38 research outputs found

    New discovery of a large-sized Tetraconodon (Artiodactyla, Suidae) from the lower part of the Irrawaddy Formation, Myanmar

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    New fossil dentitions of a large-sized Tetraconodon (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Suidae) were discovered from the lower part of the Irrawaddy Formation, Migyaungye Township, Magway Division, central Myanmar. These specimens are the largest among the Tetraconodon specimens ever found in Myanmar. The molar dimensions of these specimens are similar with those of Tetraconodon magnus but are smaller in the dimensions of last two premolars than T. magnus. Therefore, we assigned these specimens as Tetraconodon sp. cf. T. magnus. The occurrence of a large Tetraconodon confirms an Upper Miocene age for the lower part of the Irrawaddy Formation

    Дакументальныя крыніцы па гісторыі беларускай праваслаўнай царквы ХХ ст. у архівах Беларусі: праблемы іх публікацыі і навуковага выкарыстання

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    The phylogenetic status of Sivachoerus is re-evaluated according to the new materials recovered from the central Myanmar. Sivachoerus had also been known from the Pliocene Siwalik sediments of Indian Subcontinent. Compared to Siwalik specimens, Myanmar specimens are poorly known and have not been confirmed their geological age yet. New evidence for the discovery of Sivachoerus from the Irrawaddy Formation presumed that Sivachoerus has appeared during the Pliocene in Myanmar, Southeast Asia. Dental morphology and chronology of Sivachoenu strongly support the 'African origin' hypothesis than the 'Asian origin' of this genus. Stvachoerus probably evolved from the African Nyanzachoerus rather than the Asian Conohvus, during the Late Miocene, and migrated to Asia during the latest Miocene

    Discovery of Propotamochoerus (Artiodactyla, Suidae) from the Neogene of Myanmar

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    Dento-gnathic specimens of Propotamochoerus (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Suidae) were discovered from the upper Miocene and lower Pliocene of the Irrawaddy Group, central Myanmar. These specimens were identified as Propotamochoerus hysudricus and Propotamochoerus sp. cf. P. hysudricus. The discovery of P. cf. hysudricus from the lower Pliocene indicates a younger stratigraphic position of this genus. Small size of the premolars in the lower Pliocene specimens possibly suggests an intermediate stage of dental evolution for this form

    The first discovery of Parachleuastochoerus (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Suidae) from the Late Miocene of Myanmar

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    In this study, the discovery of a small-sized tetraconodont suid, Parachleuastochoerus (Mammalia , Artiodactyla, Suidae) from the Mingin and Yenangyaung townships of Myanmar is reported The maxillary and mandibular fragments of Parachleuastochoerus, are firstly recorded from the basal pan of the Irrawaddy Formation (Late Miocene) of Myanmar, The denial characteristics in Myanmar specks compared to Europe, southern China and Thailand species indicate that Parachleuastochoerus sp. of Myanmar might be an "intermediate" form, which may have occurred during the migration of from Europe to Asia

    ミャンマー チュウブ ニ オケル シンダイサンキ ノ イノシシ ト カバ ノ コセイブツガクテキ カイセキ

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    京都大学0048新制・課程博士博士(理学)甲第13657号理博第3315号新制||理||1487(附属図書館)UT51-2008-C575京都大学大学院理学研究科生物科学専攻(主査)教授 髙井 正成, 教授 正高 信男, 教授 渡邊 邦夫学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of ScienceKyoto UniversityDA

    Review on the taxonomic status of Hexaprotodon iravaticus (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Hippopotamidae) from the Neogene of Myanmar

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    The taxonomic status of the primitive hippopotamuses, Hexaprotodon iravaticus, is reevaluated. This species is interested for its smaller size and narrow symphysis which are the characters of the primitive Hexaprotodon species. Because of the lectotype, it is not an adult specimen and poorly known on its recovered horizonand age, Hex. iravaticus has been rejected from the phylogenetic analyses and discussion of Asian Hippopotamidae. Recently, well preserved dental and partial skull materials of fossil hippopotamuses are newly discovered from the Neogene sediments of Myanmar. That discovery prompted to reclassify the fossil hippopotamuses of Asia, resulting the adult specimens has also shown distinguishable taxonomic characters and the Pliocene discovery for Hex. iravaticus

