35 research outputs found

    Electron Microprobe data for Hole BT1B Oman Drilling Project

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    Electron microprobe data for Serpentine, Spinel and carbonate (magnesite and dolomite) for 11 samples from Hole BT1B, Oman Drilling project. The discussion of the data is available in the paper "Petrological study of listvenite series drilled at OmanDP Hole BT1B: Thermodynamic constraints on metasomatic sequences in the mantle atop the basal thrust of the Semail ophiolite" submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research, special collection "Ophiolites and Oceanic Lithosphere, with a focus on the Samail ophiolite in Oman"

    Lower crustal section of the Oman Ophiolite drilled in Hole GT1A, ICDP Oman Drilling Project

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    Hole GT1A (22\ub0 53.535'N, 58\ub0 30.904'E) was drilled by the Oman Drilling Project (OmDP) into GT1A of the Samail ophiolite, Oman. OmDP is an international collaboration supported by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, the Deep Carbon Observatory, NSF, IODP, JAMSTEC, and the European, Japanese, German and Swiss Science Foundations, with in-kind support in Oman from the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources, Public Authority of Mining, Sultan Qaboos University, and the German University of Technology. Hole GT1A was diamond cored in 22 Jan to 08 Feb 2017 to a total depth of 403.05 m. The outer surfaces of the cores were imaged and described on site before being curated, boxed and shipped to the IODP drill ship Chikyu, where they underwent comprehensive visual and instrumental analysis. Hole GT1A drilled the lower crustal section in the southern Oman Ophiolite and recovered 401.52 m of total cores (99.6% recovery). The main lithology is dominated by olivine gabbro (65.9%), followed in abundance by olivine-bearing gabbro (21.5%) and olivine melagabbro (3.9%). Minor rock types are orthopyroxene-bearing olivine gabbro (2.4%), oxide-bearing olivine gabbro (1.5%), gabbro (1.1%), anorthositic gabbro (1%), troctolitic gabbro (0.8%); orthopyroxene-bearing gabbro (0.5%), gabbronorite (0.3%); and dunite (0.3%). These rocks are divided into Lithologic Unit I to VII at 26.62 m, 88.16 m, 104.72 m, 154.04 m, 215.22 m, 306.94 m in Chikyu Curated Depth in descending order; Unit I and II consist of medium-grained olivine gabbro with lower olivine abundance in Unit II. Unit III is medium-grained olivine melagabbros, marked by an increase in olivine. Unit IV is relatively homogenous medium-grained olivine gabbros with granular textures. Unit V is identified by the appearance of fine-grained gabbros, but the major rocktypes are medium grained olivine gabbros. Unit VI is medium-grained olivine gabbro, marked by appearance of orthopyroxene. Unit VII is of fine- to medium-grained olivine gabbros with less olivine

    Crack properties of serpentinized peridotites from the Oman Drilling Project

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    This dataset presents crack properties of serpentinized peridotites inferred from onboard ultrasonic data during the Oman Drilling Projec

    Mineral occurrence maps of Oman Drilling Project Holes GT1A, GT2A, and GT3A

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    This dataset is the supplement for the following paper: Greenberger, R. N., Harris, M., Ehlmann, B. L., Crotteau, M. A., Kelemen, P. B., Manning, C. E., et al. (2021). Hydrothermal alteration of the ocean crust and patterns in mineralization with depth as measured by micro-imaging infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB021976. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB021976 These datasets are maps of the occurrences of key minerals and mineral groups (clinopyroxene, amphibole, chlorite, epidote, prehnite, zeolite, gypsum, calcite, and kaolinite/montmorillonite) for the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) Oman Drilling Project (OmanDP) Holes GT1A, GT2A, and GT3A. The maps were derived from imaging spectroscopy measurements of the archive half of the OmanDP cores, with methods for data acquisition described in Kelemen et al. (2020) and data analysis in Greenberger et al. (2021). The mineral occurrence maps archived here are part of the supplement of Greenberger et al. (2021) but are too large to be published through the journal. Data descriptions are in the supplement of Greenberger et al. (2021), and that paper must be cited with use of these datasets. Included files: 1. GT1A_MineralOccurrenceMaps.pdf: Maps of the occurrence of key minerals and mineral groups in Hole GT1A. 2. GT2A_MineralOccurrenceMaps.pdf: Maps of the occurrence of key minerals and mineral groups in Hole GT2A. 3. GT3A_MineralOccurrenceMaps.pdf: Maps of the occurrence of key minerals and mineral groups in Hole GT3A.Related Publication: Proceedings of the Oman Drilling Project: Scientific Drilling in the Samail Ophiolite, Sultanate of Oman Kelemen, P. B. Matter, J. M. Teagle, D. A. H. Coggon, J. A. Oman Drilling Project Science Team International Ocean Discovery Program 2020 https://doi.org/10.14379/OmanDP.proc.2020 engContact person: Rebecca Greenberger [email protected]