25 research outputs found

    Modeling for the Control of the Laser Aided Manufacturing Process (LAMP)

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    Many state-of-the-art Rapid Prototyping (RP) technologies adopt lasers to fabricate 3-D solid parts by material deposition in layers. The ability of these RP technologies to control the process requires a thorough understanding of the process mechanics. This paper presents the analysis of an analytical, dynamic model explaining the complex phenomenon of Laser Aided Manufacturing Process (LAMP). The equilibrium of the dynamic model is analyzed and dynamic simulations are performed to determine its stability characteristics. This model forms the basis for the real-time control of the LAMP

    Acute mental health presentations before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: A number of community based surveys have identified an increase in psychological symptoms and distress but there has been no examination of symptoms at the more severe end of the mental health spectrum. // Aims: We aimed to analyse numbers and types of psychiatric presentations to inform planning for future demand on mental health services in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. // Method: We analysed electronic data between January and April 2020 for 2534 patients referred to acute psychiatric services, and tested for differences in patient demographics, symptom severity and use of the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA), before and after lockdown. We used interrupted time-series analyses to compare trends in emergency department and psychiatric presentations until December 2020. // Results: There were 22% fewer psychiatric presentations the first week and 48% fewer emergency department presentations in the first month after lockdown initiated. A higher proportion of patients were detained under the MHA (22.2 v. 16.1%) and Mental Capacity Act 2005 (2.2 v. 1.1%) (χ2(2) = 16.3, P < 0.0001), and they experienced a longer duration of symptoms before seeking help from mental health services (χ2(3) = 18.6, P < 0.0001). A higher proportion of patients presented with psychotic symptoms (23.3 v. 17.0%) or delirium (7.0 v. 3.6%), and fewer had self-harm behaviour (43.8 v. 52.0%, χ2(7) = 28.7, P < 0.0001). A higher proportion were admitted to psychiatric in-patient units (22.2 v. 18.3%) (χ2(6) = 42.8, P < 0.0001) after lockdown. // Conclusions: UK lockdown resulted in fewer psychiatric presentations, but those who presented were more likely to have severe symptoms, be detained under the MHA and be admitted to hospital. Psychiatric services should ensure provision of care for these patients as well as planning for those affected by future COVID-19 waves

    Not Available

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    Not AvailableA detailed soil survey (at 1:8000 scale) was carried out in Chikkarsinkere Hobli covering an area of 16,873 ha. The survey area was divided into three major landforms, namely uplands, midlands and lowlands. Based on variation in physiography and landform, five soil series were identified in lowlands. Five typifying pedons representing the soil series were analysed for its physico-chemical properties and characterized for mapping. Soils of the lowlands are deep to very deep, well drained to somewhat poorly drained, dark colored, heavy textured and are developed over granite and gneissic parent materials. pH of the soils ranged from 7.4 to 9.4 with a mean value of 8.4, EC ranged between 0.09 to 0.62 dSm-1 with a mean value of 0.27 dSm-1, OC varied from 0.7 to 13.7 g kg-1 with a mean value of 5.95 g kg-1, CEC ranged from 0.57 to 38.7 cmol(p+)kg- 1 with a mean value of 15.88 cmol(p+)kg-1 and CaCO3 ranged between 0 to 50 g kg-1 with a mean value of 20.62 g kg-1.Not Availabl

    A Route to Stabilize Uranium(II) and Uranium(I) Synthons in Multimetallic Complexes

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    International audienceHerein, we report the redox reactivity of a multimetallic uranium complex supported by triphenylsiloxide (−OSiPh 3 ) ligands, where we show that low valent synthons can be stabilized via an unprecedented mechanism involving intramolecular ligand migration. The two‐ and three‐electron reduction of the oxo‐bridged diuranium(IV) complex [{(Ph 3 SiO) 3 (DME)U} 2 ( μ ‐O)], 4 , yields the formal “U II /U IV ”, 5 , and “U I /U IV ”, 6 , complexes via ligand migration and formation of uranium‐arene δ‐bond interactions. Remarkably, complex 5 effects the two‐electron reductive coupling of pyridine affording complex 7 , which demonstrates that the electron‐transfer is accompanied by ligand migration, restoring the original ligand arrangement found in 4 . This work provides a new method for controlling the redox reactivity in molecular complexes of unstable, low‐valent metal centers, and can lead to the further development of f ‐elements redox reactivity

    &quot; ! I r Identification and categorisation of agricultural drought-prone zones of Andhra Pradesh

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    Abstract Drought-prone areas in Andhra Pradesh were identified using long-term weekly rainfall data. Seasonal variation in rainfall and percentage deviation from the mean, dry-spells during the crop growing season and the frequency of occurrence of drought were analysed. The length of growing period as an index for the period of soil moisture sufficiency was worked out using weekly rainfall, soil water storage, actual evaporation, potential evapotranspiration and moisture adequacy index. The drought-prone areas were further refined and categorized as mild, moderate, severe and chronic agricultural drought-prone zones based on the length of growing period, rainfall variability, frequency of recurrence of drought and number of dry spells. The study indicated that about 11.57 M ha (42%) covering 13 districts and spread over 64 taluks in the state are subjected to different degrees of agricultural drought either fully or partially. Mild drought-prone areas cover about 1.96 M ha, and the areas under moderate. severe and chronic are 4.73 M ha, 2.91 M ha and 1.93 M ha in the state, respectively. The region wise distribution indicated that the largest drought-prone area is concentrated in Rayalaseema region(85%) followed by Telangana (33%) and the least in the coastal (21 %) region. AdditionaL key words: Soil water balance, length of growing period • Droughts are of common occurrence in Andhra Pradesh. Drought is a natural hazard caused by insufficient rainfall resulting in the deficiency of soil moisture in the soil profile which adversely affects agriculture and agricultural productivity. The National Commission on Agriculture (1976) has classified drought into meteorological, hydrological and agricultural drought. Drought is a period of atleast 15 consecutive days, none of which had rainfall of 0.25mm or mor

    AFOMP Policy No 5: career progression for clinical medical physicists in AFOMP countries

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    This policy statement, which is the fifth of aseries of documents being prepared by the Asia-OceaniaFederation of Organizations for Medical Physics ProfessionalDevelopment Committee, gives guidance on howclinical medical physicists’ careers should progress fromtheir initial training to career end. It is not intended to beprescriptive as in some AFOMP countries career structuresare already essentially defined by employment awards andbecause such matters will vary considerably from countryto country depending on local culture, employment practicesand legislation. It is intended to be advisory and setout options for member countries and employers of clinicalmedical physicists to develop suitable career structures

    AFOMP Policy Statement No. 4: Recommendations for continuing professional development systems for medical physicists in AFOMP countries

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    This policy statement, which is the fourth of a series of documents being prepared by the Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics Committees Professional Development Committee, gives guidance on how member countries could develop a continuing professional development system for ensuring that its clinical medical physicists are up-to-date in their knowledge and practice. It is not intended to be prescriptive as there are already several CPD systems successfully operated by AFOMP member countries and elsewhere that vary considerably in scope and structure according to local culture, practice and legislation but all of which are capable of ensuring that physicists are up-to-date. It is intended to be advisory and set out options for member countries to develop their individual CPD systems