. We interpret the second peak in the visible and near-infrared datasets as a large cloud of larger-than-dust debris ejected at the time of outburst. If Echeclus is typical of the Centaurs, there may be several debris ejection or fragmentation events per year on other Centaurs that are going unnoticed.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, 18 pages, 4 figures, 4 table

    Physical Characterization of Active Asteroid (6478) Gault

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    Main belt asteroid (6478) Gault has been dynamically linked with two overlapping asteroid families: Phocaea, dominated by S-type asteroids, and Tamara, dominated by low-albedo C-types. This object has recently become an interesting case for study, after images obtained in late 2018 revealed that it was active and displaying a comet-like tail. Previous authors have proposed that the most likely scenarios to explain the observed activity on Gault were rotational excitation or merger of near-contact binaries. Here we use new photometric and spectroscopic data of Gault to determine its physical and compositional properties. Lightcurves derived from the photometric data showed little variation over three nights of observations, which prevented us from determining the rotation period of the asteroid. Using WISE observations of Gault and the near-Earth Asteroid Thermal Model (NEATM) we determined that this asteroid has a diameter <<6 km. NIR spectroscopic data obtained with the Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) showed a spectrum similar to that of S-complex asteroids, and a surface composition consistent with H chondrite meteorites. These results favor a compositional affinity between Gault and asteroid (25) Phocaea, and rules out a compositional link with the Tamara family. From the spectroscopic data we found no evidence of fresh material that could have been exposed during the outburst episodes.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Photometry of Particles Ejected From Active Asteroid (101955) Bennu

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    AbstractNear‐Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu is an active asteroid experiencing mass loss in the form of ejection events emitting up to hundreds of millimeter‐ to centimeter‐scale particles. The close proximity of the Origins, Spectral Interpretations, Resource Identification, and Security–Regolith Explorer spacecraft enabled monitoring of particles for a 10‐month period encompassing Bennu's perihelion and aphelion. We found 18 multiparticle ejection events, with masses ranging from near zero to hundreds of grams (or thousands with uncertainties) and translational kinetic energies ranging from near zero to tens of millijoules (or hundreds with uncertainties). We estimate that Bennu ejects ~104 g per orbit. The largest event took place on 6 January 2019 and consisted of ~200 particles. The observed mass and translational kinetic energy of the event were between 459 and 528 g and 62 and 77 mJ, respectively. Hundreds of particles not associated with the multiparticle ejections were also observed. Photometry of the best‐observed particles, measured at phase angles between ~70° and 120°, was used to derive a linear phase coefficient of 0.013 ± 0.005 magnitudes per degree of phase angle. Ground‐based data back to 1999 show no evidence of past activity for Bennu; however, the currently observed activity is orders of magnitude lower than observed at other active asteroids and too low be observed remotely. There appears to be a gentle decrease in activity with distance from the Sun, suggestive of ejection processes such as meteoroid impacts and thermal fracturing, although observational bias may be a factor

    Ejecta Evolution Following a Planned Impact into an Asteroid: The First Five Weeks

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    The impact of the DART spacecraft into Dimorphos, moon of the asteroid Didymos, changed Dimorphos' orbit substantially, largely from the ejection of material. We present results from twelve Earth-based facilities involved in a world-wide campaign to monitor the brightness and morphology of the ejecta in the first 35 days after impact. After an initial brightening of ~1.4 magnitudes, we find consistent dimming rates of 0.11-0.12 magnitudes/day in the first week, and 0.08-0.09 magnitudes/day over the entire study period. The system returned to its pre-impact brightness 24.3-25.3 days after impact through the primary ejecta tail remained. The dimming paused briefly eight days after impact, near in time to the appearance of the second tail. This was likely due to a secondary release of material after re-impact of a boulder released in the initial impact, through movement of the primary ejecta through the aperture likely played a role.Comment: 16 pages, 5 Figures, accepted in the Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL) on October 16, 202