21 research outputs found


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    Discussions of governmental productivity typically focus on managerial improvements within bureaucratic organizations. A more balanced, political approach to governmental efficiency and effectiveness would give equal emphasis to productivity obstacles and opportunities In an agency's legislative mandate and working environment. EPA's implementation of the Toxic Substances Control Act illustrates how productivity can be signiflcantly affected by minor legislative provisions, b y the configuration of group interests and resources, and by other factors beyond the control of an administrative agency. Some of these obstacles could be reduced i f given appropriate attention in scholarly research and in policy deliberations. Copyright 1985 by The Policy Studies Organization.

    Qualidade microbiologica da carne de frango irradiada em embalagem convencional e a vácuo Microbiological evaluation of chicken breast meat irradiated in conventional and vacuum package

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    Foram avaliados os efeitos da radiação gama nas doses de 1,5 e 3,0kGy, em peitos de frango embalados em embalagem convencional e a vácuo. As amostras embaladas foram submetidas à irradiação e estocadas sob refrigeração (4ºC) por 30 dias. A radiação mostrou-se eficiente na redução de mesófilos aeróbios estritos e facultativos viáveis, coliformes totais e termotolerantes, com destaque para Salmonella spp. Os bolores e leveduras mostraram-se bastante resistentes à radiação. Os resultados sugerem que a dose de 3,0kGy pode ser utilizada no controle da microbiota do peito de frango armazenado sob refrigeração, sendo uma alternativa para o aumento da vida de prateleira por até 10 dias, ao garantir a segurança do consumidor pela eliminação de possíveis patógenos.<br>The effects of gamma radiation doses of 1.5 and 3.0kGy on chicken breasts packed under conventional or vacuum atmosphere were evaluated. The packed samples were subjected to irradiation and stored under refrigeration (4°C) for 30 days. The radiation was efficient in reducing strict and facultative aerobic mesophiles, total and fecal coliforms, and mainly Salmonella spp. The molds and yeasts were very resistant to radiation. The results suggest that gamma radiation at 3.0kGy can be used to control the microbiota in chicken breast stored under refrigeration, as an alternative to extend the shelf-life for more than ten days and ensure the food safety by eliminating potential pathogens


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    There is no shortage of warnings concerning the hazards of excessive ambition in consciously-pursued public policy. In the light of these cautions, this paper considers the appropriate ambitions for policy design. The critics have missed the target. There is no need to fear ambition in policy design, provided that openness in communications about policy is secured. Copyright 1988 by The Policy Studies Organization.