    Review on the taxonomic status of Hexaprotodon iravaticus (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Hippopotamidae) from the Neogene of Myanmar

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    The taxonomic status of the primitive hippopotamuses, Hexaprotodon iravaticus, is reevaluated. This species is interested for its smaller size and narrow symphysis which are the characters of the primitive Hexaprotodon species. Because of the lectotype is not an adult specimen and poorly known on its recovered horizon and age, Hex. iravaticus has been rejected from the phylogenetic analyses and discussion of Asian Hippopotamidae. Recently, well preserved dental and partial skull materials of fossil hippopotamuses are newly discovered from the Neogene sediments of Myanmar. That discovery prompted to reclassify the fossil hippopotamuses of Asia, resulting the adult specimens has also shown distinguishable taxonomic characters and the Pliocene discovery for Hex. iravaticus

    Some aspects of the cattle economy of Burma : 1948 to 1984

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    Agriculture is still the main stay of the Burmese economy and the livestock sub-sector is an integral part of the agricultural sector. Use of draught cattle , which is the main source of power , is significantly related to the intensity of cultivation. Livestock are maintained by small farmers as part of mixed farming , in this way these two sectors are complementary and inter-dependent. The main objective of this study is to examine the aspects of the cattle economy of Burma since independence and the consequences of State policy in this field. Much has been done in the agricultural sector since independence, especially beginning from the early 1960s and effects have started to become noticeable since the late 1970s. The livestock sector is targeted to increase at an average annual growth rate of 5.34 percent in net value of output (at constant 1969-70 prices) during the Twenty - Year Plan (1974-75 to 1993-94). However, actual growth rate during the first decade (1974 - 75 to 1983 - 84 ) was 4.49 percent , less than the desired rate . Growth of agriculture has been substantial and growth in numbes of draught cattle though higher in recent decades than in the past is still not sufficient , because of the dispersion of land among the peasants. During the past decade, as the rate of expansion draught cattle was faster than that of total sown area, average sown area per yoke has been declining. Percapita consumption of meat is fairly low and percapita consumption of milk is very low, in fact lowest in the Asian region. To improve the situation, the State has been encouraging individuals and organizations to take up and or improve animal rearing for milk production. A milk processing plant is being established with Australian aid. Recent policy initiatives (since the late 1970s) and establishment of a separate Ministry of Livestock Breeding and Fisheries (in 1983) including initiatives like livestock insurance and loan schemes, the milk processing plant and improved breeding programmes should help to improve performance of the sector. Due to constraints of data availability this study has been restricted to an overall view of the sector°s performance . Periodic indepth studies of the sector (with appropriate data base) will help in identification of bottlenecks and formulation of appropriate corrective policy

    New discovery of anthracotheres (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Middle Miocene of Sagaing Region, Upper Myanmar

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    In this study, anthracotheres from the Middle Miocene of Sagaing Region, Upper Myanmar are re-investigated and newly discovered dental specimens are described. In Myanmar, two Middle Miocene localities are well known for anthracotheres, Male and Thanbinkan localities. Sagaing Region. Four species of anthracotberes (Microbunodon silistrensis, two definite bothriodont anthracotheres and cf. Anthracotherium ingens) are recognized. Most of these are forest-dwelling brachyodont and bunodont species suggesting that their habitats were not open land (savanna) but forest environment with relatively humid, thick forests and large rivers, located not so far from the sea shore

    New discovery of anthracotheres (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Middle Miocene of Sagaing Region, Upper Myanmar

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    In this study, anthracotheres from the Middle Miocene of Sagaing Region, Upper Myanmar are re-investigated and newly discovered dental specimens are described. In Myanmar, two Middle Miocene localities are well known for anthracotheres, Male and Thanbinkan localities, Sagaing Region. Four species of anthracotheres (Microbunodon silistrensis, two definite bothriodont anthracotheres and cf. Anthracotherium ingens) are recognized. Most of these are forest- dwelling brachyodont and bunodont species suggesting that their habitats were not open land (savanna) but forest environment with relatively humid, thick forests and large rivers, located not so far from the sea shore