9 research outputs found

    Minimum spanning tree of BEXSERO<sup>®</sup> antigen sequence type (BAST) of 278 meningococcal isolates using fHbp, NHBA, NadA and PorA peptides.

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    <p>Each circle represents a BAST and the size of each circle is proportional to the frequency at which the BAST was recorded. Thick solid lines connect two circles which represents BASTs that differ at one antigen; broken lines represent two antigenic differences; thin solid lines represent three antigenic differences. Eight main clusters were observed (highlighted in grey) as assigned by the BioNumerics software, each of which contained at least two different BASTs identical at three of the four loci. The most common BAST (labelled 1a) in this study was fHbp-2.19:NadA-absent:NHBA-43:P1.22,14–6. The colours of the circles indicate the MLST clonal complexes of the isolates. A) Different colours show the different clonal complexes in which each BAST was identified. B) BASTs which are predicted to be covered by the BEXSERO<sup>®</sup> vaccine are showed coloured in grey—these BASTs include one or more of the following antigenic variants: fHbp-1 (except fHbp-1.13), NHBA-1, NHBA-2, NadA-1, NadA-2/3, and P1.7–2,4.</p

    Serogroup (Panel A) and clonal complex (Panel B) distribution per annum from 2000–2014.

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    <p>(A) Serogroup was reported for 436 IMD cases. (B) Clonal complex was reported for 278 cultured isolates. The category “Other” indicates clonal complexes with rare frequency (less than 5 isolates) and represents cc8, cc22, cc35, cc60, cc162, cc167, cc212, cc461, cc1157 and no assigned cc.</p

    Distribution of cc41/44 in different age groups.

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    <p>Panel A and Panel B show the prevalence of cc41/44 in 2000–05 and 2006–14 respectively. All other clonal complexes other than cc41/44 are shaded in grey, while all cc41/44 isolates are represented by the black and stripped boxes. The stripped boxes represent cc41/44: ST-146 only.</p

    Annual notification rates of meningococcal disease in Australia and Western Australia, 1999–2014.

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    <p>The records represent the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) data for Western Australia and Australia obtained from <a href="http://www9.health.gov.au/cda/source/rpt_4.cfm" target="_blank">http://www9.health.gov.au/cda/source/rpt_4.cfm</a>.</p